Essay Abstract
Our modern civilization is built on cheap energy from fossil fuels, which produces carbon dioxide, which produces global warming. The only way to avoid catastrophe is to shift away from fossil fuels to solar and nuclear energy, well before all fossil fuel reserves have been burned. But this transition cannot be achieved with a projected global population of 10 billion (10B); we need to return to a level of 100 to 200 years ago, when the population was ~1-2B. A peaceful transition is possible only if humanity collectively takes ownership of the problem.
Author Bio
Alan M. Kadin is an applied physicist (PhD Harvard 1979), who has worked in both industry and academia, and is now living in Princeton Junction, New Jersey, USA. Dr. Kadin's primary research field has been superconducting devices, but he also has longstanding interests in the foundations of physics and in futurology. He submitted two essays to previous FQXi contests: and