Dear FQXi'ers,
It is now one year later (Jan 2019) and I have just published on viXra a 57 page paper that I have expanded from the 9-page essay above. The paper can be found here:
[]Everything's Relative, or is it?[/link]
My thesis is that special relativity, with all it's contradictions and nonsense, was accepted primarily because of the many 'proofs' of time dilation, from muons to the Hafele-Keating experiments. Because Einstein's theory was the only interpretation, these proofs caused physicists to accept his space-time symmetry [no preferred frame], relativity of simultaneity, and all associated paradoxes [logical contradictions].
Unlike quantum mechanics, with its Bohr, deBroglie-Bohm, Everett, QBism and other interpretations, special relativity has had only ONE interpretation, that of space-time symmetry, thus it's been a package deal, take it or leave it. The energy-time interpretation provides an alternative way to interpret time dilation that does not lead to logical contradictions.
I hope those who were interested in this essay will download the extended version from
My best regards to all,
Edwin Eugene Klingman