Dear Eckard,

George may be the first one in academia "who understood uncommon thoughts of mine and who was courageous enough to support them in public", but you have a number of friends who do agree with you. For example I remarked above that:

"We hold the mathematical concepts, set theory, calculus, etc., in our heads forgetting where the logical holes are located. It is very good that you continue to remind us that holes exist and show us where some big ones are located..."

and I agreed with your following statement, "Tolerating an overlap of mutually excluding models is certainly no satisfactory solution."

So yes, it's great to have someone with 'skin in the game' agree with you, but don't forget your friends! We also agree with your "...querying taking the use of mathematical models of reality too far"


Edwin Eugene Klingman

  • [deleted]

Dear Edwin Eugene Klingman,

I mentioned [20] Nimtz. The community of physicists was unable to immediately and clearly demonstrate in what he was wrong when he consistently measured propagation speed in excess of c. Isn't this alarming? He was of course wrong.

I quoted Bruhn as to demonstrate how arrogantly genuine experimental results are ignored. I vote for more effort also concerning the very basics of mathematics.

When Roger Schlafly suggests to decouple mathematics and physics this might be popular. Of course, many models of reality are not just not trustworthy but they can presumably not at all be rescued by any corrections. Nonetheless, I see any agnosticism welcomed by those who are lazy and coward.

I reiterate what I wrote in 833: If the essence of mathematics is its freedom as claimed by G. Cantor, then mathematics cannot be as fundamental as usually claimed for a correct description of reality.

Thank you for your encouraging words.



After studying about 250 essays in this contest, I realize now, how can I assess the level of each submitted work. Accordingly, I rated some essays, including yours.

Cood luck.

Sergey Fedosin

    Because my English is shaky I am often not sure whether or not I am understanding essays or discussions correctly. For instance 1410, Sep. 13, 09:04:

    "If we have for the particle Mvc then the speed of particle is v. If the speed of particle is smaller then v in the case the momentum of particle is smaller then p and the particle has no energy pc/gamma = Mvc."

    - smaller then or smaller than? I am not sure.

    I hope my mistakes, e.g. assessed instead of accessed, are not misleading.

    I did not even manage to access so many essays. I wonder how Sergey Fedosin selected those who were worth to get notified about his assessment. Maybe he intends urging me to read his essay? Well, maybe it needs just time for me to grasp why his nesting does not fit into a frame of absolute reference? Peter Jackson already often put me in the drawer of the stupid ones who do not understand his visions.


    Dear Eckard,

    You present some good ideas here. In particular, I think that set-theoretic issues are very relevant to physics. I have run into the continuum hypothesis and the axiom of choice in my own efforts to understand physics. A few other thoughts:

    1. I agree that past and future are objectively different from each other, and that the future is not yet determined. There are a number of ways in which an objective arrow of time can arise. I prefer to take causality as fundamental, in which case time merely agrees with the direction from cause to effect. But even theories with "emergent time" like Barbour's shape dynamics can distinguish past and future by means of "asymmetry of configuration space."

    2. I don't know if differential equations will ultimately be good enough even with boundary conditions. This is because differential equations require a differentiable structure in the interior of the region being modeled, and I think this may be too much to assume. Integral equations are physically better in my view, but much harder to work with mathematically.

    3. I agree that although "reality and causality are, of course, also assumptions, we need them as logical alternatives to unacceptable mere imagination and mysticism."

    4. I think SR probably breaks down on small scales, but that is a long story!

    5. You have some nice diagrams!

    I enjoyed reading your essay! Take care,

    Ben Dribus

      • [deleted]

      Dear Ben Dribus,

      For decades I understood SR as silicon rectifier. Only discussions here on FQXi caused me to question it. Such heresy was anyway impossible during my scientific career.

      Meanwhile I tend to say beauty and Einstein's relativity are only in the eyes of the beholder/observer. I would, however, like to except the beauty of mathematics to a large extent from that judgment.

