Essay Abstract

This article demonstrates, that theoretical physics of today depends on more than 100 years old assumptions and interpretations of experiments, that are made in error. With the very advanced technology of today we have tools to correct these mistakes. It is demonstrated that the global positioning system (GPS), its atomic clocks and advanced measurement systems in the space program can give us the means to reconsider old ideas. This article illustrates the need for more critical thinking to reveal old fundamental errors. An ether that is falling towards our planet is suggested, and it is demonstrated, that this ether model can explain more observations than existing physics. Gravitational anomalies, gravitation itself and pioneer anomaly are explained by this theory. An explanation to destructive superposition in light is also given.

Author Bio

The author is 82 years old has an master in electrical engineering. He has been interested in the fundamentals of the theory of relativity and quantum physics since retirement. He has earlier sent articles to GALILEAN ELECTRODYNAMICS, CNPS and GSJournal.

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Perhaps your "falling ether" model can be expanded. Pioneer anomaly: (1) signal should be Earth directed as early data (but last analysed) suggested. (2) Sun's falling ether should have some influence on the frequencies so Sun's position could give the annual periodicity observation. You related falling ether to Doppler shift. Try applying to galaxy redshift. Currently accepted model has only 0.80 corrrelation (poor).

What gravity anomalies during solar eclipse?


    John Hodge

    The effect of ether wind is directed towards the Sun, but observed from Earth. However, the difference is small, since distances are between 20 and 80 astronomical units (Sun Earth distance).

    I do not connect between Doppler and ether wind. I say that the effect is caused by second order effect due to ether wind f(-(v/c)^2), but has been assumed to be caused by first order effect due to 2-way Doppler f(-(2u/c)).

    I do not think that we can see galactic red shift in the Pioneer anomaly, but I think the effect exists.

    Eclipse anomalies are observed in vertical direction in China. See Ref (3). They are also observed in horizontal direction by Janos Rohan. See Ref (4).

    With best regards from _______________ John-Erik Persson

    11 days later

    Hi John, I have taken a quick look at your essay. There is a great deal of information in it and I must confess too much for me to take in all at once. I do appreciate the time you have spent considering these ideas and presenting your own solutions. I haven't studied Faraday's physics ideas but you have inspired me to look into that. I like the very ending where you mention restructuring of physics rather than mere addition to it. I think you are spot on there. Kind regards Georgina


    Thank you for taking interest.

    Yes, i think we should honor Faraday more. He made the great work in physics that Maxwell translated to mathematics. I think that the same can be said about Tycho Brahe's life long work in physics, that Keppler draw mathematical conclusions from. Mathematics seems to be over estimated in relation to physics. Without Faraday and Tycho Brahe we would have to wait long to see someone to do their lobs.

    From _________________ John-Erik

      John-Erik, I am sorry for getting your name wrong.Thanks for your reply. Georgina

