Any experts on CMBR in the house to clear things up?
Peter, I too now better understand the reason for your inventing several bizarre sounding mechanisms. If the CMBR is as I describe then you will have to apply Occam's razor to DFM making it more economical to manage.
"Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation DOES include the energy from emissions billions of years ago"
No, I don't agree. The CMBR is the afterglow of the hot ambient environment in which the universe started (assuming there was a beginning since you don't believe there was a big bang). CMBR is NOT from any emissions billions of years ago, say from any quasar recycling activities, collapsing stars, evaporating black holes, etc. Of course, radiation from these CAN pollute the CMBR and is to be regarded more as noise to the background music played by CMBR. Also structure formation can result in unevenness (also noise), technically called anisotropy. Even though the screeching of a bad musical recording is part of the sound in the room, it is not to be regarded as part of the music but as artifact.
"and is 'RADIATION'. That means the emissions found at ALL frequencies (including light) and certainly not just 'microwaves'!"
Again, NO. At the current epoch, all CMBR is now watered down and is now mostly in the microwave frequency.
Even, in John's room and on his farm, CMBR is there but the noise from the Earth's radiation, Solar radiation, tractors and even from John's body heat cannot make this detectable. Remember the temperature of the radiation is only about 2.7K, easily masked by all that goes on around. You can use E = kT = hf to calculate the frequency.
"The radiation propagates at c "
This can be misleading. It can be regarded as radiation but NO, it does not really propagate in the sense of travelling from one place to another. If you say propagate, where is it coming from and where is it going to? CMBR has no discernible source hence its being regarded as strong evidence that there was a hot thermal origin for the universe. It is better to regard it as ambient thermal energy rather than light travelling from a source to a destination. That may reduce the confusion. It is referred to as "fog" HERE, which is another good way to visualize it. Fog DOES NOT propagate, it is just everywhere. However, by means of Doppler effect, you can discern your motion through the fog, blue in the direction you are moving and red in the opposite direction. NOTE AGAIN that this Doppler effect is by THERMAL measurements not by direct measurement of frequency. Then because this fog is not associated with any particular direction, it can be used as a marker for Absolute motion.
See also this NASA description
and there was probably no 'big bang' anyway!
What if there was? Bye bye to DFM?
But I understand the confusion. See here for some Can the CMB be used as an absolute reference frame?
Doesn't cosmic microwave background radiation provide an absolute reference point for motion?
You can google "Absolute motion cosmic microwave background". Read between the lines because Absolute motion is understandably a taboo in Einsteiniana hence you will see a reluctance to clearly state what the rest frame of the CMBR represents. But Newton had formulated various arguments from causes, effects and properties and I am sure he will not be surprised that we now haver a marker for Absolute Space against which all measurement can be measured.
Interesting to discuss. Is this thread most appropriate?