Essay Abstract

If we master our collective will, we can achieve Xuan Yuan's Da Tong in our lifetime by 2049, not only for China but also for all earthlings. The requirement is we collectively adopt the Xuan Yuan Anti-entropic Operating System 2.0 with its Scientific Outlook Rule of Law and Principle, and Scientific Outlook Free-Lunch Economic System is powered by KQID super powerful time-engine. We will restructure the architecture of the world financial system and world economic super-infrastructures to benefit all Tianming Ren, aliens, cyborgs and self-conscious robots, both rich and poor are equally benefits, rather than just for the privilege top one percent that control up to 50% of the world's private wealth. Here and now, everyone shall have free education, free health care, free material wealth and from each to each according to his/her dreams and aspirations. Using the KQID time-engine, earthlings will literally become Tianming Ren with God-like power to create and distribute objects of desire at will. Unchained, we are free at last!

Author Bio

Leo KoGuan is the Founder and Chairman of SHI International, about US$ 5.8 billion last year. Director of KoGuan Rule of Law and Principle Studies Center at Tsinghua University, Peking University, and KoGuan Law School. Global Trustee Emeriti of Asia Society. Since four year old, he has questioned what, how and why Existence and his mission is to answer these questions, and create and distribute Xuan Yuan Anti-entropic Operating System 2.0 that creates and distributes Xuan Yuan's Da Tong for everyone, alien, cyborg and robot alike to have free education, free health care and free material wealth.

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Bio correction:

SHI International had the total sales of over $5.1 billions last year and this year SHI International would reach the total sales of about $5.8 billions.

Best regards,

Leo KoGuan, Founder and Chairman of SHI International

Very interesting essay, Leo.

One advantage I have always thought China has over countries like the United States is the depth of its past. As Churchill said "The farther backward you can look, the farther forward you are likely to see". I love the way your essay look for the roots of the present in ancient philosophy.

One question, however, a lot of the essays in this contest express a deep anxiety over resource constraints and the negative impact on the environment of continued growth. Students of mine who are from China or are visiting relatives there often complain of pollution water scarcity etc from rapid growth. Your essay does not really express concern on this matter. Can you explain your thoughts on how universal prosperity is possible with out destroying the biosphere.

Rick Searle

  • [deleted]

Excellent point, Rick. You have also an interesting and thoughtful essay that I will make comment soon. I taught both at Peking University and Tsinghua University for a year and half. I experienced 4 months of continuing coughing caused by lung infection due to severe pollution there. Moreover, my blood pressure shot up from a normal 130/80 up to extremely high188/95 later and still having high blood pressure now, and my artery was somewhat clogged.. Yes, I experienced myself the health effect due to severe degradation of environment to our quality of life. Xuan Yuan is a rational environmentalist and solemnly declares his love of his lands. He CHERISHES Earth. He advocates not only to transform earth into objects of desire for human's well brings but also to respect, take are and live with nature seamlessly. He declares: " Revering the Heaven, cherishing the Earth, and holding the people dear,..." Yes, we must put the value and price on our environment as important part/cost of any Scientific Outlook on Development of Free-Lunch Economic System. KQID time-engine would enable us to possess truly unlimited power and would ultimately recycle all atoms in our garbages/wastes back into our objects of desire. Yes, we use and reuse our about approximately 10^50 atoms of our Earth and about 10^80 atoms of our universe again and again since atom is known to be identical in time. Yes we shall develop our 3D printers to utilize atoms as their raw materials. We shall turn on our creation and distribution engine to create and distribute abundant goods of desire from our wastes. In the beginning, we are using molecules and proteins as the raw materials of our 3D printers. Even later in about a million years later, we will accumulate god-like Wang Yangming's unity of knowledge and action, we can use abundant qbits/bits to create, distribute and manipulate Existence at will. I believe Newton-Thermodynamics, Maxwell-Einstein-QM wonderful and powerful engine can only support No-Free-Lunch system, whereas KQID time-engine would give us god-like power to enable us not only to live a god-like existence but also to prevent us from extinction. We are actually in the border of being dead and alive it is Leibniz's best of all possible worlds. We need KQID to survive in the impossibility of Existence. Thus KQId must exist in the best possible world. Yes I am a rational optimist if we adopt and deploy Xuan Yuan Anti-entropic Operating System 2.0, we shall be leisurely, pleasurably and creatively living in Nature as avatars of our Ancestor FAPAMA Singularity Qbit (00, , -). Yes our Qbit smiles and says: "everything is well and good."

