Any who don't believe in spooks may like this more down-to-Earth way of explaining 'QM's predictions'. The same skills required for self assembling a wardrobe are needed (but without locking yourself in or falling asleep inside). All components and step by step instructions are here under test. Do please just post any questions, comments or apparent falsifications here.
The model (developing my 2014 essay) suggests Joseph Emerson's view (as Einstein and Bell) is correct in that there's "a different way of understanding the quantum world that allows for truth to exist independent of our experiments."
In this case the 'existent truth' is the findings of a blindfolded observer asked to touch a spinning sphere with his finger and record if the spin is; 'up or down' and; 'clockwise or anticlockwise' each on a scale of 1-10.
The prediction is that whatever point on the sphere his finger touches he'll find each quality varies inversely with the other. An analysis of the momentum transferred at each touch (surface speed) will violate the Bell inequalities by producing a distribution varying with 'latitude' by the square of the cosine of the angle from the pole (and inversely from the equatorial plane) reversing at 90o in each case. So when Alice flips her modulator field direction setting at the last instant, it's HER result that 'reverses', not Bob's non-local' one!
Apply with care.
Quasi-classical Entanglement, Superposition and Bell Inequalities.
An additional figure showing the Cos2 distribution derived from surface momentum exchanged on an interaction ('measurement or not) is attached, also explaining Malus' law. (Note that while causality is recovered absolute determinism at higher orders is not).
For those who like formulation we seem to have a joint probability distribution in standard notation something like; p(A1 B1 |a,b, l b,a, l) = p(A2 B2 |a,b, l b,a, l) = p(A1 B2 |a,a, l b,b l) = p(A2 B1 |a,a, l b,b l) = 1. If that's complete nonsense do please let me know.
Thanks, and Best wishes.
Peter JacksonAttachment #1: 1_Latitudinal_Cosines..jpg