Dear Vladimir,
Special thanks, bolshoi spasivo to you. I was a bit scared that nobody will read my essay (from the colleagues competitors) because there so many bright writings here. Up to this moment 71 one with some > 10 coming this week.
When all will be up I will explore them systematically trying to learn and discover kind of generalizable complemmentarity between the most informative and valuable of them.
Obviously there are 3 categories of essays- all in the very best sense of the words: utopic (idealistic), distopic(anti-idealistic) and "pragma" - in which the 3 antonyms of idealistic- as defined in my work- dominate. These characteristics are mixed more or lessin all essays; my one is mainly "pragma" Its sucess depends critically on the acceptance of the exposed ideas;
- limitless interestingness,
- perfectibility good, perfection dangerous,
- truths fragmented and incomplete,
- NO has priority above YES
(Two examples missing from the text that also illustrate my modus cogitandi are
a) The "Primum non nocere" principle for drugs and this saying:
" The aim of science is not to open the door to infinite wisdom, but to set a limit to infinite error." (Bertolt Brecht, Life of Galileo)
I am aware of fighting for rather unpopular ideas- but this is my DUTY because I have found the way to solve problems, based on a long life experience and a very broad professional experience.
Complete definitions have to be used i.e. negative and positive, c'est la vie- and reality.
I am convinced my grand-grand-children will be taught about these 20 Rules in the school- early.
Problem solving is the way of humanity to steer its future.It's above both Utopy and Distopy.
Thank you again,