Yours sincerely,

Leo KoGuan

Excellent point, Rick. You have also an interesting and thoughtful essay that I will make comment soon. I taught both at Peking University and Tsinghua University for a year and half. I experienced 4 months of continuing coughing caused by lung infection due to severe pollution there. Moreover, my blood pressure shot up from a normal 130/80 up to extremely high188/95 later and still having high blood pressure now, and my artery was somewhat clogged.. Yes, I experienced myself the health effect due to severe degradation of environment to our quality of life. Xuan Yuan is a rational environmentalist and solemnly declares his love of his lands. He CHERISHES Earth. He advocates not only to transform earth into objects of desire for human's well brings but also to respect, take are and live with nature seamlessly. He declares: " Revering the Heaven, cherishing the Earth, and holding the people dear,..." Yes, we must put the value and price on our environment as important part/cost of any Scientific Outlook on Development of Free-Lunch Economic System. KQID time-engine would enable us to possess truly unlimited power and would ultimately recycle all atoms in our garbages/wastes back into our objects of desire. Yes, we use and reuse our about approximately 10^50 atoms of our Earth and about 10^80 atoms of our universe again and again since atom is known to be identical in time. Yes we shall develop our 3D printers to utilize atoms as their raw materials. We shall turn on our creation and distribution engine to create and distribute abundant goods of desire from our wastes. In the beginning, we are using molecules and proteins as the raw materials of our 3D printers. Even later in about a million years later, we will accumulate god-like Wang Yangming's unity of knowledge and action, we can use abundant qbits/bits to create, distribute and manipulate Existence at will. I believe Newton-Thermodynamics, Maxwell-Einstein-QM wonderful and powerful engine can only support No-Free-Lunch system, whereas KQID time-engine would give us god-like power to enable us not only to live a god-like existence but also to prevent us from extinction. We are actually in the border of being dead and alive it is Leibniz's best of all possible worlds. We need KQID to survive in the impossibility of Existence. Thus KQId must exist in the best possible world. Yes I am a rational optimist if we adopt and deploy Xuan Yuan Anti-entropic Operating System 2.0, we shall be leisurely, pleasurably and creatively living in Nature as avatars of our Ancestor FAPAMA Singularity Qbit (00, , -). Yes our Qbit smiles and says: "everything is well and good."

Yours sincerely,

Leo KoGuan

Rick, wonderful indeed. I read it three times in three different occasions to understand your ideas more fully. We definitely share the idea that we need to define our common destiny clearly, so that most mankind would agree and work together to realize this common dream. As you wrote: "We need something like the idea of Utopia for this shaping. We need it as both a prototype and moral template where many of the problems we currently face are resolved." I also agree and believe that we do not have a privilege to exist than any other living beings that has ever swam, walked and flown on Earth. So far perhaps, only 1% might survive since our ancestor single cell evolved here. More likely than not as our ancestor evolved from the single cell to multicellular and to ape kind and then to mankind, and then to a new kind more likely than not our own creation that we would interbreed, infuse our DNA and biological parts and of course our memory so that we can live longer and even would have a shot to be immortal physically here and now. Likewise we are different from our own immediate predecessor ape-kinds, we will evolve into many species and sub-species. Whatever that would be, without an agreed roadmap of the future, we shall certainly lost into infinite possibilities and potential, most of them are bad for us. That is why I am working on Xuan Yuan Anti-entropic Operating System 2.0 that leads us safely to the brave common future of Xuan Yuan's Da Tong in which we joyfully share together by joining in the hip so to speak our common prosperity and well being. From each to each according to his/her dreams and aspirations and each has free-education, free health care and free minimum material wealth like a small house and $1 million or more in his/her bank account.

KQID's Giving first taking later principle demands me to give your outstanding essay its highest score possible in this contest. I will also post this comment in my blog. Good luck and congratulation for your important essay.


Leo KoGuan


    For over five centuries it has been the West that has defined the future, a definition which was certainly colored by our past- whether Greco-Roman in terms of democracy, or Christian-Jewish views of a linear narrative leading to an "end of history".

    The West is no longer alone in defining the future and has been joined by other civilizations with histories, religious traditions and philosophies as deep, or deeper, than our own. Most of the essays in this contest reflect the ideas of the West, but yours brings to consideration ideas of a whole other section of humankind. Your essay begins to answer a question I have wondered about for some time- how does China understand the future?

