Essay Abstract

With the help of the theory of infinite hierarchical nesting of matter the need for change in the theoretical foundations of the scientific world outlook is derived - in the philosophy; in the logic of thinking; in cosmology; in interrelation of matter levels; in the theory of gravitation; in the analysis of the mass origin; in the theory of relativity; in the theory of elementary particles; in thermodynamics and other fields of knowledge. The possible ways are described of overcoming the difficulties and challenges existing in a number of modern physical theories.

Author Bio

In 1978, after teaching at the Physics Department of the Perm State University, I worked in the laboratory of organic semiconductors of Natural Science Institute. In 2000 - 2003 I was a scientific Researcher of laboratory of Radiospectroscopy at Perm State University. From 1999 to 2009 I wrote five books on physics and philosophy, and a number of articles on the theory of gravitation, the theory of relativity, the theory of infinite nesting of matter.

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Does your model have to be infinite? I was delighted to read your excellent essay and followed up the wikiversity link. You will see from my own essay that I have a kinetic based ontological construction with some great similarities, using the concept of hierarchical kinetic nesting consistent with Truth Propositional Logic, applied to dynamic logic (PDL). This basis has been outlined in my last few essays here.

I avoid infinite regression, but did I need to? Few have penetrated mine, but I suspect you will do so. See also my post in the Hutchinson essay.

I show SR derived from QM, and I think we share the right structure for a toe. I look forward to exploring yours and Roberts in further detail.

Very Best wishes.


    • [deleted]


    Thank you for your appreciation of my essay. Many people believe that the infinite nesting of matter is more preferable than the limited number of levels of matter. In philosophy, the same many prefer motion as a more general concept than rest. But in reality, motion and rest, infinity and limitations are opposites and can not exist without each other. Of the rest there is movement, if you look at the situation from a moving frame of reference. The same is in the structure of matter - even if the universe appears limited, outside you can expect a lot of similar universes.

    I find in your essay the questions about real diffuse particle 'medium' in Universe, and how is the constant speed of light (CSL) logically explained. About the constancy of speed of light, I want send in a day to Wikiversity the article 'Extended special theory of relativity', where the question be raised.


    • [deleted]

    Does nature recognize fancy mathematics? Seems as tho mass, length and time it may.

    My essay is perhaps overly simplified, but addresses the real problem of Physics. Wherein lies "consciousness"? Very murky, but emergentism (growth) and panpsychism (memory are properties suggested that aligns them with probabilities of a 1-D, 2-D, and 3-D geometric world, where sphere and tetrahedron have identical "activities"at any size... See:

    To Seek Unknown Shores



      emergent property can appear when a number of simple entities (carriers) operate in an environment, forming more complex behaviors of system as a collective. But according to the law of the negation of the negation , some properties of the carriers repeat again at high levels of matter, when the carriers form very big systems. The properties of this systems will similar to properties of the carriers.

      Sergey Fedosin

      8 days later
      • [deleted]

      Hi Sergey,

      It will take me some time to digest your essay and the related material on the web but I do have some general questions:

      (1) You are postulating the existence of particles that don't seem to be predicted by the standard model of particle physics. How do they relate to that model?

      (2) Are these particles detectable by the LHC or similar collider?

      (3) How can your theory be falsified?




        In accordance with the Theory of Infinite Hierarchical Nesting of Matter (my Essay), nuons are similar at the level of star to the white dwarfs, and nucleons to neutron stars and magnetar. Nuons are the result of evolution of cosmic substance under action of strong gravitation at the level of elementary particles. In Standard Model there is muons that almost the same as nuons. But the difference is their origin: muons are born in decays of pions and strong interactions of particles and unstable or have charge and magnetic moment. But the nuons are stable, they are result of natural evolution of matter and have no charge. In the absence of charge it is difficult to detect them. At LHC or similar collider we see muons. To check the idea of nuons: they are the supposed reason of dark matter, of redshift of remote galaxies, of microwave background, of attenuation of light spectra of supernova star and so on.

        Sergey Fedosin

        5 days later

        Dear Sergey,

        I like the idea of similarity between the stellar and the atomic matter levels as well as the denial of the Big Bang.

