Dear Sir,
You have raised some very important questions that can be answered only if we think out of the box. The problem is that we collect lots of data and without proper examination, reject most (like at LHC) that could have given us equally plausible ideas about the natural laws. Secondly, we follow the beaten path without reviewing it and reconciling the apparent contradictions that are being increasingly observed. However, your essay provoked us to expand a few thoughts.
Even though the viability of the loop quantum gravity is questionable, one of its predicted scenarios is the big bounce. If we replace the big bang with the big bounce, add to it the laws of thermodynamics and some ancient ideas about time, we get a totally different picture.
Let us start from the last. Time is the ordered interval of events, which are measurement of observables at various coordinates. There is a fixed pattern of all events. These are: being (situation leading to its creation), becoming (its creation itself), (growth due to addition of other particles/events), transformation (as a result), transmutation (due to the same effect - incompatible/excess addition), destruction (change of form as a consequence) to start a new chain. Since galactic blue-shift has been observed putting a question mark to dark energy concepts, let us assume a steady state universe, where everything follows this pattern. Everything is measured/perceived through the radiation it emits - thus, through thermodynamic processes. Condition of maximum entropy is the final stage of the cycle. Then, in the Universal scale, big bounce will be the beginning of a cycle. At that stage, it will be only creation through redistribution. There is the universal space and universal energy, but no one to perceive or measure. The one energy is all pervasive. The emergent energies can be different, local or unknown. Structure formation being an event, must have followed the beginning of the cycle. Since space is the base and interval of structures, space as we know it, must be an emergent property after time. But how did it all start?
If you look at motion and action, you will find that action is momentary, but it creates a pair of equal and oppositely directed inertia that create local disturbances to create composite and differential inertia that tends to restore equilibrium in a multiple reaction mode. On the other hand, motion is mechanical - it perpetually responds to density fluctuation in all sorts of manners: energy, material density, air density, charge density, etc, created by all sorts of manners including heat (electric), cold (magnetic), etc. Anything subject to strong interaction has the capacity of confining motion. It generates inertia that also acts mechanically till local equilibrium is restored (weak interaction). This is followed by redistribution (electromagnetic). But action is different. It is induced by a conscious agent that breaks the stability or equilibrium. Thus, at the creation event, inherent instability of the conscious system of the universal observer starts the process by creating a perturbation. Some may question this as religious belief. But can quantum theory survive without observer?
We have a fully developed theory that explains many things. In our essay, we have discussed the Wigner's view of unreasonable effectiveness of mathematics and Gödel's incompleteness theorems as well as Einstein's formulations.