Hi Tom,
Thanks for your excellent essay and sorry for the delay in my reply!
I'm definitely not talking about naked singularities at all. So I can't comment on those unfortunately.
Also I'm not considering Black Hole not their event horizons relative to an outside observer. Indeed you make the same point of me that physical interaction is one way!
Open space away from the Black Hole is easy. I envisage 3-dimensional exchange of information, such that information can be received and revealed fully across 3-dimensions.
At the event horizon (or point when no more information escapes out after the fading stops), from the poor astronauts point of view, information can be released inwards towards the black hole and along the event horizon itself. When no space time pathways point outwards.
The astronaut can not receive information from inside the black hole. This is a point when information can only be BOTH received and revealed across 2-dimensions.
Then pathways tend towards 1-dimension deeper into the black hole.
There ought to be a point, from a thought experiment point of view, where information can only be released, and deeper where it can only be received 1-dimensionally. Then at the singularity there are 0-dimensions.
As mentioned the sequence allows 0 to be skipped over via -1, 1, 0, 1, 1 part via equivalence amongst other reasons.
The negative valued vertex is a quantum effect of the Black Hole that conserves space time between the black hole and the outside Universe. I've elaborated on this in a comment below.
Rather than a white hole emerge from this system, it makes a black hole MORE stable because an arrow of time emerges from the entropy increase, that both conserves numbers and shows a natural asymmetry of space time.
I'll gladly elaborate further if necessary as your questions are excellent and these points, once understood/explained better by me are very compelling and important.
Very best wishes & pleased to "meet" you,