Dear Eckard,
Thanks for letting me know that you intend to read my essay and comment on it.
I would like to let you know that my essay directly addressed to topic of the competition - namely the primordial foundational problems (unlike many other essays - yet ironically it is way down in the list).
To quote: "We may note that among the problematic foundational concepts created by Newton that have congenitally infected RT and QM are a) the primacy of the concepts of space and time, b) representation of bodies as mass-points without internal structure, c) consideration of centrifugal force as a pseudo-force, d) the closed system with the consequent inability to account for inflow and outflow of energy between the system and the field etc. e) Not recognizing that it is by the two quantities of energy (Mc2 and pc) fusing together to form a system that motion occurs. f) the omission of the fact that a fraction of the applied energy of motion pc gets usurped for the co-movement with the location. g) Not developing the theory with state changes of energy as the basis of its physical geometry. With these congenital foundational problems being inherent in these two progeny theories as well, it should be obvious that revamping of physics must begin from where the problems originated".
Thus the first six pages of my essay is to show how physics arrived at the point where Newtonian mechanics became incapable of explaining relativistic phenomena, which manifest in cases of fast moving objects.
It shows that Einstein understood that Newtonian foundation was fictitious. Einstein knew that the "Right Way" was to formulate a theory on the same lines as TD, but instead of finding a theory based on first principles (as in TD), he added more fictions. And I show why he had to stick to this fictitious path. It is because, Einstein discarded the dynamic substratum of Galileo's relativity and took only the superficial kinematic caricature of it. The dynamic substratum of Galileo's relativity is that there is a CAUSE why the relative motion of two objects in a given location remains the same, independent of the velocity of the local frame. The cause is that both the objects share a motion in common with the local frame. "The cause of all these correspondences of effects is the fact that the ship's motion is common to all the things contained in it" ( Dialogos, p. 187).
Poincare severely attacked this substratum (see St Louis Address), and insisted that there is no common motion so that the idea of a preferred frame is completely eliminated. It is on this castrated principle of relativity that Einstein adopted. This is why he could not discern the dynamic link between the perpetuum mobile and the Lorentz transformation. (Perhaps you may recall the discussion I had with George Ellis on this subject, where you made some comment in regard to my 'persistence').
In the last four pages of my essay I prove my point by briefly showing the solution. By developing the algorithm that underlies motion of a particle. Still these may not convey to you how relativistic phenomena appear in fast motions.
I would therefore copy an extract of my post to Israel Perez a few days back.
(Beginning of Extract):
In the final analysis, the whole crisis in physics has the following four factors combining together as the root cause - the primordial foundational errors of physics. 1) Not considering that all phenomena arise out of state changes of energy in an open system, with exchange of energy between the system and the field. 2) Not considering that Nature's processes are non-linear and NOT DEVELOPING PHYSICS RIGHT FROM THE START on the basis of a corresponding NON-LINEAR MATHEMATICAL SCHEME. 3) Not considering that motion of a particle occurs by the interaction of TWO quantities of energy; particle energy Mc2 and the energy of motion pc. The POINT MASS CONCEPT which is common to SRT and QM as well prevents the discernment of non-linear mathematical configuration underlying the interaction of the above two quantities of energy. 4) Not considering that: A particle moving relative to a given location (in motion) not only has a motion in common with the location but with the whole hierarchy of motions of the location. (E.g. A particle set in motion on a moving ship has motions in common with the ship, earth's surface, earth's orbiting centre)
As I see it, physics had developed from the time of Newton till early 1900's on a linear basis for slow moving bodies (without taking the above four factors into account). The development of physics up to that point was possible and successful because, for slow motions, the effects of non-linearity are negligibly small (imperceptible) over short intervals of time (they would manifest only if cumulative data are considered over a long period as in the case of perihelion motion of Mercury). In sharp contrast, effects of non-linearity develop exponentially at very high velocities, (and the very same phenomena that are imperceptible at slow motions become very much perceptible at fast motion). Thus when physics came at the stage of conducting experiments with fast moving particles, the combined effect of the above four factors hit the fan, and physics was thrown into a crisis.
