Previous Hints That ``Schwarzschild Singularity'' Is a Genuine Physical Singularity, i.e., BH Mass M=0
Here may I draw your attention to the important paper entitled ``Reality of the Schwarzschild Singularity'' by
A.I. Janis, E.T. Newman & J. Winicour,Phys. Rev. Lett. 20, 878 (1968)
Here the authors show that little addition of a arbitrary weak massless scalar field to the vacuum solution shows that
``A spherically symmetric solution of the Einstein equations is presented that coincides with the exterior (r>2m) Schwarzschild solution, but where the Schwarzschild "sphere" becomes a point singularity.''
Towards the conclusion, they wrote
`` It is clear that if our truncated Schwarzschild metric is to be considered as the physical solution corresponding to a, spherically symmetric point mass, then the entire question of gravitational collapse beyond the Schwarzschild radius becomes meaningless. This point of view also obviates all discussion of the topological questions of the Schwarzschild interior, which for many people has always been disturbing.''
Similarly the paper entitled ``Gravitation without black holes''
by Agnese & Camera, Physical Review D, 31, Issue 6,1280-1286 (1985)
showed that all BH EHs could be SINGULAR implying M=0.
Later Borkar & Karade, Ind. J. Pure & Applied Math, 34, 1219 (2003)
arrived at same conclusion.
Most importantly, contrary to the myth of BH paradigm that no scalar can blow uo at the EH, and EH is a mere coordinate singularity, the preprint
``Detecting Event Horizons and Stationary Surfaces''
shows that there are scalars which blow up at EHs of all BHs and EH is very much detectable even by a free falling observer. This means that EH is a physical singularity in agreement with the proof
A. Mitra, Journal of Mathematical Physics, 50, 042502(2009); (arXiv:0904.4754)
that BHs have M=0, and they NEVER form (Infinite Proper Time of formation).
Here one may raise the question: ``What about the EXACT GR solution, i.e., Oppenheimer Snyder solution, which apparently suggests formation of ``Black Holes'' in GR collapse?''. Well, various critical analyses have shown that OS solution is an empty mathematical exercise and it latently corresponds to NIL mass density: rho=0:
1. ``The fallacy of Oppenheimer Snyder collapse: no general relativistic collapse at all, no black hole, no physical singularity''
A. Mitra, Astrophysics and Space Science, 332, 43 (2011); (arXiv:1101.0601)
2. ``Kruskal Coordinates and Mass of Schwarzschild Black Holes: No Finite Mass Black Hole at All''
A. Mitra, International Journal of Astronomy and Astrophysics, vol. 2, issue 04, pp. 236-248 (2012);
3. ``The Mass of the Oppenheimer-Snyder Hole: Only Finite Mass Quasi-Black Holes''
A. Mitra, K.K. Singh, International Journal of Modern Physics D, 22, Issue id. 1350054 (2013)
Therefore all discussions about TRUE BHs either in astrophysics, or in Quantum Gravity and questions like ``Black Hole Information Paradox'', ``Firewall Paradox'' etc. are empty intellectual discussions or respectable exercises in mathematical physics. On the other hand, the meaning discussions . should have been on the theme ``If the so-called Black Holes are not true black holes what is the true nature of them.