        However, I do not agree with your hypothesis about the absence of black holes. In a multispace reality, they are the fundamental processes through which energy and matter travel from one universe to another. A black hole in an universe may become a white hole in our universe or in another and make it appear like a star, including our Sun, or like Earth or any other cosmic body. Did you know that Earth is expanding, which proves the ongoing expansion of the universe?

        Going back to your theory, I agree that the study of nature by using similarities is an appropriate tool. However, I did not understand how you see the structure of praons and nuons. Are they still quantum fields? If not, what else?



          Dear Eugeniu,

          For travelling of energy and matter in the Universe black holes are not needed. You can see some arguments about impossibility of black holes in the article Covariant theory of gravitation.

          About the expanding of the Earth see the news New Study Shows Earth Is Staying The Same Size. In the framework of the Theory of Infinite Hierarchical Nesting of Matter, there was found the meaning of the Planck length. It is close to radius of particles (praons) which relate to nucleon in the same way as nucleons relate to neutron star. It is supposed that in neutron as much praons as neutrons in the neutron star.

          In the theory, nuons are similar at the level of star to the white dwarfs . Dark matter may consist of the nuons. See more in the article: Fedosin S.G. Cosmic Red Shift, Microwave Background, and New Particles. Galilean Electrodynamics, Spring 2012, Vol. 23, Special Issues No. 1, P. 3 - 13. Nuons and praons are not a quantum fields but real particles with the same properties as compact degenerate substance objects such as white dwarfs and neutron stars.

          Sergey Fedosin Essay

          Dear Sergey,

          I agree with you that black holes are useless for travelling of energy and matter in the Universe. If you read again my post you will see that I didn't say that. What I said is that in the hypothesis of a multi-universe reality, black holes are processes through which energy and matter travel from one universe to another. Not in the universe.

          > "Our study provides an independent confirmation that the solid Earth is not getting larger at present, within current measurement uncertainties," said Wu.

          Yeah... Right! Remember Climategate? These NASA scientists must be friends or just learned from the CRU people. Since they didn't know how to explain that the Earth temperature started to decrease, they "fixed" the data to still show warming. Smart guys, isn't it? Well... until the Climategate. Same thing now with this NASA study. If they admit Earth's expansion, they would need to explain it. But they have no idea. Nobody does inside the concept of a unique space. It is only the black & white holes theory that gives this explanation.

          > "Nuons and praons are not a quantum fields but real particles with the same properties as compact degenerate substance objects such as white dwarfs and neutron stars."

          I understand the similarity between this two levels of matter, and that they are real particles. But generally real stuff is made out of something. So nuons and praons are real particles made out of what, if they are not made out of quantum fields?


            Dear Eugeniu,

            I hope you agree that the matter at the Earth is made of nucleons mostly. The same is true for substance of neutron star. We do not say in the case about quantum fields as a source of the substance. Instead of it we explain big object with the help of small particles. And the same is supposed for any real particles including nuons or praons. All the particles are made again of particles which are much more small.

            Sergey Fedosin

            • [deleted]

            Dear Sergey,

            I responded to your comments and queries about my essay

   under your post (in my space). I understand you may not find the time to scan all 300 essays to see whether there are posts addressed to you. So I am cutting and pasting my earlier response here. I would like a reply to it.


            Dear Sergey,

            Thanks for the post and for showing the typo. Apart from that the diagrams have lost parts and will have to request FQXi to insert the correct one.

            I will address the matters you have raised on an itemized basis.

            1. Centrifugal Force. "field energy that has flown into the system ...... source of the centrifugal force. Then .... energy of the system must be rise all the time?"

            Your argument implies that the exertion of the centrifugal force expends energy continuously and this would require a continuous supply of energy (Aristotlean idea). Well if this is the case, energy of the system will be at a steady level all the time and it will not be a case of a continuous increase of the energy of the system.