      You uttered interest in the foundations of mathematics. May I recommend to you some books by Spalt? Unfortunately they are all written in German.

      My position is less compromising that Spalt's. He did not point out that Leibniz's infinite numbers contradict to the only reasonable notion of infinity. Mueckenheim wrote: Leibniz distinguished three degrees of infinity:

      1) what is larger than every countable quantify (including the mathematical oo)


      1a - pour tout le monde: comparison: elementary particle, globe, firnament

      1b - for mathematicians: infinite and infinitesimal numbers are fictions

      1c - for philosophers: fictions with a fundamentum in re.

      2) what is the largest of its kind

      3) God

      Leibniz meant the rules of mathematics are valid in the infinite too. This is obviously not the case with oo+1=oo, etc.


      • [deleted]

      Dear Ben Dribus,

      Having just read your essay, I feel a bit drunk from the zoo of modernisms you managed to review like an old expert. From your comment on my essay I got quite a different impression: You would like to be an independent thinker. You certainly were clever to abstain from consequent criticism in your essay, and everybody like you accepts "robust experimental confirmation" as compelling. If you were honest you should consider me wrong because my reasoning does not fit into what you learned.

      Let me begin with mathematics. Leibniz called his "infinite numbers" infinite relative to something. Strictly speaking they are countable. Hence his method was correct, just based on a mutilated notion of infinity which was later mystified as infinitum creatum sive transfinitum. You used the notion countability correctly. I merely feel bewildered that you then added a word the I would prefer to avoid: cardinality. I see the distinction between countable and uncountable OK but nobody demonstrated any reason for aleph_2.

      What about SR vs. an absolute frame of reference, my Fig. 5 does not yet explain what might be wrong around the experiment by Ives. On the other hand, I am vehemently stressing that spacetime is unreal if it is thought to include the not yet existing future. You did not object to my Fig. 1. Be consequent and honest even if it hurts. Your essay hurts me a bit because it avoids hurting others. You cannot eat the cake and have it. Barbour's shape dynamics may distinguish between past and future by means of asymmetry of a configuration space. The decisive and irreversible step is always the abstraction from reality to a model. Because the future is not yet real, I question the reality of spacetime. Moreover, I agree with van Flandern that Einstein's synchronization is an unnecessary de-synchronization, and the constancy of c re observer is logically inconsistent and was experimentally refuted by Shtyrkov.

      Anonymous was me.

      I would like to request expert comments on


      Dear Eckard,

      I'm finding that it's difficult to formulate a quick response to your probing essay. That probably means that your observations are deep enough and paradoxical enough that at least in some cases there may not be a very simple resolution with today's conception of math and physics.

      As you know we share the perception that Lorentz invariance is not a complete description of how wave phenomena work, especially with regard to interactions with particles. There weren't quite enough details of Feist's experiment to fully understand the setup and results. I'm seek out his paper and comment further on that. In general though, light waves are transverse in nature while sound waves and many other mechanical waves vibrate in longitudinal directions in space. Outside of a vacuum EM waves do have a longitudinal component, but that component is not self-traveling. It dissipates quickly. So it's not clear yet how applicable the Feist experiment is to EM.

      I fully agree on the point you make that negative frequencies cannot be discarded. In fact, in the engineering world, negative frequency values obtained from a Fourier transform are considered just as real and useful as positive frequencies. They merely signify that the wave component travels in the opposite spatial direction as the positive frequency component. Though an alternate conception allows the interpretation of the wave component traveling backwards in time, that interpretation collides with the interpretation of the positive frequency components. It seems forced to split the time parameter into two separate domains.

      If you wish to discuss some of those points outside of this forum please feel free to contact me via the email address in a post on an offer to supply a copy of Sir J. J. Thomson's monograph in my forum. There's obviously a lot to discuss in the points made in your essay.

      Thanks for your contribution,


        Oh yes! Of course I'm going to rate your paper quite highly. And I can say that your use of English in the essay is excellent. If I needed to write something in German, I guarantee you that you would hear baby talk!