    To be frank, I have no idea how to judge your ideas. They seem to combine elements of physics and Ray Kurzweil like Singularity, cosmology, quantum physics and ancient Chinese philosophy very little of which I am qualified to dissect. I have grave doubts as to whether universal prosperity you hope for really is environmentally sustainable. Nevertheless, I voting to get you to the top of the pile so that others better able than myself on these questions can grapple with your ideas. In large measure the question of whither the future in China will answer the question of whither the future of humanity.

    Best of luck,

    Rick Searle

    Greetings Leo KoGuan,

    I am happy to see you have an essay entered, and also to see your invitation to play - as that is the subject of my essay, and a favorite topic of mine. I have yet to read your essay, but I see already something in the abstract that is worthy of comment.

    Indeed; it is sometimes the misconceptions of a limited view of Science that create a self-fulfilling prophecy out of the no free lunch principle. An example is the view of Thermodynamic Entropy as the progression of chaos or disorder, where as you know I favor the view of Lambert and Leff that entropy involves the dispersal of energy and the spreading of energy and substance into the surrounding medium.

    The view that the increase of disorder is a law of nature has served as an excuse for the worst of human behavior, and an indulgence in activities that erode the autonomy of humans and their ability to choose their fate. I have even known people who use this mentality as a rationale to adopt a discordian philosophy - where the individual spreads chaos through mischievous acts and believes himself to be the agent of natural law.

    So in a case like that; it is a more enlightened view of Science that delivers people from hateful acts of disruption, by shining the light of truth on the common misconceptions of how Nature works. I am eager to see what you have to say on this, in your essay. As you know; I do not find myself in absolute agreement on all aspects of the KQID system of understanding, but I find great value in your efforts to take the divine inspiration of enlightened knowledge and put it into human readable form.

    All the Best,


      I should perhaps add..

      I find the image of spreading and sharing energy much more life-affirming than the unending progression of chaos. This point should be obvious from the above, but is worthy to point out explicitly.

      Thanks again,


      My comment on "The Thermodynamics of Freedom by Edwin Eugene Klingman"

      John, what a master piece! Unfortunately only few souls on Earth can understand you fully. I am one of the few who fully understand the full extend of your idea, because I also embeds thermodynamics as the heart of my KQID( KoGuan Quantum InfoDynamics). Of course at KQID, it is not only about heat/energy flows but also information flows as Shakespearian meme-actorIΨ(CTE)) as the wave function of consciousness, time and energy acting in relativistic Ψ(iτLx,y,z, Lm) hologram Multiverse. Rather than Gaussian bell curve, I would propose the hokey stick curve as the hybrid of your two classes scenario. Most people are equally rich and free unchained from human as well as nature's handcuffs with few extremely rewarded and rich individuals who do works that are breaking and removing those chains that chain us. You correctly made the point that an absolute equality is simply impossible. No energy no flow, and no flow no work. No gradient no flows. Your opening statement is powerful and to the point. You wrote: " How Should Humanity Steer the Future? By allowing maximum individual freedom to pursue dreams and expand horizons. History has shown that humanity works best when freedom is maximized; in fact, the purpose of instituting governments is to maximize individual freedom." Yes, we need a system to maximize freedoms. In mine, I advocated Xuan Yuan Aanti-entropic Operating System 2.0. Yes remarkably we share the same view. I incorporated Chinese philosopher Yang Zhu (around 400B.C)who advocated for-self philosophy and advocated the individual six freedoms and life enjoyment fully here and now:

      Allow the ear to hear what it likes, ~~Do~~

      the eye to see what it likes, ~~Re~~

      the nose to smell what it likes, ~~Mi~~

      the mouth to say what it likes, ~~Fa~~

      the body to enjoy the comforts it likes to have, ~~Sol~~

      and the mind to do what it likes. ~~La~~

      Yes similar to but even more individualistic than that of Epicurus as well as Jefferson. Yes, Chinese believes in and enjoys individual freedoms just like everyone else.

      I rated your essay the highest score that you deserve.

      Best wishes,

      Leo KoGuan

        Yes John, we share the same idea about play. Play is work; work is play. We shall continue our discourse later and I read your essay and agree with it. I will make more comment later. Gratefully yours, Leo KoGuan

        Dear Professor KoGuan,

        Your essay is superb. It is by far the most cogently argued and meticulously organized essay published on this site. Please forgive me for my comment.

        Reality is unique. KQID is not unique. The noble aspirations of the Chinese and American people, or any people for that matter, will never become a reality as long as both countries continue to only teach abstractions in all of their schools.

