The summary was quite helpful when I was able to link it at last. Before discussing I must confess that I am not very interested in how QM is currently described. Using mathematical tools to create all kinds of ghostly effects like a particle being in two places at once. I am however with your efforts to explain the ghostly activities in a more classical fashion. All the best in your efforts. I have no criticism to make as such, only to ask for some education. I will seize on the paragraph:
"Bohm's Gedanken experiment described a pair of particles, one spin 'up', one 'down'. On reaching distant separated Stern-Gerlach magnets if 'A' deflects up, 'B' goes down, ... If magnet A is rotated; the particle deflects down. The particle at B then MUST go up. Therein is the problem. If magnet A is reversed at the the last moment, how can B know without "spooky action at a distance"?
- Is what is spin 'up' in Australia (down under, e.g. south pole), also spin 'up' in North America (e.g. North pole)? It appears some convention or agreement on what is up and what is down is needed ab-initio before sending the particles out to distant places.
- A Stern-Gerlach magnet sitting on a laboratory desk at the North Pole is already rotated relative to the same equipment on a desk at the South Pole. So the question of reversal at the last moment is still secondary to defining unambiguously what is meant by 'up' and what is 'down'.
- I believe that if 'up' and 'down' are unambiguously defined, reversal of magnet A at the last moment will make the spin of both particles A and B to be the same! That is both 'up' or both 'down'.
Using mathematics and statistical experimental results to prove this so-called entanglement will have to be more rigorous to convince me, even if the establishment have agreed to live with the mystical Copenhagen interpretation. I will like to know more about this so educate me if I am wrong, but with less technical terms and abbreviations.
*I am posting here because the other thread getting long.
*I also smell Newton's Absolute space in defining unequivocally what universally accepted to be Up or Down.