Dear Peter,

Thank you for the interesting question for all.

«Apart from obvious angular considerations; What is the difference between the variations in G potential from the moon at any one position on Earth?

And are not our seas excellent meters of such G fluctuations? (The tidal flows around the UK are largely moon dependent)».

If we consider the influence of only the moon, it seems that it attracts water in the oceans.

But the two tides are illogical in this scheme of action forces.

But if we consider the simultaneous gravitational action of the sun and the moon, then everything becomes logical ( ).

When the angle between the directions to the Sun and the Moon is 90 degrees, there is a minimum of tides throughout the Earth.

If the Sun and the Moon attract water in the oceans, then it would seem that their vectors of strength should be summed and there must be tides, but they are not.

Consequently, the tides are not a consequence of the force of attraction, but are a consequence of the formation of increased gravity (heavy water) in places shifted 90 degrees from directions to the sun or the moon.

The increased gravity of water is caused by the orbital toroidal gravitational waves of the Moon and the Sun (analogues of Wheeler's geones,, ) in which the Moon and the Earth are in potential well of stability and which provide a minimum of the action of the forces of attraction and inertia, in accordance with the extreme principle of least action in soliton gravitational waves.

Those. in places of low tide, water is heavier and it is created the effect of 2 low tides in places shifted on 90 and 270 degrees away from the direction to the Moon or the Sun, hence will be two logical the existing tides, in 0 and 180 degrees from the direction to them.

Low tides on Earth are similar to low tides on the Sun from the action of coronal loops (toroidal gravitational waves) in dark spots.

The registered gravitational waves in the LIGO project these are stationary toroidal gravitational waves of the Earth's gravisphere (magnetosphere) ( and the orbital toroidal gravitational wave of the Earth ( that form the weather and cause tides and ebbs on the Earth.

Vladimir Fedorov


Finally getting to your essay, going item by item and numbering

1. reductionism - final paragraph caught my eye, agree both with qualities you suggest 'most fundamental' should possess, and with your emphasis upon relative motion. I think here we find perhaps the deepest connection between our models, as that which Michaele and I present is based upon an epistemologically rigorous analysis of the two-body problem and Mach's principle, which is all about relative motion. How does your understanding of relative motion relate to the concept of background independence?

2. 'Of What' - relative motion of what? agree re nominal bottom of event horizon at Planck length, tho the mind can go where the body cannot. Beyond that not clear to me what the what is that you refer to with your 'Of What'. Would not agree that 'states of motion' form 'matter'. There is more to it than that, as i think you would agree, tho the way you close this section leaves me confused.

3. 'Most Profound' - here i question including SR at the level of most profound. SR is a three-body effect, Lorentz transform is just Pythagoreus. At foundational level it is better to confine the logic to two-body interactions imo. Background independence is lost in three body problem, the mix between spin and orbital angular momentum is resolved with introduction of third body,... also one can advance topological arguments against introduction of another singularity, at the least has to properly account for the effects in terms of nonlocality...

Love explaining physics to barmaids. Agree that one should be able to coherently present one's worldview over a single pitcher of good beer shared at a moderate pace, preferably in company with traditional 'garbage pizza'.

4. Motion - the notion that a particle requires 'spin' to exist is new to me. According to wiki,, spin zero mesons form a nonet, with pizero/eta/etaprime being the non-strange members. Branching ratio calculations for those mesons are shown in an impedance analysis of the chiral anomaly, posted on my vixra author page. Model used there is geometric interpretation of Clifford algebra, which defines 'geometric wavefunction'. In principle one should be able to use that model to confirm or refute your suggestion that particles require spin to exist. However more than just impedance analysis is required to sort out which components of geometric wavefunction comprise spin zero mesons, so it could be that mode structure of these mesons have two spin modes that cancel. Whether these would correspond to your two counter-rotating vortices is more complicated.

5. OAM - finding it very difficult to follow this. I look at things from two-body perspective, the simplest possible imo. The Riemann sphere (?) construction you present may well be correct and appropriate, but my mind has a very hard time following what you're doing and why. Background independence appears to me to be lost by doing this. Agree that to formulate a testable experimental prediction one must establish the sort of structure you develop, but to incorporate that into one's conceptual foundations rather than using it as a reality check has my head spinning a little. As i understand it background independence is an essential property of any viable quantum gravity model. This is major obstacle for the mathematician's Riemannian 'curved space' interpretation of Einstein's thinking. In any case what you're doing with this may be completely valid, appears to me to be pointing in interesting directions so must be at least partially valid.

