Essay Abstract
In 1928 Paul Dirac factorised Schrodingers relativistic wave equation into complex plane waves that had a structure similar to Clifford algebra (complex quaternions). The importance of the Dirac equation cannot be disputed as it led to the prediction of spin and antimatter, both later confirmed by experiment, and provided the foundation for modern quantum physics. However, for the past 80 years no one has fully appreciated the significance of this solution. We can now show that these complex plane waves in three dimensional space are real waves, and from this foundation we can deduce the main equation of quantum physics and Einstein's relativity. Once we understand this then we are in a position to state precisely which of our physical assumptions are correct and incorrect.
Author Bio
Geoffrey Haselhurst is a natural philosopher - one who studies Nature and the universe. He lives quite isolated from society on the South West coast of Australia with his partner and two beautiful young daughters. For the past 20 years he has read on physics, philosophy, metaphysics, evolution, education, politics, etc., believing that we must know the truth about things if we are to think and act wisely (philosophy). He enjoys the freedom to pursue knowledge, free from customary beliefs and academic pressures to conform to existing beliefs that tend to blind us to obvious truths.