      7 days later

      Dear John-Erik

      I read your paper and I find that in many ways you have a better understanding of structural concepts than many who are committed to trying to fill the holes in existing quantum mechanics and relativity theories. You are correct that what is usually called ether exists and it is composed of particles that do not possess the angular motion that generates the frequency, wavelength, and dynamic mass effects that are present in both energy photons and matter particles. These particles are composed of simple linear motions and we live in a sea of them. Most interactions take place between entities that possess angular motions because interactions require an interaction cross-section to allow an interaction to take place. The greater the cross-section size or width is, the greater is the probability of an interaction. Interaction probability is also affected by the path flow and speed of entities that exist within the interaction cross-section. As an example, the cross-section of an atom would be the total size of its external field structure for elastic interactions. Within this structure, the matter particles in the nucleus have a much smaller interaction cross-section. Thus, the probability of an interaction that involves them in any way is much lower than just the probability of an interaction with the atom as a whole. Since sub-energy (ether) particles do not contain an angular motion, they cannot generally interact in the direction of their travel because their interaction cross-section is about zero. They mainly interact with entities that intersect them at an angle to their direction of travel. At the sub-energy particle density that exists in free space, an energy photon will travel a very long distance between such interactions. Each interaction decreases its frequency by a small amount, thus creating a red shift that increases with distance between the points of emission and absorption. Energy photons contain a second motion that operates at ninety degrees to their direction of travel and travels first in one direction and then reverses direction and travels in the opposite direction, both at ninety degrees to the photon's direction of travel in a repetitive cyclical pattern. This motion generates their frequency, wavelength, and dynamic mass effects. The greater the motion amplitude (speed) of this motion, the higher the photon's frequency, the shorter the wavelength, and the greater the dynamic mass effect possessed by the photon. You are right that this motion can have any value above zero, but it is usually generated at a specific value which is determined by a matter particle's amount of motion that is available for transfer to a sub-energy particle to transform it into an energy photon. When the photon is generated by an interaction between an electron in an atom and a sub-energy particle that is part of a high density sphere that is part of the atom's external field, the amount of energy (motion) that is transferred to the sub-energy particle is determined by the difference between the electron's motion in its travel in the low density area between that high density sphere and the other one that it is traveling between and the amount (amplitude) of motion at which the sub-energy particles in that sphere are traveling around the sphere from the sphere's sub-energy input to its output. When an electron is captured by an atom, it travels toward the atom until the attraction of the sub-energy spheres that it has traveled through is equal to the attraction of the spheres that it has not yet traveled through based on its mass. Its motion toward the atom then comes to a zero rate or motion amplitude in that direction and it then travels around the atom at the same velocity and direction as the sub-energy particles in the high density sub-energy sphere's that it is traveling between. Since it is traveling at the same velocity as the sub-energy particles it comes into close approximation to in the spheres, it cannot interact with a sub-energy particle to transfer motion to it. If it then receives added motion from the absorption of an energy photon, as an example, it will then move up and travel between two high density sub-energy spheres that are farther from the center of the atom. In this position it will travel faster than the sub-energy particles in those two spheres. This will apply pressure on the sub-energy sphere, such that the probability of an interaction with a sub-energy particle in the sphere is greatly increased. When it does interact with a sub-energy particle it transfers its excess motion to the sub-energy particle and returns to its mass based stability point. The motion that is transferred to the sub-energy particle causes it to try to travel faster than the speed of light, but the excess motion over the speed of light exceeds the threshold level beyond which any extra motion is transferred to its fourth dimensional motion. This extra motion travels into the sub-energy particle's fourth dimensional motion and generates its frequency, wavelength, and dynamic mass effects, thereby transforming it into an energy photon. Since all of the atoms of the same mass contain identical sub-energy fields, the amount of motion transferred to a sub-energy particle from an electron in the atom's outermost electron level when it goes from the next higher sub-energy sphere to its normal mass balanced sphere will be the same for all interactions of that type. This means that for a given type of atom the energy photon, thus produced will always have the same frequency, wavelength, and dynamic mass effect. So as you said it is not that a newly created energy photon could not possess any frequency, it is just that in a given type of atom the amount of motion that an electron can transfer to a sub-energy particle to transform it into an energy photon is fixed by the internal structure of the atom's external field. This does not give all of the possible photon creation results because, for example, an electron can possibly receive enough extra motion due to some interaction that it moves up two or more spheres, etc. in which case it could transfer more motion to a sub-energy particle to create a higher frequency photon, but even in that case all electrons that went down the same number of spheres in that type of atom would create photons with the same frequency, etc. An energy photon is a self-contained entity that carries all of its motions within itself, so it does not need to have a medium to travel through. As mentioned above when an energy photon interacts with a sub-energy particle it gives up some of its motion to that particle, which results in the lowering of its frequency. At the same time the sub-energy particle that receives that motion can be changed into a lower frequency photon. This tends to build up a background level of these lower frequency photons over time. If an energy photon's frequency is high enough, so that it contains enough motion to produce a matter particle and it comes into contact with an adequate angular motion component, such as the sub-energy fields near the nucleus of an atom, it can transfer some of that motion into the photon's fifth dimensional motion, which causes it to be transformed into a matter particle by causing the energy photon to take a three dimensional curved path that encloses back upon itself, thus creating a three dimensional cyclical enclosed path through which it travels continuously. This path can, of course, move or be stationary and the great angular motion of the photon as it travels that path generates its static mass effect. As the photon in the matter particle travels around this path it entrains sub-energy particles to travel through it. This generates the matter particle's internal energy field. This field flows from an input on the path to an output on the other side of the path. The input and output follow the photon as it travels around the path, so they are continually changing their locations on that path. This field is responsible for keeping the internal motions of one matter particle in the nucleus of an atom from interacting with the internal motions of other particles and would be identified with the strong force in most current theories. As the sub-energy particles flow through the matter particle the flow is modulated by the photon's fourth dimensional frequency/wavelength motion from a zero level linearly up to a maximum level and then back down to a zero level. This cycle continues. The result is the creation of concentric sub-energy particle spheres that vary in density linearly from a zero flow level to a maximum density flow level and then back down to the zero level as you travel outward from or inward toward the matter particle. This is the matter particle's external field structure. It is responsible for the capture and control of electrons and the binding of matter particles together into atoms. The matter particles in the nucleus of an atom are contained within the atom within the innermost high density sub-energy sphere. This containment would also be considered part of the strong force while the electron containment and elastic interactions with low enough kinetic energy that only involve the external fields, etc. would be likely considered to be connected to the weak force. I tried to cover much information in this post, so it may be hard to follow, but my papers in the contests on this site are somewhat less intense and give more details of how it all works and may answer any questions that you may have. If not I will try to answer them if I can. I will stop now as this is getting big.



