Essay Abstract

Science is the reason humanity reached this stage of progress, and science is humanity's guide to the future. However, to enable science to guide us to a better future, we need to improve the way we do science to accelerate the rate of scientific discovery and its applications. This is important to find urgent solutions to humanity's problems, improve humanity's conditions, and enhance our understanding of nature. In this essay, we seek to identify those aspects of science that need improvement, and discuss how to improve them.

Author Bio

Mohammed Khalil is an undergraduate junior student at Alexandria University, Egypt. His main interest is theoretical physics, especially cosmology. Last year, he took the GRE physics test and scored 990. He also published a paper in the journal 'Advances in High Energy Physics'; it is available at

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It is my great delight to see an undergraduate junior student coming from Africa taking part in this highly intellectual based competition. I am glad to be the first to rate you. Your essay is quite research oriented and wish you can increase your momentum because you are going places. There is a future for the Africans.

I will also employ you to read my article "STRIKING A BALANCE BETWEEN TECHNOLOGY AND ECOSYSTEM" and leave a comment base on your observation including rating the essay. Hope to see more Africans in this competition

It is well with you and keep it up.


    Hi Mohammed,

    You have given a really thorough examination of the problems facing science and given very clear solutions. I found the discussion of the current problems with the quality control of published work eye opening. Also the bias introduced by not publishing negative results was a really interesting observation.I am quite staggered by the sheer number of papers published each year.

    An interesting discussion of public education, good news too with the uptake of online university courses. You have given an optimistic view that science and technology will be able to solve future problems and you gave some very interesting examples. Relevant,informative and well written. Good luck,Georgina


      Thank you for your kind and encouraging comments, and for your rating.

      I will read your essay, and tell you my opinion.

      Best regards,


      Hi Georgina,

      Thank you so much for kind comments. I am glad you liked the essay.

      Dear Prospective Doctor Khalil,

      Your essay was excellent. I do hope that it does well in the contest.


      Joe Fisher

        Hello Mohammed,

        I greatly enjoyed your essay and I agree with the premise that Science as we know it needs some repairs. Actually; I've been trying to highlight and address some of the same problems for several years now. I have attached the slides and proceedings paper for my FFP11 talk "Learning to Cooperate for Progress in Physics," which I think fills in some of the areas your paper does not discuss. You will find additional sources about this and other topics related to your essay in my own offering for this year's contest. You will also find Phil Gibbs' essay worthwhile to read, because he speaks at length about the peer-review story your essay touches on.

        I wish you luck!


        JonathanAttachment #1: 2_JDickauFFP11.pdfAttachment #2: Learning_to_Cooperate_for_Progress_in_Physics.pdf

          Dear Mohammad

          Azeem! A fantastic essay! It is astonishing to see how an undergraduate has accumulated, digested and creatively presented so much knowledge and his own ideas about it in such a lucid manner. Brilliant.

          Having said that I see that the enthusiasm of youth is matched by its idealism. Many of the suggestions you make are eminently practical and should be implemented. Yet you ignore the problems of simple human limitations. Alas self interest, laziness and the inertia of things as they are - i.e. political, social and religious factors - may well stand in the way of realizing the wonderful scenario you have presented.

          Take environmental policy: have governments and businesses taken a concerted unified approach to solving such problems as carbon emissions? Hardly. This crucial human factor is discussed by Sabine Hossenfelder in her fqxi essay. Your idea about peer review after publication is akin to Philip Gibb's essay.

          By the way you start your essay with a reference to relativity and quantum mechanics. These two fields too are long due for revamping, as I discussed in my fqxi essay of some years past "Fix Physics!"

          It is refreshing to read your enlightened ideas from the city that boasted the great lighthouse and Library of ancient times. Good luck.


            Thank you Jonathan. I read your essay and presentation, and I agree with you. Innovation is very important for humanity's progress, and what better way to encourage it than play. Also, thank you for mentioning Gibbs' essay, I'll read it soon.

            Good luck for you.

            Dear Vladimir,

            Shukran! Thank you so much for your encouraging comment.

            I agree that many of my suggestions are hard to achieve, but they are not impossible. Most of the issues raised in my essay are science related, and scientists are better at adapting to change. To fix science we need as many people as possible to believe in the need to do so, and discussions are a great place to start.

            I read your essay and I find your interview with Einstein very enjoyable.