        With the highest regard,

        Joe Fisher

          Jon, not John, sorry for the extra h above. Leo

          Dear Joe, happy to meet you again in this Forum. Thanks for your kind words. I agreed with you that reality, no matter how small it is like electrons, protons or even a bit in the computer logics are unique in absolute digital time T тЙд 10^-1000 seconds and unique in the latitude and altitude in 3D time (space) in time Lm. It is orbiting our Sun with the speed of about 30 Km/second while spinning on iits axis 24 hours a day. Together, our solar system, we are also orbiting the center of our Milky Way galaxy at the speed of about 220 km/s and so on.. In orther words, at least the coordinates of each bit, electron and proton are in flux as Heraclitus pointed out over 2 thousand years ago. Thus, KQID agrees with you in fact. Although, for practicality we can deem all electrons and protons are identical in time. It is practical to measure quantum phenomena to collapse the wave function to survive and/or exert control over nature as much as we could solely for our survival as well as to improve our state of being here and now. In KQID every digit 1 as you eloquently pointed out is actual unique. Just like we are counting 10 apples to buy and sale with the same price per apple although each apple is unique and each has unique intrinsic value, it is ignored for practicality to evaluate each apple of its intrinsic value. We can measure it to eternity, we would fail because each time it is unique. A month old picked apple is clearly different from one day old picked apple. I think any realist if he is a true scientist must agree with you. I agree with you in principle but not in practicality of Existence. I will read and rate your essay favorably as I always do. So far I have rated 10 to all essays that I rated because I found each is uniquely great essay. Also I am practicing Giving first Taking later principle. I hope it will work in practice.

          Best regards,

          Leo KoGuan

          Dear Rick,

          You are right on environment sustainability is definitely mankind greatest challenge in this century and beyond. We as self-conscious and well meaning citizens of Earth and our universe must deal with our toughest challenge. Due to contest constraint, please find below Xuan Yuan's sustainability of our fragile Gaia wellbeing.

          Scientific Outlook on environment

          We must be environmentally conscious beings. We live and are integrated part of our Gaia health and wellbeing. Our health and wellbeing are intertwined with the health and wellbeing of our environment. We understand clearly that our environment is given to us for free but it is NOT free to keep it clean and healthy. Our Ancestor Xuan Yuan is a rational environmentalist. He solemnly declares his love of his lands. He CHERISHES Earth. He not only transforms Earth into objects of desire for human's wellbeing but also respects, takes care and lives with nature seamlessly. He declares: "Revering the Heaven, cherishing the Earth, and holding the people dear,..." Yes, we must put the value and price on our environment as important part/cost of any Scientific Outlook on Development of Free-Lunch Economic System. Clean and healthy environment is not free in our Free-Lunch system. We must incur costs to maintain and even improve our environment. However, theses costs are paid for using our free energy. Thus, it is actually free to us and free to our Multiverse, although it is not free to our universe. KQID time-engine would enable us to possess truly unlimited power that would enable us to recycle all atoms in our garbages/wastes back into our objects of desire. Since all atoms are identical in time, we use and reuse our about approximately 10^50 atoms of our Earth and about 10^80 atoms of our universe again and again. Best of all, atom is free. Yes we shall develop our 3D printers to utilize atoms as their raw materials. We shall turn on our creation and distribution engine to create and distribute abundant goods of desire from our wastes. We recycle our wastes into products. We develop waste nothing society. In the beginning, we are using molecules and proteins which are costly as the raw materials of our 3D printers. We have to use energy/heat/entropy to make molecules and proteins from atoms. In the future, we should be able to use atoms as our raw materials. Far into the future, say about a million years later, we will develop and accumulate god-like Wang Yangming's unity of knowledge and action, we can even use abundant qbits/bits as raw materials to create, distribute and manipulate Existence at will.