      Paul Butler

      I thank you very much for good words about my essay. Yes, i agree that the ether is a very important and fundamental concept together with space and time (not spacetime).

      I will take look at your article. It appears to regard uncertainties in language. It seems interesting.

      Thanks, and good luck _______________ John-Erik Persson

        Dear John-Erik,

        I saw your comments to me both on your page and also on my page and that they were a little different from each other. I will just make a single comment that covers both of them.

        My current paper starts out covering the meaning of the word fundamental because that is what the contest topic is about and I do start out mentioning the vagueness of man's abstract communication methods. After that, however, I give examples of the fundamentals of each of the eight main hierarchical structural levels of the universe. This gives overall beginning or fundamental level information about them, but does not go into great detail about any of them. For a deeper look at the nature of time, I would recommend my first paper from 2008 "The Physical Nature of Time" and for a more detailed description of the physical structure of field particles, energy photons, and matter particles, I recommend my 2015 paper "The Truth is that the Connection Between Physics and Mathematics is Not at all Mysterious". I generally have added some new information to all of my papers. I added as much as I could in each paper while also trying to stay within the general topic that the paper is supposed to address, so my other papers also add information not contained in the ones mentioned above. The comments also contain some information that is not in the papers. In the current paper and the previous one, I have copied all of the comments that I made on the papers of others and all of their comments to me on their papers onto my paper's page to make it easier for someone to get all of that information also. On the older papers you would have to look through the other contestants papers to find such information, so that would be more difficult, but could be of importance if you were looking for some specific information that was not covered in the papers. While I am here, I will try to answer as many questions as I can, but there are some areas that I will not go into at this time, so you would have to ask the questions and I would then answer those that I can. I hope that will help you to find the information provided so far in the easiest way possible.



        Paul Butler

        Thanks for making it more clear. I agree to your opinions regarding the relation between physics and mathematics. Mathematics is not fundamental to physics itself, but to our understanding and knowledge of it. It is good that you try to define what fundamental means. Thanks.

        Best regards from _____________________ John-Erik Persson

          Dear John-Erik Persson!

          I really appreciate those who are passionate about ideas of ether and keeps her loyalty throughout his life. However, I always tell them that the idea of the ether is weaker than the idea of Descartes on the identity of space and matter. When Descartes maintains that space is a matter, the ether is no longer needed. When you are in your studies, replace the ether the concept of physical space, which is matter, then there is a lot of enlightenment in the understanding of the physical world, which overtook the once me. I also like you believe that space (the ether) drops and this creates the gravitational force.

          Brief description New Cartesian physics you can find in my essay.

          I wish you success!


            Thanks for taking interest and giving comments.

            The ether must transmit light and gravity, and gravity demands matter. That matter is the ether. If there is matter there is an ether, in my opinion.

            I will read your essay and comment.

            Regards from ___________________ John-Erik

            Dear John-Erik Persson,

            I enjoyed your essay and agree that theoretical physics today depends on more than 100-year-old assumptions and interpretations of experiments, some of which are in error. Like you, I feel that perhaps the easiest way to advance physics is to reveal old fundamental errors.

            You discuss too many physical phenomena for me to critique, so I will focus on those aspects on which I believe we agree. For example, you state that

            "Instead of by time dilation, observed effects must be explained by clock behavior."

