Fascinating essay. I was quite unfamiliar with Gaia and there was a lot I agreed with. Implementation, as so often, does seem to be the real issue. I wonder if we really can now ever find our way to a new paradigm?
Though I agree we're pushing technology itself quite enough I suggest history does show that most advancement has been led by advancement in understanding nature. I must confess my own essay then takes a more 'classical mechanics' view to untangling our incoherent understanding of nature. As an engineer I hope you may see and comment on the solution, born of the same Einstein quote you well employ.
"No problem can be solved by the same consciousness that created it. We need to see the world anew."
I suggest escaping Earth centric thinking to do so in an allegorical tale. I don't think any more fundamental and practical leap ahead is possible as the consequences are limitless, including inspiring confidence that we CAN understand how nature works.
Very well done for yours, covering very different but also critically important aspects of the future of humanity. I shall certainly steer your score in the right direction for the new judging phase. Roll on that new paradigm!
best wishes