          Existence is a miracle. Existence is impossible and yet we exist. We are actually in the border of being dead and alive; it is Leibniz's best of all possible worlds. Newton-Thermodynamics-Maxwell-Einstein-QM have powerful engines that put man on the Moon to fulfill our long desire. However, it is good enough to support No-Free-Lunch Economic system. As Noble Laureate economist Milton Friedman bluntly summed it up: "There is no free lunch!" The star scientist of this No-Free-Lunch system is the great genius Einstein whom I idolized and who modestly stated that we could not comprehend how we can comprehend nature. He said: "The most incomprehensible thing about the universe is that it is comprehensible." This statement was true before KQID. KQID theory of everything understands not only why we comprehend nature but also KQID reveals what, how and why Existence. KQID in principle could modify and enhance Existence. KQID Ouroboros Equations of Existence embeds God inside the equation. Thus, KQID Anti-entropic engine would give us god-like power to enable us not only to live a god-like existence but also to prevent us from extinction. We need KQID to continue to exist from the imperative of Non-existence. KQID anti-entropic system is designed to fight against the imperative of Non-existence powered by the universal entropic power of the Second Law of Thermodynamics ╬"S тЙе 0 that pulls down order into disorder. KQID builds order out of disorder by supplying energy A, anti-entropic force, into a system to temporarily allow to decrease entropy locally and temporarily ╬"S тЙд 0, so that we continue to exist. We escape from the clutch of entropic force S. We run fast enough to be just one step away from annihilation in the nick of time of T, absolute digital time тЙд 10^-1000seconds. Thus KQID must exist in the best possible world not only to exist but also to improve the state of Existence. If we adopt and deploy Xuan Yuan Anti-entropic Operating System 2.0, we shall be leisurely, pleasurably and creatively living in Nature as avatars of our Ancestor FAPAMA Singularity Qbit (00, +, -). If we follow this Xuan Yuan's roadmap, our Ancestors Qbit and Xuan Yuan would smile and say: "Everything is well and in good order."

          Best wishes,

          Leo KoGuan

          dear professor Leo KOGUAN,

          It is a real pleasure to meet again in this contest of FQXi that is so near to your own perceptions of our society.

          Indeed the Chinese philosophy is much more enlightened and less material then the western thinking.

          The philosophy of Xuan Yuan to reach a higher goal for humanity is one of the goals I am trying to express too in my work because I think that each human being has "received from heaven a mandate" but is limited by its "footing" in this causal deterministic universe, that we are aware of as "reality".

          The "Great harmony" is the utopia for our temporal stay in this created universe.

          T no-free lunch economy is one great egoistic short sighted system that can only lead to the destruction of humanity. The individual is no longer valued as a human but is becoming a number that is able to work, to change the time he has available in his life in numbers of so called "profit" for others. The reference of the money he receives for this "work" (which is not a hobby but a necessity) is not in balance with the real appreciation of life, the part of the individual's time he has available during his life. At the other side the individual is misled by commercials that he is not happy without some specific materialistic objects, so .... he has to work (spent more time ) harder ad in the end he has no time left for reaching out for an higher goal.

          I FULLY AGREE with your FIVE proposals to end this slavery, and when we can start with using the energy our sun gives us freely each day (as I mentioned in one of my articles for the "Scientific GOD Journal" : Occupy the Imaginary World of Economy" , October 2011, Vol 2, Issue 7 pp 671-677 (, (wilhelmus de wilde)) we just have enough energy for free. Bravo Leo, let us meditate and reach this level of available rality.

          On the five laws of KQID, it is fully agreed , my perception of consciousness and Total Simultaneity have the same outcome, I hope that you will find some time to read my entrance "STEERING THE FUTURE OF CONSCIOUSNESS", and leave your comment on my thread and maybe rate it in conformity with your appreciation.

          To reach out for the understanding of The mysterious formless DAO of wu wei is one of my goals.


          Wilhelmus de Wilde

            Dear John, thanks for your kind and generous comment. I also think that we are a soulmate of consciousness. You and I are one in the Spock's mind-meld. Our souls are entangled somehow and somewhat.

            Yes indeed and I quote you: "The total amount of energy the earth is receiving each day from the sun is 174 PETAWATT (1015 Watt)!!! This divided by the 7 billion habitants , gives an income per habitant of 102.000.000 watts per day !!! .... So actually nobody needs to be poor." Yes, we are rich beyond belief and we are living in Leibniz's best possible world.

            Yes, we are entering into a new phase of an economic system powered by KQID that I called as the Scientific Outlook Free-Lunch economic System. You wrote powerfully and yet logically: "The best "technology" to achieve these ideals is taking care of our children and educate them not to strive for (short) economic profit but to strive for the growth of their own consciousness, so that every other individual can share in its findings. Communication is already becoming common sense. Science should be admissible for everyone. Skype (free of charge communication so attainable for all) and Wikipedia (free knowledge available to all) are good examples of the directions we have to explore our united force with the respect of individuality."

