Professor Samengo,
I truly enjoyed reading your essay. I suspect that you would be interested in "apoptosis" in the olfactory system-- which learns new smells, which is always learning new smells.
This system depends on the breath, begins with the scent of self, involves neurons, involves consciousness, involves intention. For example, a person whose olfactory system has not become habituated will have the goal of purchasing a home that is not downwind of smelly factories. Prey learn the scent of the wolf. Animals learn the scent of death.
The authors of the following papers, which include the mathematician Keith Devlin, describe a "two-sorted logic." On the LHS of their equations we see models supporting languages of physics, involved with other-- and "higher"-- level models which in the limit support languages of intention, goals, the self. All with respect to the example of the olfactory system.
Clearly, you speak many such languages. The papers are here and here.
I also suspect you might like the inverse relationship principle of "informationalism":
"The main idea of informationalism is to take the inverse relationship between information and possibility as a guiding tenet. The Inverse Relationship Principle: Whenever there is an increase in available information there is a corresponding decrease in possibilities, and vice versa." John Barwise, Information and Impossibilities.
When I read your essay, I imagined a reader considering the above statement after almost every paragraph wherein you write about decreasing entropy.
But I can't say I agree with you on every point you make. I will say that I have no wish to argue-- I just want to make a friendly comment. So where you say:
"The construction of knowledge can be argued to be the essence of mind."
I would say-- but only to myself:
"The construction of beliefs can be argued to be the essence of mind. But in my experience, the essence of the self is to know."
I've attempted to apply the inverse relationship principle to physics here.
Very Best Regards,
Lee Bloomquist