Thanks David,

I appreciate your bringing the space roar to my attention, and I've passed on some info to a colleague who is in gravity wave research, and was exploring early forming black holes. The Cosmic Radio Wave Background is a new one for me. Of course; as the researchers comment, they will have to repeat and expand the experiment. Anyhow, thanks for the tip.



Dear David,

For your essay topic you have chosen a very mysterious subject called 'space roar' whose source is yet to be identified and currently it is a challenge to astrophysics since known theories such as relativity, quantum mechanics, string theory, etc. cannot account for it. Thus the information available to us through the signals of space roar is to be properly comprehended in order to make it fit in to our known theoretical frame work. It is also to be known whether it is a universal phenomenon or a mere local effect. This subject certainly raises curiosity in the minds of knowledge seekers. For this, this article deserves a very good rating.

Best wishes,


    Dear David,

    Feel free to visit my site ( and post your comments on my essay in my thread.


    10 days later


    Ref your question above, I've recently been discussing 'reddening' in DFM terms and suddenly realised it is another prime candidate for the GZK limit, or certainly a contribution thereto.

    It's about absorption of the higher energies by QV particles which don't affect higher wavelenths, so the top part of the spectrum is 'subdued'. This is just like radio waves at out ionosphere. After your question I put GZK in the (long) line up to point the DFM at. Can you give me any better description and evidence on your own derivation? I'd be interested to discuss more.

    I'm just doing final ratings and not I hadn't done yours so a boost is due. I don't recall any comments on my blog from you (but there are 220!) and hope you'll read it by the deadline if you haven't yet. (If you think it's nonsense please don't score it till Thursday!) You should ignore the offputting dense abstract it's been kindly described in the blog with; "groundbreaking", "clearly significant", "astonishing", "fantastic", "wonderful", "remarkable!", "deeply impressed", etc. so I hope you're tempted.

    Well done and very best wishes.


    Dear David,

    I have now finished reviewing all 180 essays for the contest and appreciate your contribution to this competition.

    I have been thoroughly impressed at the breadth, depth and quality of the ideas represented in this contest. In true academic spirit, if you have not yet reviewed my essay, I invite you to do so and leave your comments.

    You can find the latest version of my essay here:

    (sorry if the fqxi web site splits this url up, I haven't figured out a way to not make it do that).

    May the best essays win!

    Kind regards,

    Paul Borrill

    paul at borrill dot com

    3 years later

    Thank you for your interest in my speculations.

    Note the following:

    Q(в€љ(-5)) has class number 2 & 5 is congruent to -19 modulo 24

    Q(в€љ(-23)) has class number 3 & 23 is congruent to -1 modulo 24

    Q(в€љ(-47)) has class number 5 & 47 is congruent to -1 modulo 24

    Q(в€љ(-71)) has class number 7 & 71 is congruent to -1 modulo 24

    Q(в€љ(-167)) has class number 11 & 167 is congruent to -1 modulo 24

    Q(в€љ(-191)) has class number 13 & 191 is congruent to -1 modulo 24

    Q(в€љ(-383)) has class number 17 & 383 is congruent to -1 modulo 24

    Q(в€љ(-311)) has class number 19 & 311 is congruent to -1 modulo 24

    Q(в€љ((-647)) has class number 23 & 647 is congruent to -1 modulo 24 "Tables of imaginary quadratic fields with small class numbers"]

    The prime numbers that divide the order of the monster group are:

    2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 41, 47, 59, & 71

    I conjecture that the preceding 9 facts about the class number of imaginary quadratic number fields have some profound meaning in terms of the foundations of physics.

    Note that 1728 = (2^6) * (3^3) = (2^3) * (6^3)

    I conjecture that the (2^3) represents Gell-Mann's Eightfold Way and the (6^3) represents 6 dimensions of gravitational freedom vibrating at 3 energy-density levels.

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