            You also wrote: "Throw ALL information of ALL the universes that constitute the multi-verse together in one basket (also the ones that in our perception are impossible universes with different fundamental constants) and stir it up to one non-causal unity (yes it seems like chaos). In this way we have created a flaw imagination of "Total Simultaneity" (TS). (11) In this basket there are no "material realities" but "availabilities". Availabilities of ALL information. Imagine all the slices of all block-universes together but not as realized lined-up causal realities. These slices could furthermore be imagined as two-dimensional holographic representations of a three-dimensional universe. But how do we experience reality ? What is the entity that enables Time and Space ? Are we in control of our reality ?

            Answer : Our consciousness is THE essential "tool" in creating the causal reality that we are aware of .We argue that our consciousness is a constituted of two entangled parts: the causal part and the non-causal part. Causal consciousness stretches out into the basket of Total Simultaneity where it becomes non-causal, this "non-causal/causal connection" can be imagined as entanglement-like and timeless. In this basket of Total Simultaneity our non-causal consciousness has the choice between the infinity of availabilities of slices of universes, and each slice is the center of possible time/life line that stretches out from the past and into a future,"

            Wonderful essay too far ahead of its time, that is why most people are behind in their consciousness. We need Total Simultaneity in your conception and in mine it is our Ancestor FAPAMA Singularity Qbit (00, , -) that contains all that is.

            Thanks you and I rated you a ten (10) in this contest.

            Good luck and best wishes,

            Leo KoGuan

            I repost it here.

            Dear Lawrence,

            Fantastic essay indeed! You wrote powerfully and wonderfully: "The question in the end is whether this in fact might be a good thing. We are in age where the ability to simulate the world is very advanced, and will advance much further. Further, the interface between human brains and computers is becoming very close. For an overview of the brain-computer interface (BCI) see [3]. BCI is an experimental science and it is a matter of time before this is commonplace. People will before long embrace this eagerly, just as people now spend many hours a day on smart phones. It means soon the ability to simulate the world and to experience that virtual world directly through the brain will become reality. At some point the human mind itself might be simulated or uploaded into a cyber network. The distinction between reality and virtual reality could well become increasingly lost in the near future. It may then become questionable whether the entire universe we observe is not some grand simulation. The game masters might be humans, or they might be other extraterrestrial life forms, and we may be avatars in this game, much as with the move "The Matrix."Without limits on this sort of development we canˆat know whether the world we observe is ultimately just a computer game run by unseen programmers or superagents."

            Please forgive me to put my writing in your blog, because I respect you are as a great and creative scientist. However, I may be too "bold" to you. I see no limit in our simulated reality, although I believe the reality is simulated by our Ancestor FAPAMA Singularity Qbit (00, +, -). We are avatars of our Ancestor. Thus, even if we humans or our descendants who would actually do the simulation from KQID perspective it is still our Ancestor Qbit through us or our descendants would actually do it. Here below if I may state it briefly quoted from my another writing:

            "Our Ancestor FAPAMA Singularity Qbit (00, +, -) emerges from Non-existence by its own free will to exist based on KQID Giving first and Taking later principle as the founding omni-principle that creates and distributes Existence. Using this KQID founding principle, it wills itself to emerge from Non-existence. Therefore, the Giving first Taking later founding omni-principle is actually the Qbit itself. From this founding principle, the Qbit writes the simplest and shortest Founder's algorithmic codes possible to ensure its all possible evolutions for all eternity. The Qbit including its founding codes evolves and adapts itself according to Darwinian natural selection and meme codes mutation to deal with all possibilities and potentialities every absolute digital time ≤ 10^-1000seconds. I called the Founder's codes: the Zeroth Law: Ξ 00 Ξ Ee^iτ=A+S = IΨ(CTE) = Ψ(iτLx,y,z, Lm) ⊆T = 1. Existence must be a unitary physical system in the zero dimension, in the zero time and in the absolute zero temperature. It is mandatory that information cannot be deleted nor destroyed to keep itself always forever in the pure state of quantum superposition. Its evolution has to be unitary one in which the total sums of the quantum probability of the whole system is always normalized unitary 1. Our Ancestor Qbit (00, +, -) is the singularity programmer, KQID computer and the projector three in one applying the shortest and simplest possible one line algorithmic formula Ee^iτ=A+S ⊆T = 1 to compute, simulate and project Shakespearian meme-actor ΙΨ(CTE) acting on relativistic stage (iτLx,y,x, Lm) hologram Multiverse."

            Now I can rate your essay and I rated it a ten (10). I really love and enjoy it.

            I wish you the best, Leo KoGuan