Dear John,
rest assured I am not offended by any variants of my name.I have just chosen to use my given name as it was given.
You have given me lots to think about. Describing an unobserved object is a bit tricky because the description involves imposing coordinates. As you mentioned using quaternions there is this and that hemisphere whereas the unseen object itself is entirely indeterminate. An observer is required to designate front and back. (A manifestation of it can be seen from the observer designated front and the unseen back is not part of the manifestation.) Right now I'd like to dig a mathematical hole and throw the substantial object in orientation undecided. That obviously needs more thought : )
With regard to Image reality it really is emergent. The substantial source objects are in the environment and EM radiation emitted or scattered from the objects is in the environment but the images really aren't until they are produced. Taking the very simple example of a single lens producing an image at its focal point. The image comes into being when the EM radiation is re-collected from its dispursed condition. It isn't that there are multiple images of the source object in the environment, there is only the potential for them to be formed. Which image is formed depends upon where the lens is situated in regard to the EM potential sensory data and hence also the source objects.
Image realities being emergent can be regarded as a different facet of reality to Source objects and EM potential sensory data. They are not a part of the foundational (Object) reality but having been fabricated must still be within that foundational reality while being distinct from it. The image formed on the retina of an observers eye and then mapped to the visual cortex and then perceived is not the external reality. It is distinct from the source objects in the external environment having been fabricated from a limited sub set of potential sensory data that may have taken different lengths of time to arrive.
Acknowledging the role of that emergent reality gives a new perspective on Relativity and how time can (appear to) pass differently for different observers etc.
I have taken a look at IFF logic. I certainly can write some if-then statements but I will need to spend a bit more time thinking about the two way logic and how it applies. I think the (sometimes)being in foundational reality while not being the foundational reality is an interesting new kind of logical, ?mathematical structure.