Only real visible surface is infinite. No matter in which direction one looks with one's surface covered eyes, one will only ever see a plethora of seamlessly enmeshed flat looking varied colored surface. It does not matter if one looks through a telescope, a microscope, a periscope or a kaleidoscope, one can only ever see infinite surface. Surface is easy to spot because it is always illuminated by infinite light. Light does not have a real surface. This is another nonsensical article about an invisible cat and an invisible bomb and invisible quantum quackery.

Joe Fisher, Realist

"However, Bousso argues, physicists may be able to ease their calculations by combining the entanglement entropy with another quantity known as "gravitational entropy," which is proportional to the surface area of the black hole's event horizon."

Do these entropies have rigorous definitions? Are the definitions expressed in terms of dS=dQ_rev/T, the classical definition? If not, Bousso's work is not even wrong.

Pentcho Valev

    Real infinite visible surface has never had any unrealistic invisible entanglement entropy, or unrealistic invisible " gravitational entropy" that could be finitely proportional to the unrealistic invisible surface of an imaginary black hole.

    Joe Fisher, Realist

    If I hear one more word from the Scientific Community about the Catholic Church's treatment of the Italian scientist Galileo, I will scream my head off. At least the Church bored a hole in the roof of a Basilica so they could track the movement of a sunbeam to ensure Galileo was correct about the Earth going around the Sun. I have notified four heads of university physics departments, four government agencies, and fifteen professors of physics that Einstein was wrong about his Theory of (invisible) Relativity: General and Special. . I have not received one reply

    My revolutionary idea that only infinite surface illuminated by infinite non-surface light that was not created by an invisible God or by an invisible big bang explosion and has always existed dare not be adopted. It would cause the end of all scientific and Christian brain washing.

    Joe Fisher, Realist

    • [deleted]

    "When the atom decays spontaneously - a quantum mechanical process - it triggers a contraption that breaks the vial, killing the cat."

    Oh. So that's why some atoms are radioactive. It's the cat's fault.

      Invisible atoms have never existed. Only infinite visible surface illuminated by infinite non-surface light has ever existed.

      Joe Fisher, Realist

      I think Bousso's approach is very interesting. We do need to get to the bottom of physics and must be possible to find it when we get rid of those pesky infinities. I think even one should go one step further and make the physics version of the Hilbert program - a search for the really fundamental building material of the universe. Maybe the Bousso program?

      My - not entirely scientific - view, is that there are three necessary components; causality, entanglement, and chance (randomness), that compose the basis for time, energy, matter and all the wonderful higher-level phenomenon we perceive. Causality is necessary for a non-static solution and leads to what we think of as time. Entanglement is necessary for building structures. Chance is necessary together with causality and entanglement to let structures evolve.

      The goal must be to find the simplest possible way to describe this. I think f.ex that it is not very productive to focus on something like quantum bits - it is the relation that makes up a structure.

      This is however only possible if the universe is finite. If the definition - "A universe is a collection with information that has a non-zero chance of interacting." - holds, the universe must be finite. (I really hope some other than me will prove it or prove it false and maybe it is enough with a variant of the associative law)

      Anyway - no matter how this is solved, it should be valuable to combat all the "mysticism" that sneaks in when there a concept we humans don't understand.

        Dear Hustveit,

        Nobody has ever seen any (invisible) "higher level phenomena." Everybody has always seen surface, no matter in which direction they have looked. Only surface is infinite. There is no invisible space. Infinite surface is easy to spot, because infinite surface is always illuminated by infinite light. Light does not have a surface.

        Joe Fisher, Realist

        Hello to both of you,

        Mr Hustveit,

        Hilbert thought that maths can explain all.I agree.Godel is in a kind of opposite reasoning implying the incompletness.It is a big question in fact.I beleive simply that we have our limits of understanding about the gravitational superimposed aethers correlated with Spherical BH.In the two scales, quant and cosm,we must admit that we are limited.The maths are a tool,invented by humans.Can we affirm that Hilbert is right considering these said limits.About the finite Universe, I agree,that said it is evolutif.And that said we have a singularity at this wall separating physicality and infinite entropy.The finite systemsindeed can be explained with good reccurrences.That said how can we superimpose the good mathematical methods.How can we sure ?Ignorabimus or completeness.The mysticism is not the problem but our limits of understanding Inside this physicality yes.We are limited in our methods, our physics, our technologies, our sciences simply.The gravitation is the real light and we are just at the begining of its understanding.Intuition,imagination, objectivity, determinism,subjectivity.....All these things have its intrinsic limits.Best Regards

        Dear FQXi,

        My net is hacked on LinkedIn, several systems try to copy and plagiate my works with academic formalism and geometrical algebras.Not one you know.I have also psychologicalstrategies on me on linkedoin and Facebook.It is not acceptable.I know that my theory is revolutionary but frankly there it becomes totally ironical.Help me please.I have put my theory on net more than 10 years ago on several platforms.And now people becomes crazzy.It is sad.The hooks are everywhere ,newton helps us oh my god

          Visible infinite surface always illuminated by infinite non-surface light am real. Invisible progressive physic is unrealistic codswallop.