            2. "your explanation of the cause of slowing down of internal processes for bodies in motion is only an interpretation of motion with the help of Lorentz transformations".

            a) As you know Lorentz transformation (LT) is: x' = (x- ut)/(1- u2/c2)1/2. The term u in SRT stands for the velocity of the moving frame. There is nothing in my explanation of slowing down of internal process that involves the u-term.

            b) Or are you referring to the Lorentz contraction (LC) - x' = x/(1 - v2/c2)1/2? Here as you know v is the velocity of the particle (or the body or Michelson's apparatus) and not the moving frame.

            c) I hope you realize that the Gamma-factor in LT is entirely different to that in LC?

            c) I assume you mean Lorentz contraction. My explanation is certainly not an interpretation of the Lorentz contraction. You seem to forget, that the (LC) was suggested in desperation to find an answer for Michelson's experiment (MMX), where Lorentz specifically said that the contraction is IN THE DIRECTION OF MOTION. My explanation has not connection to the direction of motion.

            d) In Fig. 1C I show that two quantities of energy fuse to form a system by both quantities lose fractions of energy in equal proportions (1- 1/). The slow down is a direct result of this lost fraction of energy. This has no connection to a change of length in the direction of motion (LC).

            3. "In their turn the Lorentz transformations are result of axioms of SRT".

            How can that be? Einstein has clearly stated that the two basic axioms of SRT are in contradiction and this gets resolved by POSTULATING Lorentz transformations. Actually LT is the third axiom and nothing more.

            4. "But the constancy of light speed is conventional axiom which is the result of spacetime measurements by electromagnetic waves only. In other words if we change spacetime measurements or take another waves and their speed we will find another value of slowing down of internal processes and other effects of relativity".

            The value c in the expressions of natural processes appeared for the first time in Biot-Savart's law. And Weber and Kohlrausch in 1856 made a measurement of this and they found it to have the SAME VALUE as the speed of light. The value c appears in expressions of interactions of energy not because light plays a role in all these interactions. All energy has the generic formula mc2, and that is why c appears in the expressions of interaction of energy. Since light is also a form of energy it too has the same value c in it. What is unique is that photons is the form of energy which can move with a velocity equal to c. Matter particle's cannot. Unfortunately my Fig. 1B has not come out properly. Otherwise I could have demonstrated why matter particles cannot reach the velocity c.

            5. "In your GDE Transformation there is only transformation of sizes. How about transformation of time?"

            This is a very good point which will enable GDE transformation to be verified by experiment. Thanks.

            a) Let us take the case of the muon in motion which Feynman talks about (ref 8 of my paper). If one were to measure its displacement, do you agree that it should conform to LT - x' = (x- ut)/(1- u2/c2)1/2?

            b) Then how come the time change is not given by LT of time t' = t(1- xu/c)/(1- u2/c2)1/2 but by t" =?. As I have shown the time change is proportional to the fraction of energy lost.

            d) There will be a small time change in relation to the LT too. Here there is an influx of energy from the field, and increase of a fraction of energy. Accordingly the time of the muon will be

            T = [t.(1- u2/c2)1/2]/(1- v2/c2)1/2

            Best regards,


            Dear Viraj,

            In your space are my questions on 11 September:

            If the particle is in the rest in a frame K` then the speed of the particle V` is zero in the frame K` and we can test properties of the particle using only the speed u of the frame K` relative to laboratory frame K. So we come to Lorentz transformations. If the speed V` is not zero in the K` then there is the rule of speed summation for the speed of particle V in K, the speeds u and V`. Then, what is the speed in your transformation? Is it u or V` ?

            Sergey Fedosin

            • [deleted]

            Dear Sergey,

            We must remember that we are concerned in this discussion about the foundational problems of physics.

            When considering the motion of a particle in relation to reference frames, if the INTERACTION BETWEEN THE ENERGY OF THE PARTICLE AND THE ENERGY OF MOTION OF THE OBJECT THAT THE LOCAL REFERENCE FRAME IS ATTACHED to is disregarded, then that itself is a foundational error.

            I will explain it:

            Newton's theory was hailed as the ultimate triumph of the Copernican Revolution. Why, it hit the final nail in the coffin of kinematics in physics. Newton in his Principia says that it is to distinguish between apparent motions (kinematics) from true motions (dynamics) that he wrote Principia. "But how we are to obtain the true motions from their causes, effects, and apparent differences, and the converse shall be explained more at large in the following treatise (Principia). FOR TO THIS END I COMPOSED IT.

            (Note in Newton's terminology 'motion' = momentum, so the above concerns how to distinguish whether a particle has true momentum or no momentum - false apparent momentum)

            An essential foundational concept in Newtonian theory is: "a body, which is moved from a place in motion, also partakes in the motion of its place" (Principia p.9).

