My point was a lot simpler than I think you have understood it as.
First, the physical existence we are investigating is definitive. That is, leaving aside practicalities(!), potentially it is entirely definable, either as a result of direct experience or hypothesis based on that. Because we can only investigate what it is possible for us to know (ie as opposed to invoke a belief about). And we know as the result of a specific independent physical process. So, it is attainable, ie there is no metaphysical problem, just a practical one, if it is properly understood what physical existence can be.
Now, the end result of that physical process is that we, and all sentient organisms, receive a physical input, in just the same way that the brick wall behind you, or your knee, does. The subsequent processing of the input, where it is possible to do so, is irrelevant. What you receive though, is a physical representation of what actually occurred. In the case of the sense of sight, this is known as light.
The differentiation between the physical phenomena received, and those which caused them, is critical, as:
-what is received is only a representation of what physically existed
-the phenomena involved in capturing and transmitting this representation have physical properties of their own which influence the extent to which they can effect this acquired functional role
-there is always a time delay between physical occurrence, and the receipt of any representation.
In respect of these phenomena being fit for the functional purpose acquired by evolution, there are three types of issue:
-non receipt: despite existence having occurred, no representation thereof has yet been, or ever will be, received. That is, no recipient sentient organism was in the line of travel of the effect, or it ceased to exist en route due to interaction with another existent phenomenon, or it has not yet reached any known organism. Another possibility is that the existent reality had a property which did not interact with the phenomena, ie nothing was generated as a result of an interaction.
-deficiency: this revolves around the occurrences in any given physically existent sequence being too many, too small, too frequent, etc, for the phenomena to cope with, ie they are unable to properly differentiate all that occurred, and hence the resultant representation in its original form is deficient in some way.
-alteration: the representation has been altered in some way en route, ie it is not in its original form when received. This could involve delay, distortion, partial elimination, diversion from the original line of travel, etc.
Put simply, what we see (or hear, feel, etc) is not what was, which is what we strive to know. It is a representation of that, based on the ability of phenomenon involved to capture and convey a representation.