Dear Rob
Thank you for writing such a thought-provoking essay.
I had the pleasure of having dinner with David Hestenes last week and we discussed your essay (along with ours) at some length.
You have convinced me that multiplication as repeated addition is not the same as multiplication of scale or ratios. While different arguments will have different effects on people, your statement that in the problem
2 2 2 = 3 x 2
the 3 on the RHS acts as an adjective and the 2 on the RHS acts as a noun, really struck me. I get it! Very subtle! Bravo!
Now, you have read my essay, so this may make some sense to you:
I *know* that you can show that the x operator above is associative and commutative which leads to it being an invertible transform of additivity. However, you can also show that x distributes over in repeated addition, which constrains the quantification to being a log so that x must be multiplication.
Now what I bet you can show, is that the symmetries of ratios also lead to multiplication. So I am willing to bet that both problems "repeated addition" and "scaling" are quantified by the same function but for different reasons.
I am going to look into this as that would be really cool!
I also wanted to say that your circle-square problem is mesmerizing and I think that it effectively highlights the fact that there are some unrecognized subtleties still lingering in the metaphors that lead to the mathematics that we use (see Hestenes' essay and mine).
Thank you for a very enjoyable and thought-provoking essay!
Kevin Knuth