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E8 theory really fantastic, The natural things like flowers and man made beautiful things are equated by this E8 everything theory


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2 months later

Please note that off-topic posts will be deleted or moved. The discussion about Mohamed El Naschie that has taken over this forum, has been moved here: http://fqxi.org/community/forum/topic/395. If you wish to post something further about El Naschie, please do so at this new topic page.


K Rajanna


a month later
  • [deleted]

does your theory predicts the existence of gravitons and the higgs bosson?

  • [deleted]

Dear 1/1/09 Anonymous,

Your question was an astute one, and worthy of more than a simple "yes" answer.

Lisi's Table 9 on page 16 summarizes the 240 roots of E8. Most of these particles have an obvious meaning. Lisi dedicates 192 degrees of freedom to the three generations of Fermions. Certain relevant particles, such as the gravitational frame-Higgs, e-phi, and the generation-Higgs, x-phi, have an unclear meaning.

In his matrix equation on page 18, Lisi specifies his 8 basis vectors and thus completes the 248 "dimensions" of E8. These 8 basis vectors include mixtures of gluon 3, gluon 8, photon, Z, Pati-Salam B, a new generational boson associated with the w quantum number, and two graviton degrees of freedom (omega L and omega R).

In Section 3.1, Lisi decomposes the e-phi and x-phi terms. The implication is that the 16 degrees of freedom of e-phi yield the Standard Model Higgs plus some extra Higgs, and the 18 degrees of freedom of x-phi may yield either the CKM and PMNS matrices or something similar to the X and Y bosons of a Georgi-Glashow SU(5) GUT (similar in that these allow lepton-quark transitions, different in that they are generation dependent).

Dear Garrett,

"Yes" was a short-cut answer. I hope my answer is satisfactory. Please reply if I goofed.

Sincerely, Ray Munroe

  • [deleted]

does your theory actually account for the direction of time?

if so how and how does it actually take into account the amount of space not = 1 and can it function on a level less than a plank length. fancy mathematics are cool but the string theorists have already proven that.

7 days later
  • [deleted]

Dear 1/7/09 Anonymous,

By "direction of time" are you referring to the Second Law of Thermodynamics or the Minkowski metric?

I don't think that Lisi has developed E8 to the extent that he can answer your question. I think Lisi's E8 has other weaknesses as well, but he has convinced me to consider the possibility of an Exceptional TOE despite my prior biases in favor of SU(N) or SO(N) GUT's or TOE's.

Is this a winner-take-all contest between E8 and String Theory, or could both contain a hint of truth? I'm working on a transfinite quasi-exceptional E12 because I think it is large enough to contain both E8 and a 12-dimensional String Theory.

Dear Garrett,

I need to get Exceptional TOE's out of my system. I see other interesting projects on the horizon. Specifically, Leonard Malinowski's upcoming paper in CS&F has renewed my interest in Dirac's Large Numbers Hypothesis. Would you be interested in working together to develop E12?

Sincerely, Ray Munroe

  • [deleted]

OK - Here goes my best shot at answering the Anonymous 1/07 question...

Lisi wrote down the Action S, not the Entropy S. It is simple enough to define Entropy. Following the methods of Claude Shannon, we could define S = (-k)*(Sum over i of (pi*ln(pi))) where pi is the occupation probability of the ith particle state.

The problem is deriving this from the first principles of an Exceptional TOE, but I think it can be done.

The first step is to determine the correct Exceptional TOE. E8 is nice, but E8, E10, E11, E12, E14, etc. all lead to different particle multiplets and branes. The correct gravity-brane and spinors (or twisters) will reproduce General Relativity (including Minkowski's metric) and Dirac's Large Number. Anything else is a waste of time.

The second step is to take the limit as this Exceptional TOE approaches E-infinity. I think this intersection is the key to the statistical nature of Thermodynamics (including Entropy) and the Path Integral formulation of Quantum Mechanics. I think that this is also the root of String Theory's 10^500 parameters, the Planck scale, Einstein's Hidden Variables, and Dirac's Large Number - some of the greatest mysteries of Modern Physics. Please refer to the upcoming papers by Leonard Malinowki in CS&F for more details.

Lisi's "Theory of Everything" is not intended to include "everything" at this point, but it (or a similar Exceptional TOE) certainly has the capacity to include such.

And I would like to restate that an Exceptional TOE is not necessarily opposed to String Theory. The correct Exceptional TOE should be able to reproduce parts of String Theory (if both the Exceptional TOE and String Theory are true, then the Correspondence Principle would demand this). The wrong Exceptional TOE will understand its deficiencies relative to String Theory and will, therefore, oppose String Theory.

Sincerely, Ray Munroe

Dear S. Marek,

Please note that we moved the El-Naschie discussion even though some comments were partially relevant to this thread, because it strayed completely away from FAQs for Lisi (or even discussion of his work) and grew too large to be contained on this thread.


