Very happy to see you - Dear Author Wilhelmus de Wilde

(I change of to call like this to better suit all ages)

I would love your warning be for future: an over-reliance on the Artificial utility as:

"Without electricity and computers mankind will now become in a chaotic status"

Best wishes with the highest score for the passion and enthusiasm of you



I enjoyed your essay.

Here are some thoughts: I have often wondered whether theories of the multi-verse were liberating or merely throw the determinist web even wider. What good, really is my freedom, if leaving the house results in every possible outcome?

As for the role of consciousness in quantum effects: isn't it really action we are talking about rather than consciousness by itself. Observation isn't passive but a deliberate action. We need to change our consciousness in so far as it influences our actions, but it is our actions that it a sense create the future, even if most of the future's aspects remain unpredictable and we are never sovereign over the shape it will take.

Whatever those differences between us, I heartily agree with your comment on my post:

"It is in my opinion the overall "mentality" that has to change from egoistic short term profit ideas to a long term non-profit sharing our potentiality mentality. The average age of a human being is just 80 yers and that also influences his actions when they are influencing his wellnes during this time, if we would age longer then we would perhaps have more attention for a future that is longer away as those 80 years..."

Thank you for your thought provoking essay, best of luck!

Rick Searle

Thanks a lot for your encouraging words Gbenga.

You and I are both dependant on the energy the sun gives us any moment

so indeed

we are ALL comrads and brothers


dear Harlan,

Most of the "NEEDS" are created by the "economy".

We can however always "THINK FREE"


Dear Ken;

You place your E-strings in the brain.

I argue that matter does not matter and also the brain is an emerging entity.

I will read your article in full

best regards


Dear Walter

You got me...

Indeed my Total Simultaneity is for me a new explanation of the GOD perception (that gives me a lot of peace)...



Thank you James,

firm bases are not possible for emerging entities.

Our soul is in my perception the coupling of the non-caused consciousness with its temporal causal part, in TS it is ALL ONE (GOD?)



Another fresh and interesting probe of what consciousness is and, maybe, can do in the future. I liked the fascinating concept of a 'new kind of quantum consciousness', and agree that; 'in order to be able to create a 'better' universe... The steering of the future lies in a deeper understanding of our consciousness.'

I'm a great supporter of the concepts of 'the infinite amount of futures' in more than one way, and I found the 'sphere of consciousness' concept interesting. All round another great and original view who, why, where and what we are. Very well done again.


Dear Wilhelmus,

I have just read your Essay.

I find it very nice, here are my comments:

1) I appreciate your abstract statements that "The special place of our planet and the fine-tuning of the physical constants is something we cannot influence but we have to appreciate." and that "Technology needs not to be an Existential Risk". I completely agree with you on these issues.

2) Your idea of a Subjective "Simultaneity Sphere (SSS)" is intriguing.

3) I agree with you that, concerning the present high level of interconnection and communication, "The good part is that we are able to assist our fellow human beings in disasters, the bad thing is that we are becoming more and more dependent on the "system" in the future."

4) I agree with your statement that "To clean the cradle we have to change our mentality and unite our efforts, also in order to fulfill the future needs needs .", but, sadly, I think that people is too much ignorant and egoist to do this.

5) I appreciate your recalling the anthropic principle. In fact, I am a strong endorser of it.

6) I agree with your statement that "as we are on the right place on the right moment in the right cradle, we are lucky!" Here I add Einstein's sentence that "The most incomprehensible thing ... It's like, why are we able to understand the universe at our level?"

7) Your answer to the fundamental question "Are we in control of our reality ?" is "Our consciousness is THE essential "tool" in creating the causal reality that we are aware of" is a version of the strong anthropic principle.

8) I think that your statement on the "non-causal/causal connection" is similar to the statement in Hawking's last paper "That is unitary, but chaotic, so there is effective information loss."

9) Has your proposing ONE field for all baryonic matter something to do with the Higgs fileld?

10) Your idea that "entering" in this way new dimension(s) that may reside behind the Wall of Planck" recalls me the quest for a deterministic quantum mechanics. I retrieve this issue in your conclusions when you claim that "In this Matter-Field illusion quantum physics is showing us already the first indications of non-materialistic reality, "real" objects merge to thingness and further abstraction."

I enjoyed in reading your work. Thus, I am going to give you an high score.



Hello Mr. de Wilde,

I read your submission and I want you to read mine. I like you to mention Gottlieb Wilhelm Leibnitz. Leibnitz is a sort of my childhood's hero. I think about myself as a follower of Leibnitz. I am pleased to know that people read Leibnitz.

In my essay I write about the imagining, analogous imagining and how people think. You may find it interesting. The essay is a part of the collection of the futuristic essays, including one essay concerning the design of the physical world.

You may look at my entry about imagining the future. I hope my essay will encourage you to learn more about ways of knowing and to apply analogous imagining in your field of interests.

You are welcome to share the link to my essay with your correspondents

Please disregard any typo mistakes you may encounter.

Warm cheers,

Margarita Iudin


Walter Putnam asked my question and it looks like you agree, that the first point of your essay is: There exists another "something" other than the things we think we know well like, in Walter's words: space, time, matter, energy .... You call this other thing 'consciousness' while others have other names for it.

My questions to you are: What is it and Where does this exist? Does it exist in individual "units" or is it something collective (your "Total Being", perhaps)and shared between units?

