Thanks Stephen
Change of velocity is defined locally as a change of the index of refraction n= c/v where v is the local speed of light. These ideas were explored briefly by Thomas Young and later Eddington, and are a basic concept in my Beautiful Universe Theory . Speed of light in Maxwell's equations is related to the ratio of the permittivity and permeability. You say the formulation is more complex than that in the presence of gravitation...but what if (n) is linearly related to the local dielectric density of the rotating dipole- nodes, in units of (h)? Wouldn't that then relate angular momentum in (h) to permittivity to permeability to (V) ? You have a more systematic mathematical mind and training it will be nice if the relations are linear as I anticipate they are. Anyway this is a rather unfocused off the cuff reply, and it obviously needs more analysis. In my studies of streamline diffraction in the 1980's I speculate that the bending of the diffracted streamlines around the obstacle are exactly akin to the bending of light in (GR)= ie the speed slows down with curvature and deceleration.
I strongly feel that this needs to to come out of whatever simple final theory of gravity proves correct both in the very near atomic and far fields.
By the way read Juan Miguel Marín's essay here - he relates density to Riemann geometry.
Best wishes,