            Best regards,



            Your solutions require openness and equal media access. I believe you correctly identify the shortcomings of the current system. Certainly science is the guide to the future and improvements are in order. My fear is that monolithic corporations with control over energy, investment, government and the media -- and increasingly what is researched in the academic world, has an agenda which does not include long-term solutions regarding climate change, alternative energy sources, and research on the foregoing problems. Technology and science discoveries have an emphasis on weaponry, fossil fuel discovery and pharmaceuticals in the US. It is hard to break the monopoly on resource use based on profit.

            You do present aspects of science that need improvement, especially in open applications of technology, and we do need a common good solution. This I also discuss.


              Hi James,

              Thank you for your comment. I agree with you; that's why I believe governments should fund innovation in those kinds of problems, not the private sector. For this to happen, the public must believe in the importance of those issues, and scientists have the responsibility of raising the public awareness of those problems and how to solve them.

              Best regards,


              Hi Mohammed,

              You wrote a fact-packed and easy to read essay. The F1000Research Journal sounds like a worthwhile idea. I will check it out.

              Your comment on negative results made my day but from a different perspective than yours. For the past years, I have been working to identify how to naturally extract water vapor indigenously from the air we breathe anywhere in the world. I believe this is the only long-term way to solve safe water supply issues everywhere without resorting to transporting, cleaning etc efforts. After all, nature's water cycle is a water purification and delivery machine that holds safe water as vapor in the air we breathe. If you want, you can visit my blog here

              To solve this I have been talking, for example, to the pharmaceutical industry about sharing with me the circumstances when unwanted moisture ruins a batch of medicines. They don't seem to keep good records on this and part of my difficulty is in their hesitation to tell me how they failed.

              My only quibble and a minor one with your essay is that it did not address more on expanding use of science but, maybe, because you are personally more focused on adding more science.

              The very best of luck in this essay competition


                Thank you Ajay, your reply made my day. Extracting water vapor sounds like a great method to solve water shortage problems, but to use it widely, I think it needs a good renewable energy source.

                I think that I addressed expanding the use of science, but yes I did focus more on adding to science. I believe new scientific innovations are needed to solve humanity's problems, and to provide better conditions for all people.

                Thanks again,


                Hi Vladimir and Mohammed,

                My dictionary says: "If someone revamps a system, group, or organization, they make changesto it in order to try and improve it and hide its faults; often used showing disapproval". I guess Vladimir didn't intend hiding faults.

                Mohammed wrote: "we need as many people as possible". Hm.Aren't there already many unemployed people in particular in Muslim countries with rapidly growing population? I know, you meant it differently.

                Nonetheless, not just the prophet Mohammed could not yet envision that the growing number of people who are producing mounting dangerous waste and goods of questionable use while believing in the wonder that the resources will be sufficient for maybe 100 billion people too.

                I think science needs honest work and consequent responsibility rather than unlimited funding. Public peer review after publication might really be a good idea as to stop too prolific paper fabricators.

                How do you imagine peace between Arabs and Jews as long as both sides are or at least pretend to be overly patriotic in their beliefs?

                I hope, at least you Mohammed are young and flexible enough as to learn from those who faced disasters like WWII, holocaust, and loss home. My essay is an attempt to make you aware of our common responsibility.


                Hi Ajay,

                Waiting so far in vain for a reply by Mohammed, I read your idea. Yes, we say the devil is in the detail. In Europe we are familiar with acid rain. Recently I heard that multi-resistance is a growing problem in Calcutta. Too many people would cause huge unseen difficulties. What do you mean, how many people does the earth need?



                Hi Eckard,

                Thank you for your comments.

                By "we need as many people as possible", I meant that for an improvement to happen, people must first believe in the necessity of doing so, especially scientists, engineers, and policy makers. I don't understand what "unemployed people" have to do with this.

                You are right that earth's resources are limited and cannot sustain 100 billion, but I believe science and technology can provide good living conditions for the 7 billion people today, and even 10 billion in the near future. Reducing, or stopping, the rate of population growth is important, but it is not the goal of this essay to discuss that.

                I agree that "science needs honest work and consequent responsibility", and I didn't say that "unlimited funding" is the only solution.

                I read your essay and I agree with you; realizing peace between all nations is a common responsibility of us all. I also like how you linked peace with discovery and invention, this is in agreement with my essay that science and technology can lead us to a better future.


                Hi Mohammed,

                Very nice essay, I enjoyed reading it. You are right about the publishing process, in particular regarding publishing negative reviews, confirming the results of research, peer review done more seriously (often reviewers don't give full consideration when accepting, but also when rejecting a paper, for being an alternative approach). You are also right with involving more the scientists, and especially with your views on access to education and empowering people to participate to global decisions. We can do better science, and we can raise awareness of the global problems by education.

                Good luck with the contest, and with your research!