The most difficult factor (out of the above four) to make people understand is about the effect of common motion of a particle with the hierarchy of backgrounds. This was a basic premise of Galileo and Newton "A body that is moved from a place also partakes in the motion of the place" (Principia p. 9). Because the non-linear effects are imperceptible at low velocities, the premise of "common motion of a particle with its places", became superfluous to be taken into consideration in practice. So there had been a de facto application of the Occam's razor to this principle. Therefore, physics of slow moving particles developed for two centuries by IMPLICITLY considering that all 'reference frames' are equivalent.
When physics arrived at the stage of experimenting with fast motion, the non-linear effects took exponential proportions, the phenomena associated with non-linearity were no more imperceptible.
The phenomenon associated with Galileo's premise of the motion of a particle (relative to earth) also having a motion in common with earth's orbiting centre, had even much deeper implications. It took the centre stage. The fact that earth's orbiting centre is also the centre of earth's gravitational field loomed large, and manifested in the results of these experiments of fast moving particles. But since Galileo's premise of common motion with the earth has slipped the minds of the physicists, it never occurred to them to look for an answer on its basis.
And at the same time over two centuries of physics, minds of physicists had got trained to ignore the effect of earth's gravitational field, and to consider that space as empty and inert. With this mindset, they could never think of even a more complicated structure than the space being the earth's orbiting gravitational field. That is, that the space (of the lab frame) consists of a gravitational field whose centre is orbiting about the centre of the sun's gravitational field. (That space needs to be considered as consisting of two interpenetrating gravitational fields in the least).
The particle (of energy Mc2) while at rest on earth already is orbiting with the earth in the sun's gravitational field. This is common knowledge, so common that it was never considered to have any further implications.
The implication is that, the energy of motion pc now added to the particle (Mc2) to set it in motion too has to gravitate about both these fields. In order to counter-act the gravitation of the sun, the energy pc has to develop a separate subsidiary component of energy (by fission) which will enable it to move at the orbital velocity determined by the gravitational potential of the sun's field. By this means it also develops a centrifugal force, which counteracts sun's attraction (and thereby tidal effects get eliminated). Therefore the velocity that the subsidiary component of energy pc has to develop, to move in sun's gravitational field, (while also moving the particle in earth's gravitational field), is equal to earth's orbital velocity u = 30 k/s.
This is why in the EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS a term involving earth's orbital motion became manifest. And this is why in the 1904 paper in which Lorentz was working towards developing the EMPIRICAL EQUATION, (which we now call as the 'Lorentz transformation') by iteration of data of experiments of fast moving particles, he wrote in the opening paragraph itself: "The problem of determining the influence exerted on electric and optical phenomena ..... IN VIRTUE OF THE EARTH'S ANNUAL MOTION ...." (p. 11)
In my theory there are no reference frames (like the theory Israel Perez claims that he tried to develop similar to TD). So Israel's following statement does not apply to my position:
Israel wrote: "I now understand why you introduce the sun frame. Lorentz considered it because at that time physicist assumed that the sun could be at rest relative to the aether (PSR). But today this argument no longer applies because the sun it is not at rest relative to the PSR".
I am by no means a follower of Lorentz theory. You seem to mistake my constant references to Lorentz's EMPIRICALLY DEVELOPED EQUATIONS FROM EXPERIMENTAL FACTS, with Lorentz' subsequent INTERPRETATIONS to explain the terms in those equations. Lorentz' yeoman work in developing empirical equations is quite a different thing to various kinematic interpretations he proposed in his attempts to interpret them. I have no truck with those interpretations.
I would urge you to read my essay at least now. I have demonstrated therein how to represent physical processes by simple non-linear algorithms. I have accounted with extreme accuracy for the slow down of a GPS clock due to orbital motion, muon decay. I have eliminated the schism between physics of slow and fast motion. In just half a page I have derived Lorentz transformation by means of dynamic principles.
End of extract:
Best regards,