Yes Steve as I said ...
For lion:If all the factors affecting behaviour are amalgamated it should be possible to match probabilistic expectations of location to probability distribution of actual positions found by sampling. Then there is an accurate formulaic description not of a lion but of lion behaviour over time giving accurate prediction of probabilities of locations.
For particle: Quotes:"A wave function or wavefunction (also named a state function) in quantum mechanics describes the quantum state of a system of one or more particles, and contains all the information about the system considered in isolation."... "The Schrödinger equation determines how the wave function evolves over time, that is, the wavefunction is the solution of the Schrödinger equation. Wikipedia, My emphasis
Now there may well be periodic fluctuation in lion behaviour. Lets imagine that at sunrise and sun set it patrols the boundary of its territory. Each morning and each evening it goes to the water hole when the sun is not too hot. Each day it varies the shade tree under which it sits according to height of the sun. That peridic behaviour could be plotted as compound amplitudes over time.The regularly frequented places being peaks and the places inbetween shade trees and water hole and boundary are troughs. So lion behaviour could be plotted as a "wave function" Bear in mind the lion is just an analogy and I am not basing this on actual knowkledge of lion behaviour. Now just because the behaviour has been expressed as a wave function it does not in any way imply that the a-lion is a wave. The behaviour is a characteristic associated with the lion but not the lion.
Here's a question :If the lion walks in a particular direction does it take its behaviour wave function with it? Where is the behaviour when it isn't spread out over space sampled over time? Cf. the electron and its wave function.
When we designate a precise location to the lion we are no longer considering behaviour over time and so the wave equation description is irrelevant not materially collapsed.The lion still has its behaviour. For a particle at detection the wave function no longer describes the behaviour of that particular particle. The wave function or behaviour description is no longer of any relevance or use. It is not as if a material wave like a water wave has collapsed but just we are no longer considering that now we have this-a singular position. In the particle example it may be that that particle has been removed from further participation in the experiment. No particle, no associated behaviour wave.