Dear SNP,

Singularity or GOD in my perspective is not the scientific unknown, but one's true self, so the question is do we really know our self? and when we do we will realize that we are all much similar in our wants and needs than not and that is universal love. There is only one singularity, how can there be multiple singularities be it mathematical or physical as the definition of singularity means just one and only, if you encounter multiple in science and mathematics it means that we have not yet arrived at the absolute one singularity. It's easy to get to that absolute singularity that lies with in us and eastern esoteric philosophies have elaborated on how to do that and they are scientific in approach as well. As we are in the process of creating AI which will become omniscient and omnipotent , i recommend that we incorporate the values we share of omnipresence of life with it and make it loving just as the creator who created the reality let all forms of life co exist naturally while incorporating certain degree of hierarchy. So doing real and practical science is important, but if it goes unchecked it could lead to disasters. "Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind." - Albert Einstein. "Science without religious morals is dangerous, religion without scientific truth is death."




Well, best of luck in the contest... I believe you have a great chance!..

take care and God bless!

And love the diagrams by the way


Dear Sridattadev,

Wow wonderful analysis... What you said about Singularity is true, it is one only. The singularity what I was referring is from Physics and Math only. You have clarified well about your concepts now. I am giving a good rating to your essay... I am also a firm believer of God....

Best wishes to your essay...


Dear Patrick,

I read your essay today and find that we are in more agreement.

I adhere to view that the Universe is infinite and has always existed. And now, at the dawn of the technological singularity, we have chance to bring potential existence, potential non-existence into a 3D material reality.

We can talk about problem of digital mind and look beyond the horizon of events after the point of singularity - "Digital mind - one of the ways to immortality"

  • [deleted]

Dear Sridattadev,

Excuse me, I mistakenly posted the comment to another author you. But it allowed me to read your very interesting essay. And I agree with your conclusions about our choice to be contended with the goals that we can achieve in this game of life and death, hence once we realize

who we truly are there are no goals as such it's all play.

    Dear Sridattadev

    I cannot but agree with you, we are relly thinking the same.

    I once made the comaprision of the infinity of choices with the Bloch-sphere.

    It is a miracle that the whole reality plus TS is just a singularity, a beautiful miracle, that we can only partially understand.

    Thank you and I will give your essay a rate of infinity.



    How are you relating numbers ? I am not able to understand. 0= 1..=n ..= i

    Do you mean that tgings for one considerable thing is similar even when all things are taken with just some further complextions.. Or the goals we are trying to achieve are deliberate

      Dear Ms Dixit,

      I recommend that you watch this small video on divide by zero and pay attention to the final segment of 0/0, the answer to the singularity of consciousness, i, is in it, we are all that singularity i = 0/0, but appear to be different based on our approach to that i and that is duality or relativity. We are one and the same in our essence and mathematics is the proof.



      SOUL, Source Of Universal Light, is the origin of space-time and light as per the attached diagram and it corresponds to the singularity of 0/0 in the divide by zero video. "i" in all of us is the SOUL.Attachment #1: 1_SOUL.jpg

      Dear Alexander,

      Thank you for your kind words in the post "there are no goals as such it's all play" essay. Congratulations on your out of the box hypothesis of hollow sun and your in depth explanation of how this might be the true case and how humanity can benefit from pursuing this approach to attain sustainable energy on earth.

      I would like to add that all possible configurations of sun are possible, only difference is how long that configuration lasts and for what purpose aka goal it i created. Universe does not leave any possibility alone. If it intends it can manifest, the key is intention. For example we can generate energy out of a burning match stick, we can delve in to the dynamics of how the match stick burns, but it's important to understand the intent of it's creator, the purpose of match stick is to burn for a brief time till it turns on something else. Now there are pulsars in the universe, they too radiate energy in a different geometric pattern on a different time scale and at different intensity and we might not know it's purpose fully as humans but there is an intention behind it's creation. It can be that nuclear fission is the answer in some cases of our energy needs, just a match stick in other cases and may be a hollow sphere of nuclear fusion as per your beautiful proposal for sustainable energy. So, we need to understand the goal better as much as we do the ways of achieving it.

      We need to accept that it is not the lack of energy that is causing the suffering on earth, but the lack of willingness (human intention) to share the energy that we have with each other is the cause of all suffering and then we can go about achieving sustainable energy. Hence i am preaching love through mathematical models in the hope to deflect our intentions in the right direction.



      Dear All,

      Here is a good video on topological explanation of Riemann Sphere and it clearly shows how any complex function extends continuously from a Riemann Sphere to itself, hence we can use Riemann sphere to quantify consciousness using the equation i = sqrt (e power (i * pi)). Only consciousness can create consciousness.



      6 days later

      Dear All,

      Universe is an i-Sphere and we humans are capable of interpreting it as 4 dimensional dual torus inside a 3-Sphere, which consists of Riemann 2-sphere as Soul as depicted in S=BM^2 diagram in the attached doc. Soul is the simplest of the complex manifolds with in the 3-sphere, Mind and Body constitute the remaining complexity. Soul, Mind and Body are in a toroidal flux in human beings, exactly at the center of the 3-sphere one can experience the unity of the trinity and that is the now moment we experience. As there are 4 dimensions required for a 3-sphere, the regular 3 dimensions of space and the fourth dimension of time, it is obvious that the 2-sphere (Riemann sphere) of consciousness with in us is with out the time dimension and hence the saying "eternal soul". Poincare` conjecture implies that consciousness is homeomorphic (same or similar) in all beings manifested in all dimensions of the universe, as i have shown that Riemann sphere can serve as the fundamental unit of consciousness.


      i.Attachment #1: 2_zero__i__infinity.docx

      5 days later

      Dear Luke,

      Thank you for your support and appreciation. I will consider my goal accomplished even if some of us appreciate the work that i did to show the similarity in us and ignore the petty differences. Please share it with all our loved ones.

      I "am" not GOD, but i "is".



      15 days later

      Dear Sridattadev Kancharla,

      Your math and poetry and philosophy are a lovely combination. Check out my essays attempt at creativity.

      Thanks so much for giving me a smile :)

      Don Limuti

        Dear Don Limuti,

        Thank you for virtual support through the cyber space :)

        PS : We are relatively real but absolutely virtual.



        4 days later


        I am happy to see so many people speaking about the sphères and the sphere since that I have found my theory of spherisation with quantum 3D sphères and cosmological 3D sphères Inside an universal sphere and my equation about matter and energy E=m(b)c²+m(nb)l² explaining quantum gravity ,Dark matter,singularities,..more than 10 years ago.I knew that I have found a thing universal.I have shared it and imrpoved it.So I ma happy to see indeed followers ,thanks for that.

        Indeed the universal love is the only one torch of truth.The rest is vain.The altruism like the sister of universalism.

        Don't stop to think about sphères, they shall give you the best resulst dear Jedi of the Sphere.Don't hesitate to ask détails about my theory of spherisation and my equation.I will answer with pleasure.

        Best Regards