            For Newton 'place' is not an arbitrary reference frame but the local frame, attached to the location where the particle is at rest.

            This means when the particle is at rest in K' (local reference frame of the particle) Even when at rest in K' it is has a real component of momentum already in it and co-moves with K' relative to K (local ref frame of K'). When it moves relative to K' it is has two real components of momentum.

            If you read my essay

            You will find that Einstein was desperately in search of a dynamic explanation for the relativistic phenomena, since the way Newtonian mechanics has developed had come to the end of the road. He indicated that it had come to the point of writing the obituary of Newtonian Mechanics.

            Unfortunately, Einstein resurrected kinematics. In this sense he has negated the progressive aspect of Newtonian dynamics, and brought about a counter revolution in intellectual thinking. Einstein has made a grave foundational error to turn the wheel of history of physics back into thinking in terms of kinematic paradigms

            When you ask me the questions about velocities relative K and K' you are asking me those questions from a kinematic basis.

            In my essay I have explained how Einstein was trying to find the "Right Way" in terms of generalizing the laws of thermodynamics.

            I will follow this up with another article giving the solution without the use of kinematic reference frames.

            Best regards,


            • [deleted]

            Dear Sergey,

            We must remember that we are concerned in this discussion about the foundational problems of physics.

            When considering the motion of a particle in relation to reference frames, if the INTERACTION BETWEEN THE ENERGY OF THE PARTICLE AND THE ENERGY OF MOTION OF THE OBJECT THAT THE LOCAL REFERENCE FRAME IS ATTACHED to is disregarded, then that itself is a foundational error.

            I will explain it:

            Newton's theory was hailed as the ultimate triumph of the Copernican Revolution. Why, it hit the final nail in the coffin of kinematics in physics. Newton in his Principia says that it is to distinguish between apparent motions (kinematics) from true motions (dynamics) that he wrote Principia. "But how we are to obtain the true motions from their causes, effects, and apparent differences, and the converse shall be explained more at large in the following treatise (Principia). FOR TO THIS END I COMPOSED IT.

            (Note in Newton's terminology 'motion' = momentum, so the above concerns how to distinguish whether a particle has true momentum or no momentum - false apparent momentum)

            An essential foundational concept in Newtonian theory is: "a body, which is moved from a place in motion, also partakes in the motion of its place" (Principia p.9).

            For Newton 'place' is not an arbitrary reference frame but the local frame, attached to the location where the particle is at rest.

            This means when the particle is at rest in K' (local reference frame of the particle) Even when at rest in K' it is has a real component of momentum already in it and co-moves with K' relative to K (local ref frame of K'). When it moves relative to K' it is has two real components of momentum.

            If you read my essay

            You will find that Einstein was desperately in search of a dynamic explanation for the relativistic phenomena, since the way Newtonian mechanics has developed had come to the end of the road. He indicated that it had come to the point of writing the obituary of Newtonian Mechanics.

            Unfortunately, Einstein resurrected kinematics. In this sense he has negated the progressive aspect of Newtonian dynamics, and brought about a counter revolution in intellectual thinking. Einstein has made a grave foundational error to turn the wheel of history of physics back into thinking in terms of kinematic paradigms

            When you ask me the questions about velocities relative K and K' you are asking me those questions from a kinematic basis.

            In my essay I have explained how Einstein was trying to find the "Right Way" in terms of generalizing the laws of thermodynamics.

            I will follow this up with another article giving the solution without the use of kinematic reference frames.

            Best regards,


            • [deleted]

            I do not know why the part I of my reply to you is getting hidden by the system. Pls click 'show replies' under your post to see part I.

            Here is part II:

            Dear Sergey,

            Here is how to see the problem of motion of a particle without the use of the erroneous foundational problem of reference frames and falling into kinematics.

            It is by developing an anlogy between thermodynamics and particle mechanics.


            0. The zeroth law of motion is that,

            a) In the motion of a particle it occurs by way the fusing on its intrinsic energy Mc2 and the applied energy of motion (pc). The fusion takes place by both quantities of energy losing fractions of energy in equal proportion - thus each quantity of energy gets scaled down by the factor  (gamma).

