Dr. Shikano,

Quoting from the text:

"The famous parallel between thermodynamics and information theory is the para- dox of Maxwell's demon [4], explained as follows. Consider a molecular gas inside a box. The box contains a partition that divides it into two regions, and the partition has a window that can be either open or shut. The demon operates this window. When the demon sees molecules moving at higher speeds, he guides them to the left side of the box via the window. Similarly, the demon guides molecules moving at lower speeds to the right side of the box. The demon repeats this process repeatedly. Eventually, the tempera- ture in the left of the box increases, and vice versa. This seems to violate the second law of thermodynamics, and was taken as the paradoxical issue."

The definitions of thermodynamic properties are precise and ideal. Clausius' definition of thermodynamic entropy is precise and ideal. The ideal for temperature is that there are no faster molecules. The ideal for thermodynamic properties in general is that large numbers of molecules are involved. It seems to me that Maxwell violated the second law causing his demon to follow suit.

I have rated your essay just now. Your forthright opinion is invited. Thank you.

James Putnam

Dear Yutaka,

Very interesting essay. I liked your discussion of "physics imperialism" vs the operational approach, and the relation with the "it" and "bit" question. And the provisional conclusion "these from bits", and the need to extend information theory to small-number samples of non-typical sequences. Good luck!

Best regards,

Cristi Stoica

3 months later
  • [deleted]

Dear all,

Thank you so much for your effort and evaluation. I am very happy to receive the fourth prize of this essay contest. I found the typos on my original essay. The modified essay is attached.

--- The list of change ----

The last 7 line in Section 1: Rolf William Landauer'sfamous quote: -> John Archibald Wheeler's famous quote:

The last 7 line in Section 4: Landauer's famous slogan ... -> Wheeler's famous slogan ...

Reference 9 information is updated.


Best wishes,

YutakaAttachment #1: fqxi4.pdf

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