• [deleted]

The Poynting vector ExH = ħk used in |ExH|/ω = ħ can be used in the CHSH inequality, where implicit is the quantum of electric and magnetic field. The Heisenberg uncertainty principle ΔpΔx = ħ/2 holds for the minimal electric and magnetic fields

E_0(ω) = sqrt{ħω/2Vε}, B_0(ω) = sqrt{ħVε/2ω}

with E_0(ω)B_0(ω) = ħ/2. Here ω is the frequency of the field-wave, ε is the electric permittivity of the vacuum and V is a volume used in this box normalization. E_0(ω) and B_0(ω) are the fluctuations in the electric and magnetic field at a particular frequency for that field-wave. A photon is then built from these minimal units. This vector quantity can be used in the CHSH inequality, which is a form of the Bell inequality.

Your scheme is a putative way that quantum physics has an underlying "wiring" or mechanism that is classical. It is very unlikely that any such hypothesis is going to win the day.

Cheers LC

  • [deleted]

:) and princeton which becomes crazy.....

4 days later
  • [deleted]

"What an entangled web we weave, when first ourselves we do deceive!"

(with apologies to Sir Walter Scott)

Universal de Broglie waves and quantum entanglement are inconsistent with physical realism, but have long been accepted as established facts. Dropping these "facts" leads to a simple self-consistent physical picture (as presented in the essay), which has not previously been examined. This is not a classical picture; matter is composed of confined quantum fields, which require quantum transitions to change their coherent internal oscillations (rotations). But unlike the statistical Copenhagen interpretation, here classical physics arises directly from these coherent quantum oscillations, with no mysterious decoherence. This is conceptually elegant, in contrast to the awkward hybrid of Wave-Particle Duality. This is a direct challenge to quantum orthodoxy, and deserves to be examined carefully.

    Dear Alan Kadin,

    When you mention wave-particle duality, that means to me "wave OR particle" whereas there is also the possibility (as Bell points out) of "wave AND particle" of the type I treat in my essay, The Nature of the Wave Function .

    In your New Quantum Paradigm "there are no point particles or entangled probability waves, and classical trajectories follow directly from coherent quantum dynamics." If you read my essay closely, you will find that we agree on these points. You state that "matter is composed of confined quantum fields". We agree on this also, although I am not sure that our confinement mechanisms are identical. Mine are described elsewhere, and I do not recall that you explained in any detail how yours are confined.

    You are quite certain that there is no wave involved, but as I show in my essay, the weak field equations of general relativity imply that there *is* a wave induced by each material particle. Are you rejecting general relativity also?

    You say, "This is the key physical picture of the NQP; matter consists of spatially localized coherently rotating relativistic vector fields, each rotating at its characteristic frequency." To some extent this also describes the matter in my theory, although, as I mentioned above, I believe that our means of confinement differ. It appears that your frequency is simply the Zitterbewegung frequency. Is there a difference? So we agree to some extent, but we part company with "Within the NQP, electrons and photons are waves, while neutrons and atoms are particles "

    Do you have a description of your confinement mechanism that you can direct me to? And do you explain how charge arises and how the probability interpretation must fit in with your model. As you mention above, it is quite easy to deceive ourselves.

    Edwin Eugene Klingman

    10 days later
    • [deleted]

    Wonderful essay! While the wave-particle debate continues (for the additional 12 years you have allowed!), every physics book should include your Table 1 in the Introductory Chapter... just to get people thinking. Conceptually, I find it difficult to sort out which are the starting assumptions and which are the related assertions. I wonder if the idea of "point particles with mass" isn't the initial error - the faulty starting assumption on which the particle-wave duality is then built. If the singularity of a massive point particle is not assumed, then all the theoretical paraphernalia built around that assumption becomes unnecessary. Isn't that what the quark theorists today have constructed?

