
In response to your question you made on my essay page, I would like to explore this with you via email. Please let me know what email address you wish to use for our future correspondence. You can email me at: msm@physicsofdestiny.com

I look forward to hearing from you.



Dear James,

Well done for your efforts to shed light and examine the different definitions of entropy, a much misunderstood entity. A rating of 6 I think sits well with me.

I think your proposed definition of temperature may help resolve some problems as I have often wondered what the entropy increase would be if temperature was about 0K in the equation, ∆S = ∆E/T. As you noted, "The thermodynamic entropy at a temperature of approximately zero degrees Kelvin is very large". How large can this get? Is there any technological application to be derived from such disproportionately large entropy? Perhaps, your definition of temperature would show the inapplicability of this equation for temperatures tending towards 0K?

My essay entry focuses on a different aspect. You may view and rate also.

Following additional insights gained from interacting with FQXi community members, I wrote a follow up judgement in the case of Atomistic Enterprises Inc. vs. Plato & Ors delivered on Jul. 28, 2013 @ 11:39 GMT.

Best regards,


    Dear Akinbo,

    Thank you for your interesting questions:

    "I think your proposed definition of temperature may help resolve some problems as I have often wondered what the entropy increase would be if temperature was about 0K in the equation, ∆S = ∆E/T. As you noted, "The thermodynamic entropy at a temperature of approximately zero degrees Kelvin is very large". How large can this get?"

    The equation applies to an ideal gas. An ideal gas is not complex enough to model the behaviors of real gases. It is the case, though, that as the pressure of a gas approaches zero, the properties of the gas will become very much like those of an ideal gas. There is a limit to how far the ideal gas model can be applied. It does not account for intra-molecular motions. However, even in the real gas case, it is the inter-molecular transfer of kinetic energy that temperature is representative of. If the temperature could be zero, then the rate of transfer of kinetic energy would be zero; however, absolute zero cannot be reached. It cannot exist anywhere in the universe. These are my words. The reason it cannot exist anywhere in the universe is because changes of velocities occur in the universe. So long as there are changes of velocities of objects anywhere, there will always be changes of velocities of objects everywhere. Kinetic energy anywhere cannot be zero for the reason that objects can and do respond immediately to motions of other objects, no matter what the intervening distance is. Theoretical physics will offer a different response.

    "Is there any technological application to be derived from such disproportionately large entropy?"

    Speaking ideally, an infinite thermodynamic entropy could occur only if motion everywhere ceased. My essay explains why thermodynamic entropy is a measure of time only. It is the time required for kinetic energy to be absorbed at the rate that is directly proportional to temperature. I need to emphasize, that temperature would and should have been that rate. Temperature is not something different from that rate other than its units were established arbitarily. A proportionality constant corrects this problem. The units of the rate of transfer of kinetic energy and the units of temperature should be identical. In my essay it is shown that this always should have been the case. It was the use of a theoretical indefinable unit of degrees for temperature that has blocked understanding what temperature is. In answer to your question, thermodynamic entropy is not a physical something that could be exploited for mechanical purposes. It is a measure of time and time is not available for exploitation.

    "Perhaps, your definition of temperature would show the inapplicability of this equation for temperatures tending towards 0K?"

    The equation accurately represents what would be the case as the temperature approaches zero, but, only for the transfer of kinetic energy between molecules. It does not pertain to the internal temperature of a molecule. So long as a single gas molecule has particles internally that are changing their velocities then it has a temperature. Vibrational motions of the molecule can be transferred externally to another gas molecule. Even if no heat is added to the gas, as I show in my essay, the gas has an internal thermodynamic entropy and that entropy is not zero so long as molecules change their velocities for any reason.

    I will read your essay. Thank you for visiting.

    James Putnam

    In my recent message to Akinbo, I stated:

    "It was the use of a theoretical indefinable unit of degrees for temperature that has blocked understanding what temperature is."

