Dear Wilhelmus!
I welcome your well-considered essay and several of posts you put on other participants' page. Albeit I haven't concern about the competition (see my end-notes) I rated your essay high, because it has many foundational thoughts.
There are many views of yours which fall together with mine, which I exerted in my essay, and some of my longer comments also put here to better unfold the meanings of my messages.(see links to my comments)
1. I especially like, you are a brave one who dare to say exactly phrasing - We are our God(s) having an utmost capability to create our own realities by conciousness, thus we have the potential to steer our life course -.
2. I also deeply appreciate your dictum: "DELETE the word "Property" and replace it for "Responsibility".
3. I think, we need to further elaborate on: What would the LIVING IN a Total Simultaneity mean in the context of non-causality, reincarnation (= until it has been an unscientific term, - but the contemporary string and M-theory may be near to describe it -, for one's, ones' experiences, memories as a consciousness imprints having folded and recorded into subtle energy light bodies, and how the fabric of Time and Space, Space and Time frameworks created truly for being been not only a holographic representation of several of 3D alternative realities as probabilities patterns, but factually arranged ones too into physical/genetically coded bodies, who think probably for answering to themselves: What and how to control our reality creation, what is desirable to steer.) and being fully aware of what we should do, how to decide in the Right NOW MOMENT, so the created Technologies by us basically for our well-being there not be an Existential Risk!
In a nut shell in my essay: I distinguish two states about the 'Reality'. I suppose there is an 'Original reality' as an unconditionally given existence, may be called 'Natural order of things'. This reality contains the stratum of all living being both material (crystals, plants, animals) also non-material kinds may be called energy, information, consciousness, thoughts etc. At the apex of existence, I suppose there is an - original naturally arranged and cosmic Man- theologians label GOD-Man. WHO is composed of all both material and non-material inside and outside of his environment. This Man as the sum total of originally not created Nature can live his life either he knows about how all inside and outside him should work. This state may be called the - non-causality - going on its own course (Herakleitus), a non intentionally steered evolution. However, owing to this Man also has an unconditionally given inherent capability for thinking, so he is always propelled to know about his inner and outer environment. That is the phase of his self-recognition(Hegel). The latter - we should call CREATION - during which one would make simulations separately running from his natural living, somehow both may be synchronized, even one can research himself with real-time. The everlasting questions is - what to do with the knowledge one gains during his self scrutiny I supposed, and suggested a model how one (on solipsistic simulation way) could do researches with very himself, and how else ones might be involved unintentionally. Even, I gave a kind of else simulation technology where a team might be involved. I pointed out those simulation technologies 'not necessarily based on contemporary computer technology', and of what basics for our present us is not yet completely apprehended, but our recent technologies should exceed the original conception.
4. Due to I strongly suppose the supremacy of NATURE is, because it exists unconditionally, thus it is not a CREATED one by any means (either GOD/GODs, or by us)! Furthermore, it unconditionally contains all information at every field of stratum involving both the subtle energies fields attributed to consciousness and materially arranged matter. Thus, I think probably you are wrong in that statement that the Original material reality is an illusion. However that may be a goal to couple with a causally created holographic(illusionary perceived material reality). As far as, I can guess the meaning of contemporary best cyclic 'The Steinhardt-Turok model' tries to describe it. (as per wikipedia explanation: In this cyclic model, two parallel orbifold planes or M-branes collide periodically in a higher dimensional space.[8] The (My addition: HOLOGRAPHYCALLY) visible four-dimensional universe lies on one of these branes. The collisions correspond to a reversal from contraction to expansion, or a big crunch followed immediately by a big bang.)
5. My message is: What a new step in our understanding may be - This GOD-Man comprises the advanced humanity as a WHOLE UNITY of a complex organism in his every living state in the NO time and NO SPACE = RIGHT NOW, and inherently IMMORTAL, because never created and unconditionally exists! We need not to overcome this supremacy what basically unconditionally encoded in the NATURE, in our nature and in our original genetic make up!
6. We can create Technologies, however it is desirable to do basically for our well-being.
I've not a concern of the competition! I participated here to speak at first time during my last 25 yrs. tremendous working behind the scenes, because I wished to disseminate essential information to those who were seriously working on to repair faults taken in our past and even our far or near future we should have commited that, but with a worse outcome.
My only hope truly, the eventual decision making process behind all of this discussion of a very crucial theme at the point in the possible right NOW MOMENT for getting a satisfactory grant for a proper project goal will be for our best mutual interest, keeping humanity on the right steps avoiding a worst cataclysmic event (some times probably that have already happened)
All the best for you and all of us.
You can reach me at my email given in my essay.
High regards,
------ If you keep me interesting you can read my comment conversions threads put on essays marked with (***) special importance, but unfortunately non-replied.
REALITY, ONCE by Joe Fisher
How Should Humanity Steer the Future? An interview with Einstein in Heaven by Vladimir F. Tamari
The Spiritual Big Bang: Origin of Universe by Damon Joseph Sproc(***)
How Can People Plan for the Technological Future and Who Should Be Their Guides into the Future? by David Brown(***)
How to Hack Human History by John Brodix Merryman
The Tip of The Spear by George Gantz
Humanity does not steer, but should enjoy the ride by Stephen Ashworth
Protogeometer: Falling Into Future by Vladimir I. Rogozhin
An end to steer by, and a means by Michael Allan
How Should Humanity Steer the Future ? by Margriet Anne O'Regan
Life under ground Cosmic mystery and physical reality by Petio Hristov
Steering the Future to Education by Don Limuti
Removing the Element of Surprise by Aaron M. Feeney
Planetary Procreation by Turil Sweden Cronburg
my essay