Congratulations for your AMAZING video! I was already familiar with it, having seen it via Facebook, and I had forwarded it to all my physics-loving friends. You bring a very fresh and original angle on the field of physics, being a double major in motion graphics and physics. I particularly liked the bit where you say that "there is an obsession for simplicity in physics": so true!
Film critic Roger Ebert once said that a great movie is defined by having 3 great scenes, and no bad ones. I would say your short film meets this criterion: there's the quantum wave and parallel universes scene, near the beginning, with all the versions of the girl sitting on different chairs; there's the scene where the cow morphs into a mathematical spiral, with the "gray circle" of physics turning the real world into a wonderland of abstraction, simplicity and understanding; and there's the scene in the donut shop where the two donuts combine to become the symbol for infinity!
Your video is my favorite in this competition, and it looks like it will make it to the final round (only 2 more community ratings needed to reach the 10-community ratings threshold that makes your rating significant enough to be considered). I hope the judges in the final round will fall under its spell, like I did.
I hope you have the occasion to make more videos about the wonderful world of physics. Keep up the good work!
P.S. I don't have your expertise in animation nor your artistic talent and poetic sense, but I have been creating physics videos for the past few years, and having a lot of fun! If you have a chance to view, comment and vote (using your author code) on my trilogy of videos entitled "This Is Physics" --- where I try to convey the "fun of physics" by focusing on some of the greatest moments of its history --- it would be quite appreciated!