K Rajanna

  • [deleted]

thank you ray. (I was anonymous 1/07 )

Actually yes I was referring to the 2nd law of thermodynamics. A theory of everything will have to explain the 2nd law which quantum mechanics and relativity and string and e8 and loop quantum gravity etc. have not done as far as I can see. Its OK to include shannons mathematical model but insufficient to explain the 2nd law as a must.

also you forgot to include space not = 1. yes anything smaller than a plank length has been neatly looked past not explained

  • [deleted]

Dear Daniel,

You are correct that the Second Law of Thermodynamics is extremely important, and it would be relevant to understand why the 2nd law is a must.

I did mention that the Planck scale is one of those myteries of modern physics (and I goofed Leonard Malinowski's name). Yes, maybe that isn't a very good answer.

I realize that the name "theory of everything" pompously implies that we actually understand "everything", and we clearly aren't there yet. But the physics community prefers to use TOE over GUT (Grand Unified Theory) when Gravity is included.

I still think that E-infinity should be important to both of these questions.

Sincerely, Ray Munroe

6 days later
  • [deleted]

I still see a strong correlation between Quantum E8 theory and M-Theory.

  • [deleted]

I can tell you right now that the human race is incompetant. I mean the very idea that matter is actually something is just stupid...Something being created from nothing. Thats the "smartest" thing i've ever heard from the scientific community. You think that atoms have positive and negative charges, and thats that. Well, heres a little question. Why? Mabe if you "scientists" would figure this out. I wouldn't have to tell you how the universe was created. Oh, and I can tell you right now. God didn't do it.

  • [deleted]

Guess what, i'm feeling generous. I'll tell you the meaning of life, and how life is made. LIFE has no meaning. Life is just a continuous chemical, and phisical reaction put together like a computer, but instead of wires and metal. We consist of numerous reactants and catalisks that, because they are so unstable. Couldn't stop reacting and growing. Eventually adapting to its surroundings to enable it to keep growing. Moving, talking, and even thought itself are just bi-products of it.

5 days later
  • [deleted]

I was 19 when I realized if I wanted to visualize quantum objects I could not mention it in Academic circles. I spent 18 years as a Chemist at Merck saving money and developing my ideas. I spent the past 3 years developing Fractal Physics. CS&F is about to publish a summary of some of my findings. I continue to have amazing success in every field of Physics that I apply Fractal Physics.

I am attaching my summary article. Please look at it and try to apply its ideas to you field of choice. You will be impressed with your progress.Attachment #1: CHAOS_6566.pdf

  • [deleted]


Scientists like you, Garrett Lisi, Tevian Dray, and "Prof. E." continue to inspire me. But I can't find Malinowski LJ. Fractal Physics theory and scale relativity. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals (2009), doi:10.1016/j.chaos.2009.01.002 on the internet yet. Good Luck!

Sincerely, Ray Munroe

a month later
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Dear Mr. Malinowski,

this may be not the right place, but I am very impressed by your papers and I want to ask you if I can work with you in my post-doctoral phase. I think your work is able to bring E-Infinity to the next step and together, we could work on the fractal aspects of E-Infinity+1 theory which will make predictions for all particles that may be found in the LHC or the VLHC (to take up duty autumn 2025). I was reading all your papers and publications and would be very happy if you would take my unhumble request to accept my admiration.

For any details of our future work, contact me, or better, check your email and your phone mailbox and get back to me.

Yours sincerely,

Martin Klicken


  • [deleted]

Hi all ,

What a beautiful thread ,relevant ,...

Let's unify all centers of interest(Math,Phys,.....astronomy,.universe ,philosophy ) ,I think always about the spherization like foundamental ,the velocity ,the mass ,the space ,the time ,the codes ,the borders between the math world and the physic world .

I repeat ,the Universal limit are different than E infinity .

Dear Garret ,what do you think about an ultimate spheroidal coded particle with its numerous combinations,and the spherization in Time Space Universal future sphere

...small coded ultimate spheres with an intrinsic coded ,like a coded incompressible liquid .Let's imagine .

In all case many extrapolations are possible .

Thanks for your ideas dear all ,I m happy to see this kind of discussions

Kinds Regards


  • [deleted]

Hi all ,

dear Garret ,I have seen your work on arxiv .I like a lot because it's in correlation with my spherization Theory ,always the balance between the walls (Math/Phys).

All systems are in correlation with the sphere ,the spheroid ,...the spherization is foundamental and that everywhere in all topics of interest .

The problem is this one ,the combinations before the ultimate spheric coded particles and its comportments in Time Space ,how many strenghts ,forces before the ultimate particle ?

I see now the fractal theory ,personnally ,its states are interesting to extrapolate ,but I see that as a a detail of the globality ,the Time too is important to encircle this theory, the fratal is a ,a part of evolution,the rapport between logarythmes is interesting to build some geometries .

Sorry all, but it's new for me Fractals and all these new theories ,

I am going to continue to make some links between these new datas and my theory .

Thanks all for your works and your minds .It completes my research about foundamental spherization and the perfect balance and harmony.

Kinds Regards