    7 days later
    • [deleted]

    Dear Alan,

    Please accept my sincere apology for confusing your first name with Alexander in Jonathan Dickau's thread. In my essay I quoted you as A Kadin, and the style of reasoning in your essay was the only one with this contest which I kept worth quoting even if I do not exclude that you could be wrong but for instance Edwin Klingman correct.



    a month later

    There are many ideas here I agree with and others I do not. I am not convinced that neutrons are not a matter wave, like you say. How would the distance between scattering centers express itself except by wave interference? Also, neutron waves cancel out in interferometers. So to me (and many others), it has been firmly established that we cannot use particles to explain neutron interference. Please illuminate me if I missed something. Also, you seem to embrace hf=mc^2 for matter. Every time I work it out numerically, it does not work. Try it for electron interference. I contend that light is classical, and the wave effects in matter are due to a matter-wave. The particle-like effects are due to loading and thereshold effects. I tested my ideas by splitting the gamma-ray and alpha-ray, each as a wave in an essay here in this contest: A Challenge to Quantized Absorption by Experiment and Theory (1344). I further conclude that matter can take on either a particle OR wave state. It is all in my essay in detail. I would like to hear your feedback. Thank you, Eric Reiter.

    • [deleted]

    It is with great joy I read your essay about the New Quantum Paradigm.

    The hypothesises of non-local entanglement and of wave-particle duality is the two most unsatisfying concepts I find in physics. NQP seems to be a possible and elegant way out of the mess.

    Whather or not your essay is recieved well in the contest, I appreciate it a lot.

    Andreas Bøe, Norway

    10 days later
    • [deleted]

    Dear Drs. Klingman and Kadin,

    I have read Dr. Kadin's essay several times, and I truly believe that he does NOT suggest that fundamental quantum entities are quantum waves. These waves, with an amplitude and a phase, interfere with other quantum waves, and produce results that are decidedly NOT classical.

    According to this understanding, quarks, which are fundamental quantum entities, behave wavelike, but neutrons, in which quarks are confined, can be described by a relativistic Hamiltonian that is consistent with the new QM picture, yet leads to a classical trajectory.

    • [deleted]

    Dear Dr. Kadin,

    You and I have been arguing Quantum Mechanics for many years. I originally thought all "particles" behaved as waves. Over the years, and especially after reading your essay, I finally have a visceral, mathematical, and deeper understanding this subject. The concept of fundamental quantum fields and quantum entities such as quarks and electrons, with quantized spin and charge, is compelling. The distinction of composite particles from their fundamental constituent fundamental entities is key to understanding things like neutron diffraction.

    The heuristic device of looking back from a future time was amusing, but an interesting choice, considering the NQP is not widely accepted today. What you have, though, is a good foundation for a step-by-step re-examination of QM.

    Perhaps the strongest aspect of your essay is the exposition of quantum mechanics by going step by step, examining caviats and "simplifications" that were handed to us by our professors. The best example of this is the inclusion of the i(mc^2)t/hbar exponent in the wave function and how an engineer could easily see the suppression of the relativistic "carrier wave" is suppressed by a downconversion process to arrive at the usual Schrödinger equation.

    For all these reasons, your essay should rank with the highest-rated essays submitted. However, there is one attribute that is paramount -- your exposition is clear and accessible to anyone willing to read it carefully. There is nothing particularly arcane in it to the scientifically minded. Nevertheless, my understanding after reading it is truly profound. Re-examination of neutron scattering experiments and Bose-Einstein work with fermions are two phenomena that need to be compared to your NQP.

    Dear Steven B. Kaplan,

    I do not suggest that fundamental quantum entities are quantum waves either, but that they exist as particles and *induce* waves according to the equations described in my essay. In my model the composite particles would also induce such associated waves, although, having less mass density than elementary particles, the waves would be correspondingly 'weaker'. Both particles would, within context, lead to 'classical' trajectories.

    As noted we do agree that that particles form from a self-interacting field and do not shrink to a point particle but are essentially spin-stabilized.