        With best wishes,


        • [deleted]

        Dear Eckard,

        you said that you would take a look at my essay because the subject of reality is interesting to you.I am still hopeful that you might get the chance to take a look at it before the end of voting. As I value your opinion any feedback you feel able to provide would be much appreciated.

        I wanted to begin the task of answering the set essay question (ie identify basic false assumptions in physics) by looking at the problems, both theoretical and philosophical, that need to be resolved as they are indicative of foundational false assumption/s at play. The list structure was necessary because of the character limit imposed by the competition rules. The basic false assumption has repercussions in many areas.

        I did not make the essay about my "pet theory", following the advice we were given by the competition organisers, but I do see its use as necessary to give the most useful answer to the set essay question. Here's a link to a web site that explains more.RICP explanatory framework There is an older version of diagram 1. on that site. I have put a link to the high resolution file of the latest version, used in the essay, on my discussion thread.

        Respectfully, Georgina.

          • [deleted]


          Sorry I missed this, having been away on holiday.

          "his obviously unrealistic denial of past and future in theory is a consequence of a very old fallacy which is hidden within the assumption that our commonly agreed event-related time scale is a basic physical quantity"

          This concept does reflect physicality, it is just misconceived (ie it is not an illusion). As far as we can know (ie without entering the domain of belief) physical existence is: a) independently substantive b) involves alteration. The key point here is that the difference does not exist, but it reflects physicality, ie two or more different physically existent states, which when compared reveal differences. And only one such state can exist at a time, in any given sequence. In simple language: as at any point in time, the previous existent state (aka the past) must have ceased to exist, there is an existent state (aka the present), the state which will succeed this (aka the future) does not exist. There is only ever a present in a continuously changing sequence of presents. And there are many sequences occurring concurrently. Time is the duration unit in the measuring system, timing, which compares the number of changes in sequences and hence calibrates the relative rate at which any given change is occurring. It is not a "basic physical quality" of physical existence, but a feature of the revealed difference between them.

          As you then say, a flawed presumption about 'time' (albeit a different one) can then become incorporated into mathematical constructions which purport to represent reality. The more general point here is that any representational device must correspond with reality as it is independently manifest, ie not be in accord with intrinsic metaphysical rules. That is a belief system. Except that when it is mathematics, and intrinsically valid, it can, superficially, appear objective. For example: infinity. Physical reality exists, therefore it cannot have the attribute of infinity, because it is finite. This is a classic example of the confusion which arises by not properly differentiating what can be known from what cannot be known. The concept of infinity actually reflects the fact that we are trapped in an existential loop, ie logically there may be an alternative. But we cannot know it, and so it does not come under the auspices of science, which is objective knowledge of reality as independently manifest, not beliefs about what may or may not be 'really' 'out there'.


            Dear Steve,

            Yes, I am probing to some extent today's conception of math and physics as solicited with the topic of this contest. I don't have illusions. Most contestants prefer offering their speculations while they blindly trust in the basics and authorities I am questioning. Someone who did not understand Einstein, disrespects Cantor and Hilbert, and criticizes or ignores my pet deserves to be rated one.

            It is perhaps easier to agree on selected claims of my essay than to acknowledge the intrinsic links between the five provocative figures in it.

            Let me begin with a question you raised: Do we need negative frequency? Trained at TU Dresden, I was teaching foundations of electrical engineering at Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg for forty years, enough time for a careful scrutiny of complex calculus and its interpretation. Physicists from a freshman up to a Feynman do not devote much attention to the first steps and tend to interpret negative frequencies at which they arrived. They are even ready to split the time into clockwise and anticlockwise domains.

            Presumably you did not yet understand me when you wrote:[negative frequencies are] "just as real and useful as positive frequencies". Go back to my Fig. 1. It illustrates an undeniable fact: Future data cannot be measured in advance. Only functions of positive elapsed time can be subject to spectral analysis.