            After this fusion has occurred, the scaled down quantities of energy are: net intrinsic energy Mc2/gamma and net energy of motion pc/gamma = Mvc, where gamma = 1/(1- v2/c2)1/2

            b) The converse of the fusion theorem is that when a quantity of energy X is to break up into two parts aX and (1-a) X, the original energy X gets scaled up by a factor ' (gamma)' so that the parts become equal to (gamma)'aX and (gamma)'(1-a) X,

            1. In a system of particles moving relative to their common centre of mass, the energy of motion of the centre of mass cannot be made use of to make discrete changes in the particles relative to each other.

            This is analogous to the first law of thermodynamics.

            2. In applying energy of motion (pc/gamma = Mvc) on a particle within a co-moving the system of particles (about their centre of mass), it is impossible to for the particle to acquire a motion of velocity v, relative to the other co-moving particles to the full extent of the net energy (Mvc) applied.

            This is analogous to the second law of thermodynamics.

            2a. The conversion of the applied net energy Mvc must occur with respect to the energy level of relative to which the motion of the common centre of mass occurs.

            Recognizing that energy Mvc also possesses inertia Mv/c2, this energy too must move in common motion with the centre of mass (at velocity u). For this common motion it requires Mvc to break up and dedicate the fraction (Mvc).u/c. Hence the balance energy would be Mvc( 1-u/c). From zeroth law (b) this fission causes the energy of motion to scale-up by the factor gamma'= 1/(1- u2/c2)1/2 at the moment of fission.

            Hence the energy that remains for motion relative to the centre of mass is Mvc(1-u/c)/(1-u2/c2)1/2.

            Consequently the displacement of the particle relative to another particle (co-moving with the centre of mass) is: x' = vt(1- u/c)/(1-u2/c2)1/2 --------------(1).

            At Newtonian velocities v/c tends to 0, hence x' tends to(gamma)'vt. Since for a particle moving relative to a lab frame on earth(gamma)' = 1.000000005, for terrestrial displacements at Newtonian velocities (v/c tends to 0), the scaling up of the displacement due to ' has gone unnoticed and in practice we have formed the convention

            x = vt.-------------(2)

            When very accurate measurements are made for particles moving at near light velocities v/c tends to1, the effect of the scaling up also has come to the notice. Then the equation (1) takes the appearance of

            x' = (x -ut)/(1- u2/c2)1/2 -----------------------(3) (Lorentz transformation).

            Equation (3) is valid only for very fast moving particles. When the velocity of a particle reaches the range 0.5c the results start to significantly deviate from the equation. When it reaches the value of earth's orbital velocity, the equation (3) breaks down totally.\

            Unlike (3) Equation (1) provides accurate results for all velocities between low (Newtonian) velocities to near light velocities. This can be tested by analyzing the results of all the particle accelerator experiments carried out in the last 100 years.

            Best regards/ Viraj

              Dear Viraj,

              In a) is: After this fusion has occurred, the scaled down quantities of energy are: net intrinsic energy Mc2/gamma and net energy of motion pc/gamma = Mvc, where gamma = 1/(1- v2/c2)1/2.

              From the fig. 1B of your essay it is seen that Mc2/gamma = AF , and pc/gamma = Mvc = BF. What we can do with AF and BF more? Why these quantities are important for you? For the physics are important only the quantity AC = gamma Mc2 and p = gamma Mv. The quantities AF and BF are not at the one line and can not be added arithmetically. And with geometrical addition we have AB that is the energy of rest. What is new from here?

              In 1. is: < In a system of particles moving relative to their common centre of mass, the energy of motion of the centre of mass cannot be made use of to make discrete changes in the particles relative to each other.> I think it is trivial since the energy of system of particles can not be known without the speed of motion u of the centre of mass. It is a consequence of superposition principle for vectors of velocities: every velocity is a sum of all individual motions velocities of particle.

              Your sentence 2 looks like a tautology: when we applying energy of motion (pc/gamma = Mvc) on a particle that particle can not have the speed v. It is very unclear. If we have for the particle Mvc then the speed of particle is v. If the speed of particle is smaller then v in the case the momentum of particle is smaller then p and the particle has no energy pc/gamma = Mvc.

              I can not understand how to use in practice your sentence 2a. In physics in the system of particles, if momentum and energy are known for every particle, we can determine total momentum and energy of system and after it mass and velocity of the centre of mass as secondary quantities. For the closed system the total momentum and energy are conserved. Then what does mean Mvc in sentence 2a? Is it for particle or for system of particles?

