Dear George,
Thank you for your comments on my essay - I left some comments about them on my forum.
Your essay is one of the most interesting I have read so far, and I hope it does well in this contest. I really like your dichotomy "Hole at the Center of Creation" / "Whole that Encompasses Creation". Your concept of "Hole at the Center of Creation" reminds me of this quote from Borges, in his essay "Avatars of the Tortoise":
"We (the undivided divinity operating within us) have dreamt the world. We have dreamt it as firm, mysterious, visible, ubiquitous in space and durable in time; but in its architecture we have allowed tenuous and external crevices of unreason which tell us it is false."
I agree with your statement "Assuming that the world is logically consistent, there are truths about the world that cannot be proven from within the world"... but only if "the world" means the finite part of reality that we observe. I believe that the "Whole of Creation" (the Maxiverse) is infinite, and that in this infinity, issues such as Gödel incompleteness no longer hold: therefore, I believe the Maxiverse is logically consistent and contains no truth that cannot be proven.
I find it interesting that you reference Rudy Rucker's book "Infinity and the Mind", when you say that "in Cantor's paradise of multiple infinities, it is impossible to conceive of the largest infinity". As I explained to Alma Ionescu on my forum, I read Rucker's book back in graduate school and it had a major influence on my own views about reality. The fact, explained by Rucker, that it is impossible for a finite mind to conceive of V (Absolute Infinity, the largest possible infinity) was, for me, not a bug, but a feature: to me, it seemed natural to equate the totality of existence, U, with this Absolute Infinity: U = V. And since V does not contain any information (as Rucker explains on page 136 of his book), this means that the Maxiverse considered as a whole does not contain any information, which makes it plausible that it just "is" --- that it exists by itself, without needing anything outside of itself to bring it about.
I fully agree with some aspects of your creation story, in particular, the fact that the first stage is the separation of One {1} from the Void {0}. My favorite fiction author, Greg Egan, once said :
"I suspect that a single 0 and a single 1 are all you need to create all universes. You just re-use them."
But I have a question about stage 2, the process of coming-into-being. If I understand your story correctly, you believe stage 2 requires something, "The Voice", that stands "outside" the totality of what physically exists and intentionally wills it into existence. But what could this Voice be? If it can have intention, it must be fairly complex, possibly intelligent... but to avoid the need for a Higher Voice to will it into existence, it must be "self-existent"... How can the non-zero information encoded into the Voice be "self-existent"? Where does the information come from? I am well aware that these questions are as old as philosophy itself, and that they are not easy to answer, but I am curious to know more about your opinion about them.