    In this message I add that: The most important finding is that the choice of the theoretical indefinable units of kilograms for mass is responsible for blocking an understanding of what mass is. Mass is the inverse representation of the acceleration of light. Particles of matter are individual centers of accelerations of light. The 'light' that is being accelerated is photons.

    The early theoretical error of the choice to make mass an arbitrarily indefinable property with an arbitrarily indefinable unit is corrected by making mass a defined property. It is now defined using only the properties of the empirical evidence from which its existence was inferred. Higher level theory is greatly dependent upon the current indefinable nature of mass. Correcting the definition of mass changes physics theory greatly. That is what my essays have been about demonstrating.

    James Putnam

    Dear James,

    We are at the end of this essay contest.

    In conclusion, at the question to know if Information is more fundamental than Matter, there is a good reason to answer that Matter is made of an amazing mixture of eInfo and eEnergy, at the same time.

    Matter is thus eInfo made with eEnergy rather than answer it is made with eEnergy and eInfo ; because eInfo is eEnergy, and the one does not go without the other one.

    eEnergy and eInfo are the two basic Principles of the eUniverse. Nothing can exist if it is not eEnergy, and any object is eInfo, and therefore eEnergy.

    And consequently our eReality is eInfo made with eEnergy. And the final verdict is : eReality is virtual, and virtuality is our fundamental eReality.

    Good luck to the winners,

    And see you soon, with good news on this topic, and the Theory of Everything.

    Amazigh H.

    I rated your essay.

    Please visit My essay.

    In thermodynamics, the properties of pressure, volume, and temperature are described thus: These properties are large scale macroscopic coordinates because, their quantities refer to the gross characteristics of the system and provide a macroscopic description that tells us about the internal state of the system. They serve to determine the internal energy of the system. In my essay, without saying it out loud, one of those properties is shown to be a microscopic property and a microscopic measurement. Its microscopic nature, the kinetic theory of gases not withstanding, is the reason for the appearance of the 3/2 term in the equation E=(3/2)kT.

    James Putnam

    What my essay showed is that the connection between thermodynamic entropy and statistical entropy does not exist. Boltzmann's entropy did not continue the development of thermodynamic entropy. It instead invented a new entropy that broke completely away from the meaning of Clausius' discovery. The theoretical pathway for the development of the concept of 'bit' contains that break. The essay shows that the rigorous pathway is assumed to exist but does not exist.

    James Putnam

    Dear James,

    I have now finished reviewing all 180 essays for the contest and appreciate your contribution to this competition.

    I have been thoroughly impressed at the breadth, depth and quality of the ideas represented in this contest. In true academic spirit, if you have not yet reviewed my essay, I invite you to do so and leave your comments.

    You can find the latest version of my essay here:


    (sorry if the fqxi web site splits this url up, I haven't figured out a way to not make it do that).

    May the best essays win!

    Kind regards,

    Paul Borrill

    paul at borrill dot com

    The major contribution put forward by my essay was the removal of the theoretically invented indefinable mass from the equation f=ma and thereby from all of physics. The changes in understanding that this act brings to physics are great. What results is the removal of empirically unsupported inventions from physics equations, and, the return of physics properties back to their empirical roots. Gone are the flights of fancy about levels of physical existence extending beyond that which is accessible to us, yet are reliably revealed to be there by the superior universal source of knowledge that is commonly referred to as mathematics. The theorists continue to control the court proceedings while filling their own testimonies with hearsay. Hearsay is information without substantiation. My preference is to remain free from the chalk-board jungle of theoretical physics. Another contest has come and soon will be gone. Thank you to FQXi.org for the opportunity to present my views. I appreciate the visits that were made to my forum. Thank you to the visitors for giving of your time and sharing your opinions.

    James Putnam

    a year later


    This is Margarita / imagining the future humanity

    Sorry to bother you

    are you the relative of Hilary Whitehall Putnam ?

    hypothesis of multiple realizabilit, non-overlapping mental states etc.?

    let me know

    Wishing you well, Margarita

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