Dear Mr. Palmer

Thank you very much for your detailed and well-intentioned comment.

You are right when you say: I am unsure how your essay relates to the main question. How do these equations imply intention for, say, humans?

Maybe it's about topic, that universe has aims and intention to produce a proton, that is first step to everything else. Also theme requires math, which is in the essay.

About error terms, you are right. In my previous articles I carefully counted uncertainty, but I noticed that in the competition it is not the custom. That is why, this time I reject. For example, uncertainties you can see here: Universal Gravitational Constant Via Rydberg Constant viXra:1311.0081

Ili druge članke ovde:

About underlying principle: I can repeat everything discussed in my previous articles, referenced Much, Bošković, Newton and other giants of philosophy of nature. There are plenty of professional physicists who can explain how it is that their theories provide extraordinary paradox, but mine not. I confirm my theory by numerous of applications. The number of applications confirms the Newtonian law of gravity too, which many feel is an approximation. I'm sure, most eloquent essay written by an unknown author would not have forced physicists to read it. So, I prefer to use my time finding new applications of "The Theory of Unity between the Whole and its Parts".

And, I admit that intentional human action is not the subject of my interest.

Once again, thank you for your efforts, regarding my essay.



7 months later

Thank you article, Also read this article

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