Thanks for explaining Dagomir Kaszlikowski's and Pawel Kurzynski's work and use of their grant. Contextuality is an important concept.
Human behaviour is influenced by colour. I have just found outthat there is a branch of science dedicate to it called color psychology.
Maybe an experimenter performs differently according to the colours in his environment. Red inducing subconscious fear might make sampling faster/more spontaneous and blues and greens giving a sense of calm might correspond to slower more deliberate sampling. A glimpse of those red socks might distract or stimulate action. These scenarios could themselves be studied. As the outcome found partially depends upon the where, when and how sampling is carried out anything affecting those variables can affect the outcome.
I think it is a mistake to extend superposition of state to any characteristic of a system as only some are able to be in superposition of state. When the state depends upon the measurement to fix it, it can be in superposition. Not having no state but all possible states until the reference frame is imposed. Eg. state of coin or electron spin. When it does not require a measurement reference frame to be what it is, eg. alive/ dead it is not in superposition. IMHO
"they dream of opening doors to applications as bizarre as teleportation and time travel" Nicola Jones, my italic emphasis. Dream on : )