Dear Eckard,
The "delayed initial conditions" view is a way to see things in quantum mechanics, so that they make more sense to me. I more or less agree with most interpretations of QM, each of them explains phenomena in a way or another, so that they make more sense to one group or another. But each one of them, including mine, had to start from a point which contradicts common sense. I like mine, because I consider it natural, in the sense that it doesn't add extra things to the wavefunction, it only considers that initial conditions are not 100% chosen, and much remains to be chosen in time. In fact, we can say they are chosen, if the choice takes into account what may happen, hence global consistency condition. I received positive feedback from a very small number of experts in the field, but my views are far from being even considered equal competitors with other interpretations. One thing I like at this view, is that it is best understood when considering global consistency, and this makes the things more compatible to relativity, unlike other interpretations, which seem to violate it. Moreover, it makes the block view more flexible, in the sense that the solution is not determined completely at t0. This is close to the evolving block universe of Ellis, except that for him the past is fixed, and choice resides in discontinuous collapse.
Best regards,