Dear Branko
My English is poor, I am sorry for that...
Thank you for your comments, and for trying to understand Dynamic Universe model. Thank you for well esteemed comments... I did not reply on what you already agreed.....
1. About: Have you any value for UGF?
-This UGF is not constant force acting in only one direction or having only one value.
In our Dynamic Universe every mass is moving in a direction and goal determined universal gravitational force (UGF) as the indomitable resultant vector of gravitational forces acted by all the other bodies in the Universe. This resultant UGF vector force is varying according to ever varying dynamic movements and positions of all the masses in the Universe from time to time. In Dynamic Universe Model, this UGF is the fundamental concept; this model calculates this force "UGF" from moment to moment using its mathematical laws on each and every mass in the SITA simulations. In this way many present-day unsolved physics problems were solved. This method is different from conventional two body problem solution. This UGF sets the goals for every Galaxy or for every mass..
2. About: No Isotropy; In fact we have an approximate uniformity in all orientations.
-Large voids of the order almost 30 percent of observable universe are present were present in the Universe. Large scale mega Galactic structures exist in our Universe...
3. About: No Homogeneity; I do not agry.
-Densities of Earth, Moon and Sun etc., are different compared to vacuum in between. Inter Galactic spaces are so big compared to sizes of Galaxies. Observationally Universe is not having uniform density anywhere.
4. About: No singularities; There is something wrong with diplomas of those who support the concept of singularity.
- Hahaha !!!. You are correct, I also agree....
5. About: No collisions between bodies; This is explained extensively by R. Bošković.
- Please give some reference..
6. About: No Bigbang; My Theory show that all structure coexist in one point of time.
- You have to see Blue shifted Galaxies and Quasars etc, also; as red shifted Galaxies are only 40 percent in the Universe.
7. About: No imaginary X, Y, Z axes; That is a mathematical tool, if it produces results, why not.
- Mathematics produce square root of (-1) as i. But where is it. How will you represent it in reality? Physically nonexistent. In Dynamic Universe Model only Physically existing things, which are real and observable were taken. Why to use a non-existing and imaginary thing...?
8. About: No differential and Integral Equations mathematically; This is explained in Temur Kalanov brilliant papers.
- Please give some references... Differential and Integral equations give rise to Singularities like Blackholes and Bigbang...
9. About: No General Relativity and Model does not reduce to General Relativity on any condition; For the time it was created, GR was very advanced. It is now outdated. It is the Mach principle, which is also promoted by Einstein, the solution to everything.
- Bigbang is based on General Relativity, Please give some references.
10. About: No Dark matter; As you can see in my formula (17), it is not necessary dark matter, dark energy, also supersymmetry to relate the fundamental constants of nature.
- Very Good...!
11. About: No Bigbang generated CMB detected; You can see my solution here.
- Very Good...! Wonderful...!
12. No Multi-verses etc. What is Multi-verses, part of the Whole? Then, Universe is enough. But if we do not understand the whole, we are inventing new terms.
- Very Good...! You are exactly correct !
13. About: Of course, your article is outstanding.
- Thank you once again for the nice appreciation...!