Dear Wilhelmus:
Your essay clearly has some originality. I will read more of your work.
Thank you for complementary comment on my essay, "The concept of "fundamental" must keep evolving". In addition, I would be delighted if you can develop a mathematical expression for the concept of a self-looped oscillatory entity in the CTF. Please keep me informed. Feel free to go to my web to down load relevant papers:
I will separately send you Ch.11 of my optics book, "Causal Physics: Photon by Non-Interaction of Waves", Taylor and Francis, 2014. It validates the potential reality of CTF from the viewpoint of experimental optical sciences.
Now a philosophical comment. You say:-
"Emergent phenomena are ILLUSIONS originating from a space and timeless Point : a NOTHING."
I understand what you mean. However, I do not like the word "illusion" while explaining nature; because our brain has evolved with the analytical capability to enjoy many true optical illusions (play of the neural network), while figuring out how to separate illusions from elusiveness. The Moon is always there in its orbit even if all humans shut their eyes at night. The reality of the cosmic universe is not our illusion. However, it has remained elusive (limitation of our knowledge), even though we have been trying hard for centuries to explain all the detailed laws behind its origin and evolutionary behavior.
In ancient Indian philosophy, the word "Maya" has been used to describe this elusiveness of the universe. Unfortunately, I believe it was the first translator of Indian philosophy, Friedrich Max Müller, who used the word "illusion" as a translation for the word "Maya". I wish he had used the word "elusive".