Great questions.
1) The work goes well beyond just resolving quantum weirdness. (see prev Discrete Field Model essays etc. and; A Cyclic model of Galaxy Evolution, with Bars. HJ 2014.)
There's a great 'logjam' in science due to lack of reform in thinking and theory. Physics is riddled with rot, anomalies and paradoxes. I've identified the log that will release the whole lot, unifying all physics and allowing untold advancement to causal understanding in all areas. The adjustments to present theory are quite small, but to massive effect, including rendering certain QG theories consistent with the paradigm, removing paradoxes from SR, pre-Big Blast conditions, etc etc.
2) QM is rendered logically understandable by all. (see Rays post above) and each citizen can participate in the 'classroom experiment' to prove it (some already have!). Every school in the country can have the spectral disc and A4 kit (see end notes) and classically reproduce the so called 'quantum correlations' themselves. It'd be a real science revolution!
If any of that sounds as if it may be the slightest bit overhyped I'll explain further. I've understated it on purpose!
I greatly look forward to reading your essay too. P.