Hi Israel,
Ref. [6] is to be found in the line of [5] because the contest allowed just one page of references. The original sapere aude seems to be no longer available via http://www.btinternet.com/~sapere.aude . An impressive list of those who signed [5] and some papers by Paul Marmet also disappeared.
I already replied to your very comprehensive reply to my comment that mentioned Gericke as someone who made very convincing as well as fertile experiments. Perhaps you know that von Essen called Einstein's 1905 paper on moving bodies the worst one he ever read mainly because Einstein did not perform experiments.
While I am not a physicist and I did not deal with Einstein's relativity for all the more than 40 years when I was teaching at Otto-von-Guericke-University, I cannot hide that his method of synchronization looks naively subjectivist to me.
I consider the method by Poincaré (Potier) only convincing in case emitter A and receiver B do not move relative to each other.
PS: Being short of time at the moment, I promise to reply more in detail and to all others later.