            Any analysis of atomic clocks must be based on clocks counting cycles, which are inversely related to time, while (per Einstein) frequency is directly related to energy. Thus clocks measure energy directly and time only indirectly. Einstein's idea of 'perfect clocks', located at every point in the moving frame and perfectly synchronized, is an erroneous idea. Formulated long before the development of atomic clocks (the only ones that show relativistic effects) Einstein might be forgiven his mistake, but why hold onto it?

            You note that the "Lorentz transform is based on the absurd assumption that light moves with the same speed in relation to all observers moving with constant, but different speeds." Of course Rindler, whose name is associated with several aspects of special relativity, agrees with this, and I discuss this in detail in my essay.

            Like you, I feel that Faraday's pedestal could be raised much higher.

            You also note that experiments that detect the ether wind based on rotation of the planet surely cannot be interpreted to "assume our own planet to entrain the ether in the whole universe." I propose that light propagates in local gravity, and that this is compatible both with MM's null result and with the motion of clocks circling earth in opposite directions. I suspect that when you say that

            "Such an ether wind can explain gravity as well",

            you are in agreement with the fact that

            "Local gravity can explain ether"

            as detailed in my essay.

            You note the absurdity of the twins paradox, which is a logical consequence of 'space-time symmetry' that vanishes in an 'energy-time conjugate' formalism (while retaining relativistic particle physics quite well) and note (as I do) that an older, wiser Einstein said "physics without ether is unthinkable."

            You develop the idea of "falling ether", then state that "this falling ether describes gravity". I would respectfully suggest that the concept of "gravity as local ether" satisfies the goals you have in mind, but perhaps I need to study your essay more closely.

            In any event, we are almost identical in our analysis of the problem, and I think in general agreement in our solutions.

            I hope you enjoy my essay as much as I have enjoyed yours.

            My very best regards,

            Edwin Eugene Klingman


              Let it be so. I say space, you say ether. I say: space is matter, and you say: where there is matter there ether. But what is the ether? This concept of mythology. When a believer in God, I ask: where is your God?, he says - in the sky. For them the sky is the ether where the angels dwell. For me, the sky is the space, which is matter and which is the building material from which constructed the physical world.

              In my essay there is no mechanism for gravity. I believe he is already well described, including you, so I appreciate your work.

              I wish you success!

              Edwin Klingman

              Thank you for this interesting comments. We are in good agreements regarding the ideas that you take up, although we sometimes express the ideas with slight variations. we also agree to the fact that Maxwell got credit for Faraday's work.

              You concentrate on all ideas that we agree on, and I hope that you will come back with some ideas where we differ. It is most productive to argue where there is no agreement.

              I will with interest read your article and write a comment on your page.

              Best regards from ______________ John-Erik Persson

              Dear John Erik Persson,

              You wrote: "We must remember that new knowledge often changes the fundamental structure, and seldom is a simple addition to what we already have."

              My research has concluded that Nature must have devised the only permanent structure of the Universe obtainable for the real Universe existed for millions of years before man and his finite complex informational systems ever appeared on earth. The real physical Universe consists only of one single unified VISIBLE infinite surface occurring eternally in one single dimension that am always illuminated mostly by finite non-surface light.