          Joe Fisher, Realist

          Steve I have reported a number of posts as inappropriate with good intentions. I can read that you are very upset at present. Writing in detail about it here is not good for your own credibility. If LinkedIn and Facebook are causing you distress stop using them, at least for a while. You don't have to converse with anyone just because they are posting messages.Nor do you need to pay any attention to what they say.

          I am thanking you Georgina.You know it is very serious in fact.I am obliged to record and to go at télévisions to assume my works.I cannot laugh.I am confident in FQXi and the future of lifesinstitute.I am going to go at new York this year and if I am obliged to speak at télévisons in a total transparence, I will make it.I just wait to solve some personal problems due to succession of my mother dead more than 2 years ago.My parano is logic simpky,I have had always bad people having caused me serious problems.A bankrupcy, 2 pc destroyed,disciminaions, psychological hacking,menaces of death and tortures.It is not acceptable in fact simply.You know Georgina, perhaps that for you the life is easy but me you know I have not a job, I have difficulties to finish the ends of months.I have lost all due to bad persons, I am alone without familly and my health is tired.You see why I answer simply.I cannot accept this strategy simply, it is logic.I must assume my theory.And I am not there to critic theworks of people for their notoriety.I just want to evolve, learn more and imrprove my works with good persons and mentors.Mr Tyson ,Mr Tegmark,Mr Aguirre and Mr Freeman are real universalists.I will be honored if Mr Tyson d make a televison show COSMOS about the spherisation .I have always dreamt to live in USA.Regards ,thanks for the advices Georgina,but you must understand that this planet is bizare and that bad systems, teams or persons exist unfortunaly.

          Well,First if you are ok, it is Dufourny with a y and not ey like mickey,thanks.

          Mr Barkholz,I have nothing asked me.It is Mr Raisudin who said me on LinkedIn that you had an important thing to say me.So I have simply accepted the connections.The first message that I have received was bizare simply.You know I know the potential of my discovery.It is simply an universal logic qith quantum sphères cosmological sphères Inside an universal sphere with a central BH.The same relative logic is for the quantum serie and its uniquenss.My theory of spherisation is an imrpovement of matter energy on an irreversible Arrow of time.The quantum gravitation in my model is correlated with dark matter and BH with different quanta of E than our actual standard model and special relativity.We have nothing in common in our workS;Gravitation is not baryonic.My équations insert these other quanta of E.I discuss in private on linkeding with Mr Alex Magagula about this.E=mc²+ml² and mlosV=constant.I work also about the formalisation with the correct metric and an universal spherical algebras with correct series of reccurrences with primes correlated with the serie of spherical volumes towards the singularities;The good geometrical algebras can be chosen.This implies several gravitational aethers more important than the luminerous aether ,the photonic sphere.The relevance is to consider that spherons comping thisdark matter is proportional with BHwhere particles are produced.So the speedest and smallest and implying the most important gravitational aether is from the biggest BH and it turns the slowest.See the generality of my équations and my reasoning about the universal sphere in spherisation by quantum sphères and cosmological sphères turning around this central cosmological singularity.The gravitation couldn't be bosonic photonic thermodynamical baryonic with special relativity of our standard model.BH and dark matter and gravitation must be inserted;The relevances with my équations is that we can pass c with particles not baryonic.The gravitation had a problem of equivalence.It is solved in all humility.Now about the fact that you arein struggle withh thesciences community is not my case.I have many scientists liking my works.My Tyson has endorsed me on LinkedIn Mr Durmagambetov of CNTF in Russia,....and others sending me congratulations for this discovery.I am not pretentious or arrogant,I am just obliged to share my works with prudence knowing the human nature.If you are honnest, it is well because my foundamentals are integrity, honnesty, kindness,universality,christian,humanist and altruist.The rest is vain for me.You know I have all recorded on LinkedIn since several months and I have copied the fotos of messages and psychological methods.I don't say it is you,I just say that it is a reality and that I don't fear to die nor of tortures.These persons are bizare and frankly I eat their crazyness and false faith with universality and real universal love,because never I have had a small part of hate in my head for somebody.I pray always fortheir souls sincerely in seeing above me before acting.I am parano indeed but I have my reasons also.Spherically, Universally and altruistically yours Jedi

          Leicester City won the Premier League Championship title for the first time in 132 years. Hibernians won the Scottish Football Association Scottish Cup for the first time in 114 years. Perhaps my infinite surface assertion will replace the Einstein utterly unrealistic Theory of Relativity: General and Special that is now 107 years old. I hope so.

          a month later

          We are assuming all electrons and protons etc etc are exactly equal. We assume radioactive decay is just statistical average. We cannot specify which but we can give a statistical average. We think of cat may be alive or dead at the same time until we observe. Because we do not know if any decay of radio activity taken place. These are all our probabilistic quantum physics and we say there is no cause and effect . The biggest mistake in quantum physics that we treat all elementary particles are exactly same and as such same rules will apply . The fact of nature is we do not know exactly the inputs for any individual outcome. We have to be happy with statistical understanding but we can not say that cause and effect has vanished.

          2 years later

          There is still a long way to the good understanding of the surrounding world. I'm not quite sure if human beings will ever be able to grasp the essence of the universe, but we can at least trying to with such theories as Schrodinger's Cat being tossed into a black hole. Thanks for this interesting article.

          Best wishes,


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