              Sergey Fedosin

              • [deleted]

              Dear Sergey,

              What you refer to AF & BF are actually AD and BD in fig 1B. This confusion is because, unfortunately the diagram has come out incomplete in my submission. And the FQXi does not permit any corrections. Therefore I have attached the corrected version for your reference. Pls look at the Fig. 1B in the attachment. So I correct AF to AD and BF to BD in your passage quoted below:

              You wrote: "From the fig. 1B of your essay it is seen that Mc2/gamma = AD , and pc/gamma = Mvc = BD. What we can do with AD and BD more? Why these quantities are important for you?"

              AD and BD explain many things:

              a) The physical reason for gamma-factors: Has SRT or any other theory accounted for gamma-factor and explained how they appear? If you read my essay, I have explained that it is by losing fractions of energy (1- 1/gamma) of each that they attract and fuse by sharing their energy to overcome their mutual deficiencies.

              b) Scaling down of AB to AD explains why internal processes slow down when a particle is in motion. See the explanations of the slow down of a GPS clock when in orbit and the delay in decay time of a muon, when the particles are in motion. There's no other theory that gives a physical explanation why this happens.

              You wrote: "I think it is trivial since the energy of system of particles".

              See my EndNote 7. Einstein says he tried desperately to find a principle in mechanics parallel to first two laws of TD (perpetuum mobile -PM).

              Is the first law of TD something trivial? In (1) wrote the law analogical the first law of TD. What it means is that earthlings cannot harness energy from the earth's orbital motion to do terrestrial work. (This is the impossibility of PM of the 'first kind')

              You wrote: "Your sentence 2 looks like a tautology: when we applying energy of motion (pc/gamma = Mvc) on a particle that particle can not have the speed v".

              The 2nd law I have written, is the parallel of 2nd law of TD. Please have a look at the last para of page 4 of my essay. I show why not all the available energy Mvc comes to be used for the motion of the particle, just like in Carnot's cycle where not all the heat energy gets converted into work, There is a fraction of energy that gets usurped from Mvc to have an organic link with the background energy field.

              You wrote: "I can not understand how to use in practice your sentence 2a".

              I copy it here "2a. The conversion of the applied net energy Mvc must occur with respect to the energy level of relative to which the motion of the common centre of mass occurs".

              In the Carnot cycle, the last (isothermal) phase occurs with respect to the intensive component of the energy of the background - (Int comp = temperature T2). In this process the fraction of energy S1T2 gets usurped to form an organic link with the background. (S1T2 is the product of the extensive component S1 of energy in action Ea and T2 the intensive component of the energy of the background Eb). Energy left available for conversion to work = S1T1( 1-T2/T1)

              Mechanical parallel is Extensive component of the energy in action Mv/c (inertia of energy). Intensive component of the energy of the background is the velocity u of earth's motion. The fraction usurped to form the organic link with the background is (Mv/c).u. = Ext comp of Ea x Int comp of Eb. Energy left for motion relative to earth = Mvc( 1 - u/c).

              (This will also show that c in 'relativistic expressions' is not velocity of light per se, but c plays the role of the intensive component of energy Ea).

              You wrote: "For the closed system the total momentum and energy are conserved".

              My reply: First see the list of foundational errors I am addressing on p.2 of my essay.

              Closed system is a foundational error. Maxwell saw this error. See EndNote 4. I am working with an open system.

              You wrote: "Then what does mean Mvc in sentence 2a? Is it for particle or for system of particles?".

              Earth's motion constitutes the motion of the system of all the particles with their centre of mass. Mvc is the discrete energy that excites one of discrete particle (out of the system of particles) into motion relative to the centre of mass.

