Interesting. I rated it ten

Dear Armin,

I have now finished reviewing all 180 essays for the contest and appreciate your contribution to this competition.

I have been thoroughly impressed at the breadth, depth and quality of the ideas represented in this contest. In true academic spirit, if you have not yet reviewed my essay, I invite you to do so and leave your comments.

You can find the latest version of my essay here:

(sorry if the fqxi web site splits this url up, I haven't figured out a way to not make it do that).

May the best essays win!

Kind regards,

Paul Borrill

paul at borrill dot com

Good luck Armin,

I am glad you made the finals, and I hope the judges treat you well.

All the Best,


Hello Armin,

I was praying for you while the shark attack was going on as I believe your essay has much to offer. I look forward to future exchanges on how the background I am proposing will influence Quantum theory, an area I am not expert like you. By background I mean a space that is not only discrete but participates in motion.

Congrats and best regards,


*By the way the sharks almost ate me up too but I think I survived.

Hi Armin,

Visited Deep Blue. Your two modes of existence, actualizable existence and actual existence can analogously stand for 'point' and 'monad' and can be interpreted as the binary choices, from which "Wheeler's space" can arise, a space-time that derives its meaning, function and existence from binary choices (bits). Pls see the judgement in my blog, as one of my next intentions is to see how this "Wheeler's space" can influence the Quantum World.

I got your email so I will correspond directly.



3 months later
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