Essay Abstract
Relativity, if rigorously interpreted, only fixes the differential structure of space-time without giving any particular prescription about the boundary of the space-time dimensions. On the other hand the boundary conditions have played a fundamental role since the earliest days of quantum mechanics. Wave-particle duality suggests the introduction in physics of the principle of intrinsic periodicity so that elementary particles turn out to be described as modulated harmonic vibrations of compact space-time dimensions. This enforces the undulatory nature of elementary particles and the local nature of relativistic space-time. For instance, as mathematically proven in recent publications, this conciliates special relativity with quantum mechanics [Found.Phys.,41:178,2011], gauge interactions with gravitational interaction [Ann.Phys.,327(6),1562,2012], and pinpoints a fundamental aspect of the Maldacena conjecture [Ann.Phys.,327(9),2354,2012]. Here, we present some conceptual elements of this innovative and elegant interpretation of the quantum world giving some historical and philosophical motivations.
Author Bio
Dr. Donatello Dolce has obtained his PhD in high energy physics at the Florence Univ., in 2007 after a PostDoc at J. Gutenberg Univ. of Mainz, Germany, he is concluding a PostDoc at the University of Melbourne, Australia. Despite his main research field is Phenomenology, he has dedicated most of his time and efforts in foundations of physics, convinced that novel natural testable ideas are necessary in modern physics. He has proposed a principle of intrinsic periodicity of elementary systems, obtaining and publishing a new theory with a realistic unified description of physics.