            I will explain consequences in the next post.


            Dear Steve,

            MP3 is clever and uses cosine transformation. Those who prefer complex Fourier transformation have to follow Heaviside on slippery ground: Analytic continuation means fabricating a future from nothing by assuming it equal to zero and splitting this fictitiously extended function into even and odd components. This is a clever way to benefit from elegant calculus. However, one has to know what one did.

            If only the education didn't tempt to ignore such trifles like the difference between reality and model and between the real-valued and one-sided functions of time f(t) and their complex-valued two.sided (apparently symmetrical) function of frequency F(omega). The positive and negative frequencies of F(omega) must not be interpreted separately.

            Now you will hopefully be in position to understand my Fig. 2 as serious reproach of current nonsense to be found in many textbooks.

            Sorry for that,


            Dear Steven,

            My Fig. 3 may look like overly sophisticated. It is however at the heart of a dispute I had with Hendrik van Hees who blamed me for damaging the reputation of my University. While he soon apologized himself for that, it took me a lot of energy to force him to admit that he was wrong.

            My claim was and is that Fourier transformation of the real-valued uni-lateral f(t) in IR is just redundant as compared to the simpler cosine transform in IR.

            HvH was reluctant to admit that IR is as mathematically correct as is IR. In my essay 833 I pointed to some related worries about zero and offered a plausible solution to the question how to deal with zero in case of splitting IR into IR and IR-. This solution is illustrated in the lower part of Fig. 3.



            Dear Steven,

            My Fig. 4 questions the appropriateness of ZFC in physics while it was adopted from Fraenkel himself 1923. At that time Fraenkel followed G. Cantor who denied the 4th logically possible relation between two objects. Of course, something that is incomparable cannot be numerically expressed. The late Fraenkel admitted that Cantor's set theory is merely more colorful than a less bizarre alternative.


            Dear Georgina,

            I see it as a false assumption that objective reality is what we see, hear, feel, or measure. You thoroughly dealt with the matter, and I expect you to confirm this opinion of mine. What we see is only a subjective picture of objective reality. I will read your essay in order to check whether you arrived at the conclusion that Einstein's relativity and beauty are only in the eye of the observer/beholder. Presumably you would not win high scores with this correct and necessary insight.



            • [deleted]

            Yes Eckard I do confirm that opinion of yours as stated in your previous post. By objective reality I understand you to be referring not to a reality that can be confirmed by another observer but a reality that exists independently of observation.

            Thank you, Georgina

            Dear Eckard,

            I'm a bit bewildered by your response... I wasn't attempting to draw attention to my essay by commenting on yours; I didn't even reference it. However, since you raised the topic, it's difficult for me to understand how a submission like mine that questions and proposes to replace the fundamental building blocks of every aspect of modern physics could be viewed in the mainstream modernist way you seem to view it.

            I implore you not to throw out the baby with the bathwater. The standard model and general relativity do mesh with most experimental results quite well, and any new theory must do at least as well. The fact that these two theories have serious problems (which is what my essay is about!) does not mean that it's useful to deny that they've done better than Newtonian physics in explaining things.

            Though you may think me too accommodating of the "scientific establishment," please note that I didn't stereotype you or reject your ideas despite the fact that you obviously don't belong to that establishment. Neither do I belong to it, and I ask you not to stereotype me either.

            Also, many of the mathematical ideas in my essay aren't establishment ideas because I developed them myself. The physical ideas (cause and effect!) are simple and well motivated; the math is whatever it has to be to get the job done. Ask the "scientific establishment" if they like my ideas... until now I haven't even been able to get anyone in the establishment to read them!

            This is your thread, and I'll say no more about my own work, though I remind you that I didn't raise the topic. But you discourage friendly and honest remarks about your essay when you pull politics into it. Progress in science won't be made by merely being angry at ossified orthodoxy. It will be made by being better across the board. Take care,
