
You know, many times the small differences can be important, especially with such a weak force as gravitation.

I have actually never quite well understood why light would propagate without a guiding wave, when all other Waves need guidance. But the ether concept is still inflamed, most choose some other Word for it, like grid etc.

It is the same with consciousness, such nonsense sometimes is expressed. And it makes it totally difficult to discuss it. There are Always some reductionsit knowing better. Sic!

Good Luck. Ulla Mattfolk.

Dear Edwin Eugene Klingman,

I enjoyed your essay, but must confess that more study of it would be needed for me to appreciate all of the diverse perspectives you present. Your focus on time is a superb choice.

I think TK's on page 9 reflects the feeling of many people. "...the fundamental nature of time as universal simultaneity." My own view on the essence of time would seem bizarre to most people. The local passage of time is quite simply a measurement of local motion of the fabric of space itself. That's not the bizarre part.

Now for the seemingly bizarre part. Time is continually slowing in the universe. What does that even mean? It means if one could carve out a piece of space without any matter to use as a clock, then a clock embedded in the universe would be continually slowing. All clocks in the universe slow at the same rate. This makes detection challenging. MOND gravity is one place in which it appears. This does not violate conservation of matter and energy as might at first be thought.

I will try to further digest what you have presented, but it will take some time (pun).

Richard Marker

Space and time are concepts we generated to understand position and movement of bodies macroscopic and particles micrroscopic.Is there any alternate way of coneptualising the picture and arrive at explaining the observed facts/ events taking place? Our explanations are based on observations and abservers based within the universe. Can an external observer view the picture differently, say an alien from a different world. The logic behind the two distinct observers may differ and hence the explanations too will differ! Time to me is linked with living while the space is linked to reality of vacuum that really dominates space overwhelmongly over matter.There appears vaste scope for divergence of understanding that has thus far been developed for physical phenomena!

Dear Edwin,

congrats for a well-written and obviously much appreciated essay!

Nevertheless, I can't see what (in Popper's terms) the Folgerungsmenge of your essay (theory) is. In other words, it seems to remain at the level of symbolic-definitional permutation (of Einstein's theories) and not imply any disposition to action. In yet other words, your essay remains within the domain of theoretical (or mathematical) physics, which has always reminded me of the pilot who jumped out of the plane because he thought he could fly...



the red shifting (or blue) of lambda, seemed explicit to me as well. That and your stating that the Transition Zone was not necessary (or perhaps not included) in your modeling of an aether-like energy density field. All of which brings back around the transverse wave picture of EMR.

So a little colloquial clarification would be nice. Does a red shift observation in your model mean that the physical wavelength has been 'stretched out' as it is being projected from a source? and to what reference does it react to assume a length corresponding to velocity of the source?

The problem encountered in modeling a physical waveform, is that we cannot count wave numbers without intercepting them at each individual length point from emission, so it remains an experimentally non-falsifiable theoretical argument. jrc

Hello Edwin,

I re-read this discussin between these wonderful thinkers,your essay is a very relevant to read. I asked me if you have already thought about a gravitational aether.The second thing is about this quantum gravitation, have you already thought about the fact to insert this dark matter in our standard model to reach this weakest force at 10exp-67newton. I ask me how to consider these waves , fields , particles non relativistic if they are the answer for this quantum gravitation.In logic we could reach it without the electromagntic reasonings , relativistic.It is hypothetical but I beleive strongly that this dark matter and this quantum gravitation are linked and are a new road for physics.

Best Regards

    I have shared your essay on Facebook also , it merits to be shared,best regards

    9 days later

    Dear Edwin Klingman,

    Although the contest is over, I hope for further resonance stimulated by your essay.

    I am not sure whether or not you are aware of the fact that Poincaré who introduced Relativity did never agree with Einstein's what Michelson called a monster.

    So called dispute on priority for Relativity is misleading. See Damour 2004.

    Eckard Blumschein

    Edwin Klingman

    I hope you read this. Are you interested in my last blog at:


    From ____________ John-Erik Persson

    10 months later

    Dear FQXi'ers,

    It is now one year later (Jan 2019) and I have just published on viXra a 57 page paper that I have expanded from the 9-page essay above. The paper can be found here:

    []Everything's Relative, or is it?[/link]

    My thesis is that special relativity, with all it's contradictions and nonsense, was accepted primarily because of the many 'proofs' of time dilation, from muons to the Hafele-Keating experiments. Because Einstein's theory was the only interpretation, these proofs caused physicists to accept his space-time symmetry [no preferred frame], relativity of simultaneity, and all associated paradoxes [logical contradictions].

    Unlike quantum mechanics, with its Bohr, deBroglie-Bohm, Everett, QBism and other interpretations, special relativity has had only ONE interpretation, that of space-time symmetry, thus it's been a package deal, take it or leave it. The energy-time interpretation provides an alternative way to interpret time dilation that does not lead to logical contradictions.

    I hope those who were interested in this essay will download the extended version from

    My best regards to all,

    Edwin Eugene Klingman

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