I agree!
Language plays a big role in our philosophical thinking. It can guide us or mislead us. Making up new words and phrases is a good thing to do because it avoids the baggage that is attached to old words. I avoided the word "multiverse" in my essay entirely for this reason. You have used it but have been careful to clarify which of the different multiverse ideas you are talking about. I like "maxiverse".
Words like "reality" and "existence" are particularly dangerous, but they are also tools we have to use. Our minds are programmed with an understanding of words like this that makes us want to apply them when we talk about topics beyond everyday experience. They make us think that there must be something there when there isn't. To gain understanding we need to recognise when things we expect to find are just not there. Einstein's biggest philosophical advance was to recognise that there is no ether. We also need to recognise that there is no magic ingredient that needs to be added to make life out of chemistry, reality out of mathematics, conciousness out of psychology etc. Instead we need to look at the process of emergence that brings these things about with nothing else needing to be added. I like the way you have tackled this in your essay.
I confess to being the anonymous above :-) hopefully this post will have my name on it