" ... Consider the following; 'I'm looking forward to your description of how a quantity expands and contracts at the same time.'
Obviously I'm referring to gravity contracting and space expanding, so this, if I may put it so bluntly, is an idiot remark."
John, until the chemist Lavoisier discovered that fire is a process of rapid oxidation, scientists believed that combustion is caused by a substance called phlogiston. They continued to believe it, even when it was observed that "negative" phlogiston caused matter to lose substance (burning), and "positive" phlogiston caused matter to gain substance (rust).
That's the position you're in. Gravity is not a force that contracts anything; gravity is the curvature of spacetime. So it is quite impossible that "positive" gravity contracts while "negative" gravity expands.
" ... would it be reasonable to suppose that energy becoming thus contained (by the rest mass equation E = mc^2), would contract?"
No. It's already contracted, as rest mass.
"Thus energy released from mass expands, while energy condenced into mass contracts? fission vs. fusion."
Fusion doesn't "condense energy into mass" any more than fission "expands energy from mass." Binding energy is released in both types of nuclear reaction.
"I know the fuses have to be popping at the moment ..."
I'm way past that point. Now I'm making bets with myself on how long you'll continue to rant that science makes fantastic claims, while adhering to a standard of ... nonsense claims.