              Joe Fisher, ORCID ID 0000-0003-3988-8687. Unaffiliated

              Dear John-Erik,

              I am not sure that you do understand my concept of the proper functional structure of science in general and in this case specifically in physics. There are two very important structures that are both required to maximize progression of advancement and at the same time enrich the level of understanding to a great enough depth that the likelihood of following erroneous paths that lead to dead ends or cause great delays in advancement will be avoided. The first is the development of conceptual understanding. An example of this that is currently needed and I am trying to provide for man here is to conceptually fill in an area of physics that has been mostly avoided in recent times and that is an understanding of the structure of the lowest known layer of the universe's structure, which is the level of fields, energy photons, and matter particles. For the most part current theories do not address what substance these entities are composed or made of, and how that substance is structured in each of these entities to cause them to generate their observed interaction behaviors. Observations and man's current theories both indicate that these entities can be transformed into each other and that they all can also be transformed into simple angular and linear motions. It is obvious to me and I believe it should also be so to anyone who has any understanding of these entities that the simplest of these entities is a simple linear motion. When I looked into it, I found that field (sub-energy) particles, energy photons, and matter particles can all be constructed using just simple motions. Once this basic level of understanding is gained it can then be expanded to conceptually combine these entities together to get a better understanding of higher level structures such as the structure of the internal and external fields of matter particles and how those fields are used to capture and contain electrons in the external field and contain the particles in the nucleus within the atom while at the same time keeping the internal motions of those particles from interacting with each other, etc. This can then be expanded to understand how atoms bind together into molecules and molecules bind together into large scale objects, etc. Although it should be obvious that this conceptual stage of development has great power to allow the development of a deeper level of understanding of the universe, the other structure is then needed to bring out the details of the operation and interoperation of these entities at all levels of structure. That structure is mathematics. When new concepts are developed, they generally lead to the need to make new observations to confirm them and to increase the depth of understanding of those concepts. Math is greatly involved in making and quantifying these observations. Once the quantity of the new observations is adequate, math models can be constructed to show the observed relationships between the entities seen in these observations. The math models can indicate new observations that should be made based on extrapolations of the patterns of current behaviors into extensions of variables, etc. that would predict new outcomes under different conditions than those currently observed. My point is that both conceptual understanding and the application of math to deepen and develop the concepts into useable forms are equally important and both are required for prolonged advancement in understanding. As advancement continues both the conceptual and math models usually need to be modified to conform to new observational data and deeper level conceptual and math processing. When the system is functioning properly each is a check on the other's developments to be sure they both continue to adhere to reality. The current problems in physics and some other areas of science stem mostly from a lack of conceptual development. To a great extent this is due to the elevation in the minds of people of the importance of math structuring while at the same time a belief has developed that conceptual structuring is of less importance and is less accurate than math. Those who believe such things do not understand the different realms of development that the conceptual and math structures apply to. The conceptual structure applies to the overall understanding of things. It gives the big picture of how things are made and how they work individually and together with each other. Math is more usefully applied to developing the details of the structures, their operations, and interactions. It works best to focus on the smaller and smaller details while concept structuring works to put those details together into an overall structural understanding that encompasses all of the details into a workable whole picture of the structure of things. When the conceptual level is left out, there is no guidance as to what outputs from the math level are parts of reality and what parts are complete fictions. People tend to go off in all directions believing all of the outputs to be true because after all, the math model god has declared it to be so by its outputs. In reality both the conceptual and math levels can be wrong or incomplete and need modification. When the system is working properly they both work to correct each other's errors. I am attempting to correct current errors that are presently considered to be true valid physics by introducing a conceptual model of what is currently believed to be the most basic level of structuring, which is that of the structure of fields, energy photons and matter particles in the same way that past introductions of conceptual models of molecular structure and later of atomic structure were guides to those of earlier times. I hope that helps. Have you had a chance to look at the papers that I recommended to you in my previous comment? If so, what do you think about them?



              Dear John-Erik,

              I found your essay interesting and aligned with my work to some extent.

              I think you would be interested to read my 2012 FQXi essay titled "A Classical Reconstruction of Relativity" where I explain how the effects of Relativity can be explained Classically and the null result of the MMX can be explained with an ether type field. There are also some of my papers on ViXra (just search for my page under author Declan Traill to find my papers).

              In my work I found that the ether field (space-time) is consumed by Black Holes, resulting in a similar type of in-falling ether wind which can explain the Galaxy Rotation rates. The field around other masses (other than Black Holes) however, remains static & it is a time dilation field that affects all waves (light, matter) by refraction essentially - causing the gravitational attraction.

              One other point I would like to make: when light destructively interferes, the energy doesn't disappear, it emerges somewhere else. For example in the two-slit Young's experiment, the light from the dark regions is shifted to the bright regions such that the total energy on the screen is the same. It doesn't cancel out to result in zero energy.

              Best Regards,

              Declan Traill

                What happens to the falling ether when it enters a hole through the source mass from both ends? Does the wind from opposite directions cancel? If so, then how would this affect the rate of a clock at the center?

                Bear in mind that, according to general relativity, the rate of a clock at the center is supposed to be a minimum.

                If the wind from opposing directions cancels, does this make the rate of a central clock a maximum? If so, then how would this relate to the falling of material objects into the same hole?