If it is an individual attribute, then it is likely to exhibit differences? If it is collective, it needs to have a master plan or central thought - is this just human "survival"?

I loved your analogy of humanity being like a "child in a cradle.' Nature, as we see in all varieties of life, encourages the child to leave the cradle and live in the world - this is like your 'child falling out of the cradle' or is it not?

Other than "not to strive for (short) economic profit", what else needs to be communicated to the child so that s/he can do the right thing? What exactly are some attributes of consciousness?

One suggestion for a future version of this essay: provide a list of definitions to guide the reader. I needed this very badly.

Very interesting point on the existence of the 'something else' you call "consciousness".

By the way, I believe that your 'consciousness' is an individual attribute and responsible for all the good and the bad that exists in the world, which has usually had the hand of a specific individual orchestrating voluntary change. My essay here. I wonder what you think of it.


- Ajay

Dear John, we are a soulmate of consciousness. You and I are one in the Spock's mind-meld. Our souls are entangled somehow and somewhat.

Yes indeed and I quote you: "The total amount of energy the earth is receiving each day from the sun is 174 PETAWATT (1015 Watt)!!! This divided by the 7 billion habitants , gives an income per habitant of 102.000.000 watts per day !!! .... So actually nobody needs to be poor." Yes, we are rich beyond belief and we are living in Leibniz's best possible world.

Yes, we are entering into a new phase of an economic system powered by KQID that I called as the Scientific Outlook Free-Lunch economic System. You wrote powerfully and yet logically: "The best "technology" to achieve these ideals is taking care of our children and educate them not to strive for (short) economic profit but to strive for the growth of their own consciousness, so that every other individual can share in its findings. Communication is already becoming common sense. Science should be admissible for everyone. Skype (free of charge communication so attainable for all) and Wikipedia (free knowledge available to all) are good examples of the directions we have to explore our united force with the respect of individuality."

You also wrote: "Throw ALL information of ALL the universes that constitute the multi-verse together in one basket (also the ones that in our perception are impossible universes with different fundamental constants) and stir it up to one non-causal unity (yes it seems like chaos). In this way we have created a flaw imagination of "Total Simultaneity" (TS). (11) In this basket there are no "material realities" but "availabilities". Availabilities of ALL information. Imagine all the slices of all block-universes together but not as realized lined-up causal realities. These slices could furthermore be imagined as two-dimensional holographic representations of a three-dimensional universe. But how do we experience reality ? What is the entity that enables Time and Space ? Are we in control of our reality ?

Answer : Our consciousness is THE essential "tool" in creating the causal reality that we are aware of .We argue that our consciousness is a constituted of two entangled parts: the causal part and the non-causal part. Causal consciousness stretches out into the basket of Total Simultaneity where it becomes non-causal, this "non-causal/causal connection" can be imagined as entanglement-like and timeless. In this basket of Total Simultaneity our non-causal consciousness has the choice between the infinity of availabilities of slices of universes, and each slice is the center of possible time/life line that stretches out from the past and into a future,"

Wonderful essay too far ahead of its time, that is why most people are behind in their consciousness. We need Total Simultaneity in your conception and in mine it is our Ancestor FAPAMA Singularity Qbit (00, , -) that contains all that is.

Thanks you and I rated you a ten (10) in this contest.

Good luck and best wishes,

Leo KoGuan

    Dear Ajay,

    Imagine every individual surrounded by a sphere where all signals from everywhere are coming in and hit the surface simultaneously. In our causal existence where each location of an individual has a different location on the grid, so each sphere is different from the other. This means that each causal consciousness is receiving different data for his senses, so is from the beginning on creating what we call "individuality" being different from the other...

    The original source of any (causal)consciousness is its non causal part in Total Simultaneity. So perhaps there we are ALL "ONE" (GOD?).

    The causal part of this ALL Consciousness is imprisoned in what we are calling TIME, where different eternal now moments are lined up to "memory". This implicates "differences" that can be seen as good or bad, just because of the fact that they are different. This duality in our causal life with birth and death is so a result of the causal consciousness being trapped in time.

    I will read your essay.


    Dear Wilhelmus de Wilde, I am really Sorry, I keep calling everyone John. I must be too tired due to over work lately. My apology. Best wishes, Leo KoGuan.

    12 days later

    Hi Wilhelmus,

    Thanks for another enlightening essay.

    By the way, I never realized the phrase "Everything is best in this best of all possible worlds" was given by Leibniz. I always assumed it was a phrase that Voltaire gave to Dr. Pangloss in Candide.

    I am waiting for your new book "Consciousness for Dummies". I promise I will buy a copy.

    Glad to see you in this contest. Best of Luck!

    Don Limuti

      Thank you Don for your kind words.

      I will post my latest article on your thread.

      best regards


      Hi again Wilhelmus,

      I would be honored to read your latest work on cosmology. My e-mail is

      I do appreciate your positive take on the future. I believe you are correct .... I just feel it in my bones.

      Just a thought, have you ever thought of injecting a little humor in the subject of quantum consciousness. The name quantum consciousness is just too ponderous. This is just a fantasy... but I would love to see you collaborate with someone like Mel Brooks on "Consciousness for Dummies". I think it could be a very subversive best seller... I want the movie rights :)

      All the best,

      Don Limuti


      The time grows short, so I am revisiting and rating. My essay speaks of a more transcendent use of the brain (looking within) as part of steering the future and more intelligence use of science.

      Have you had a chance to read my essay?