    Edwin Eugene Klingman

    5 days later

    If you do not understand why your rating dropped down. As I found ratings in the contest are calculated in the next way. Suppose your rating is [math]R_1 [/math] and [math]N_1 [/math] was the quantity of people which gave you ratings. Then you have [math]S_1=R_1 N_1 [/math] of points. After it anyone give you [math]dS [/math] of points so you have [math]S_2=S_1+ dS [/math] of points and [math]N_2=N_1+1 [/math] is the common quantity of the people which gave you ratings. At the same time you will have [math]S_2=R_2 N_2 [/math] of points. From here, if you want to be R2 > R1 there must be: [math]S_2/ N_2>S_1/ N_1 [/math] or [math] (S_1+ dS) / (N_1+1) >S_1/ N_1 [/math] or [math] dS >S_1/ N_1 =R_1[/math] In other words if you want to increase rating of anyone you must give him more points [math]dS [/math] then the participant`s rating [math]R_1 [/math] was at the moment you rated him. From here it is seen that in the contest are special rules for ratings. And from here there are misunderstanding of some participants what is happened with their ratings. Moreover since community ratings are hided some participants do not sure how increase ratings of others and gives them maximum 10 points. But in the case the scale from 1 to 10 of points do not work, and some essays are overestimated and some essays are drop down. In my opinion it is a bad problem with this Contest rating process. I hope the FQXI community will change the rating process.

    Sergey Fedosin

    2 years later

    Hi Alan and everyone,

    I pretty much concur with your idea of the rotating field. I have referred to it as a rotating wave of the electron (or positron or more generally the fermion). The electromagnetic wave is rotated about its axis of spin in the case of a 'stationary' rotating wave. One way for the electron rotating wave to move in forward motion is along its axis of spin. This is illustrated in my attachment which is an update to website I uploaded some time ago. Basically, I resolved a simple and corrected Riemannian curvature derivation from the rotating wave form which the attached includes.

    The big thing I realized is that when put in forward (translational) motion, the rotating wave has to incline at an angle to obey laws of electromagnetic theory. That inclined wave is allowed to go forward in motion and trace out a helical path, rather than just a circular path of 'stationary' electron. The inclined angle of the rotating wave thus causes length contraction and the helical path is stretched out and it takes a longer time to complete a cycle, thus causing the slowing or dilation of time. To me that is the Cylindrical Condition and covers the Special Theory of Relativity.

    As to the General Theory of Relativity, I think it is the rotating waves of matter that impart some of the binding energy of rotation to incidental waves of matter and light, thus causing the apparent bending of space. This impart of energy results in a general expansion and slowing down of time which I refer to as the Spiral Condition. A rotating wave must have a spiral form as well as helical, in order to manifest intrinsic curvature. The rotating wave thus predicts the expansion of the universe and slowing down of time right from the get go.

    I was told by a mentor that we have to get outside the box and get uncomfortable. If I am comfortable, then I am just regurgitating. Well documented facts are of course worth keeping, but seen in a different light might enable us to progress further. Coincidentally, I was reading the Evolution of Physics by Albert Einstein and Leopold Infeld and particularly the Michelson Morley 1887 experiment. I simply stepped outside the experiment and wondered if the null result of fringe shift was due to the fact that everyone, the room, the apparatus, and of course earth were all being transmitted through space just like light was, because after all, matter is energy. That inspired me to come up with a model of matter and the rotating wave fit and began to explain relativity, mass, charge, and gravity. It indeed met with opposition and the only way I could publish it was on the internet.

    That to me also explained wave mechanics and relativity together. Even if it is just mimickry, perhaps consideration of rotating waves (or fields) might enable us to see further. It might also enable us to conceptualize and create models of an Rotating EM Wave and thus fabricate an electromagnetic propeller that would push on 'space-time' and as a massless rocket not eject pollution into our future of space. Truly, the consideration of this new paradigm of rotating fields or waves is important to the foundation of physics.

    My father once said: "Sometimes it hurts to learn."

    Bill ChristieAttachment #1: Rotating_Wave_-_Wavicle.pdf

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