Dear Dr. Amrit Sorli,
I appreciate your approach to understand gravitation in terms of vacuum energy; and wish to draw your attention to one thing, that Planck Mass is a theoretically-derived quantity, obtained by equating G m m = h c . And Planck-length is a geometric-mean of Gravitational-radius and Compton-Wavelength of every particle. That is, Planck-Length is a geometric-mean of two different physical lengths, and so, not a fundamental-length. More details are described in:
"An Insight into Planck's Units"
Hope, you will find it important for your further research.
You may have already read my previous year's essay:
"On the Emergence of Physical-World from the Ultimate-Reality"
which was based on a postulate that empty-space is not really empty. Hope, reading of this essay may trigger some useful ideas in your mind.
My latest paper submitted to journal is also based on the fact that photon's energy produces gravitational-field of negative potential-energy; and cosmological red-shift is a process of "filling" that gravitational potential-well from the positive energy of the photon. I wellcome your comments at my e-mail address:,
Wishing you grand success in your research,
Yours sincerely,
Hasmukh K. Tank