I rated your essay an 8 mostly because it is potentially implementable and not only rhetoric.
The purpose of including the classical pathway is to provide continuity, a continuous function of sorts; is this correct?
In quantum entanglement, this would mean two vast similar systems of causality that differ by one or a few causal states. The observation seeming instantaneous is because of shared connections not directly related to both space and time, but connected through non-relativistic causal connections. If it were observable, it would be relativistic and limited to the speed of light.
So how can systems of non-relativistic causality be influenced to warp space-time?
Back to your essay
So how would you propose inclusion of non-relativistic space in a path integral?
Abstractions that seem unrelated in observable space, due to their small contributions and interference pattern-like superposition with final results.
From one point in time to the next, different systems create influences of different potentials driving diverse pathways, new pathways, and destroying or abandoning old pathways.
So modeling resources and opportunities seems to have the nature of quantum potentials or a form of magnitude assertions.
Hmmm, do you have related work published somewhere, even offline?