              Best regards,

              VirajAttachment #1: A_TREATISE_ON_FOUNDATIONAL_PROBLEMS_OF_PHYSICS2.doc

              Dear Viraj,

              With your essay N2 A_TREATISE_ON_FOUNDATIONAL_PROBLEMS_OF_PHYSICS2.doc I understand your thesis better now. Some questions there are about AD and BD at fig. 1B. AD is a part of AC and AC can be calculated through AB and BC. AC is relativistic energy and AD is a part of this energy. But in your opinion BD is also important. I think you should take in account DC instead of BD since DC is a part of AC which is the relativistic energy. In this case DC will have physical meaning. And appearance of gamma-factors in special relativity is explained in another way. About muons. Taking the muon lifetime at rest as the laboratory value of 2.22 microsecond, the lifetime of a cosmic ray produced muon traveling at 98% of the speed of light is about five times longer (Wikipedia). In special relativity all the motions are measured with the help of electromagnetic waves. It leads to the fact that energy and momentum have the multiplier in the form of Lorentz factor gamma. It looks like the speed of bodies can not exceed the speed of light. But I am sure that the real speed of cosmic ray muons is about 5 times of speed of light if do not use special relativity. About analogy of mechanics with the first law of Thermodynamics. I think it may be formulated so: Internal motion and interaction of particles in the system, moving in space, does not change the state of motion of the system, the total momentum and the relativistic energy of the system remains constant. The change is possible only in interaction of particles with external particles or background fields. The Earth as a system has energy connected with the motion of Earth in space or with fields in space. These energies may be used by earthlings if and only if they will interact with the entities which are not parts of the Earth. The first law of thermodynamics sounds in another way: a system can not do work eternally on the base of its own internal energy. Also I can not understand why you brake up the energy Mvc with the help of speed u ? The particle speed v is relative to the centre of inertia of system of particles, and the speed u is the speed of system of particles as a whole. These speeds are not correlated with each other. So can you prove that Mvc( 1-u/c) is a physical quantity and has physical meanings?

              Sergey Fedosin

              • [deleted]

              Hello Mr Fedosin,

              I see that you have worked about organic semiconductors. It seems very interesting.

              Silicium or carbon. The carbon is indeed relevant considering of course the primorial soup. The CH4 , H2C2 fact the Hydrogen is fascinating.The capacity of the system of uniqueness and its finite number becomes very relevant. In fact the combinations with the bosonic fields become keys with the nrespect of this number of uniqueness. If the C has the organic potential, so the crystal and their geometries become relevant. On the other side, it is intriguing considering the principle of evolution compared with the anthropical principle. That said the entropical evolution considers all the principles, so where are situated the real interpreations of this anthropical principle? it is perhaps a question of universality and its faith.

              If the encoding becomes in a kind of organic evolution, it is intriguing considering the possible autonomy. The binar codes and this turn off, turn on encoding, so are intriguing.After all, the C has the same age that all particules in fact.So what is the polarization between these spherical bosonic fields and this gravitation implying mass. The relevances of volumes of spheres ,entangled and with a finite number,for both of systems, bosons and fermions, become very relevant considering the quantization of mass due to evolution and the informations from bosons. The central spheres and the correlations with the singularities are also relevant of course. The word intriguing is a weak word consideringt he artificial intelligence and the potential of polarizations m/hv. My equations help for a better understanding of the rotations of the entangled spheres.It is important to tell that the number is the same for the bosons and the fermions, even the space and its uniqueness is under this rationality. c o and si in my equations are important.Because the 3 motions are considered for the light. The fact that the gravity turns in the other sense than light is essential for the polarity of evolution. It permits to better encircle the linearity of hv and the stability of mass. The velocities and the angles of spheres more their volumes, considering the main central sphere like the most important volume with its finite serie of decreasing of volumes, become keys of understanding for the synchronizations and sortings of "evolutive informations".

              The fact that for all system of uniqueness, we have a serie finite, is important. mcosV so is = to a constant for all physical 3d sphere.See that the sphere can have spheres so the link is universal. It is essential considering the entropy and its distribution on the arrow of time. See also that the duration is implied by the rotations of these spheres, so it is relevant also.It exists a force between all spheres, quantic or cosmological. It tells us so an universal relevance for the singularities connected with the singularity, physical, so the main central cosmological sphere.See that the quantic singularities are also relevant for the universal rotation around this central main sphere. If the infinite light creates a physical evolutive sphere and its spheres, so the link is these central main spheres, these central main singularities inside this physicality. We cannot forget that the infinite light above our walls, does not turn, it turns inside this universal sphere.So the main informations come from this main central sphere, physical in 3D.In my calculations, it does not turn, like the universal sphere.The gauge with light is relevant when the sense is different for hv and m.

              The fact that the C and the Si continues to evolve, is intriguing.....