6. Transition Zone - here you hit the nail on the head, tho with a hammer that makes me laugh at least a little. Agree it is in the near field that things get interesting. What is little recognized in physics community is that near field impedance of photon differs from far field. Particle folks just set impedance to dimensionless unity along with light speed, Planck's constant,... Was the fashionable thing to do in the day. But what governs amplitude and phase of the flow of energy at the foundation of QED (our basic QFT template), what governs energy flow in the photon-electron interaction, the near field impedances, fell thru the cracks. This is why we have to renormalize. Renormalization coefficients are just impedance mismatches in a geometric wavefunction model. Mainstream folks have forgotten about your transition zone.

7. QM - here again i get lost in your formalism, in the structure you're imposing on the two-body problem, on the interaction of two geometric wavefunctions. To my mind this is still very subtle. For me to comment sensibly here would require much more study. Like that you introduce three body three filter problem, tho not yet getting if/how it is connected to the work you and Declan are collaborating on. The nested Mach-Zender we briefly touched on earlier in my thread appears to me a potentially much more symmetric tool for evaluating the work you and Declan are doing. Please, take a look at the work Vaidman (Aharonov's former student and inventor of 'weak measurement' theory/technique) and company are doing. It seems to confirm the Wheeler-Feynman papers on time symmetry of quantum phase, is related to phase symmetry/polarity reversal you mention, phase clock of QM running CCW for particles and CW for antiparticles, and back to oppositely spinning vortices, that old film of 'galloping gertie', resonant vortex shedding oscillating a suspension bridge torsional mode into destruction out west back in the 30s,... Curious how that maps into your formalism,...

so enough already. like what you're doing, agree re importance of properly understanding relative motion. It was foundation of my lifelong work. Came from working with my brother back in the mid 70s, designing, building, and operating vibratory piledrivers. Two synchronized spinning eccentric weights. Two body problem and Mach's principle at gut level. Mechanical impedances. And dad was electronics guy, we built the electromagnetic analog on his test bench during the design process. Eventually this evolved into what we are now calling quantized impedance networks of geometric wavefunction interactions.

Don't understand your decomposition into orbital and helical, why you do that, but still have some confusion about helicity/chirality and its origins in geometric Clifford algebra. So perhaps there is something i can learn from you there.


darn. just got another of those anonymous 1 ratings, drove Michaele and I from 7.1 to 6.7. Agree moderators need to take those behaviors into consideration. Reading their rating guidelines to contributors, my guess is they already do in their final selections of which essays go to the referees, adjust their perceptions regarding justified ratings accompanied by comments and penalize the backstabbers as well. Simple software to catch the outliers, tag the perps. Tho it doesn't compensate for the fact that higher rated essays get more attention.

Would help to have a more sophisticated fqxi search interface imo.


    I greatly value your unencumbered (with beliefs) thoughts. To recognise we're all 'heavily biased' goes far to overcome the cognitive dissonance plaguing advancement. Is dogma wrong? Yes! Is doctrine? most likely! All building needs foundations but the moment we forget they're provisional we're in a fatal rut.

    So to the model; 3yrs since showing Dr B's Red/Green Sock Trick 'Classic QM' works! It's overly compressed in this 100 second video but at least it's some pictures to help frame a new mental model. You should also go through the 8 point quick mechanism checklist a dozen posts up (though missing detail like elliptical polarity at the Pm channels etc).

    Did you see Declan Traill's supporting code & plot yet? You also need to refresh on the discrete field dynamics you've liked previously for which classic QM was just a falsification exercise. (It has vague links with your own 'causal sets' approach).

    But it needs all the help it can get to penetrate the dogma/doctrine! We have some, and once you've worked it through and overcome the trauma I hope you may collaborate. Are you familiar with Froher by the way? Gordon Watson is also on the right lines and includes a link.

    My respect for you was high has just increased, as has my score of your essay I dare say. Is that right? Well just a bit!

    Very best. Look forward to your questions and chatting more.



    Just lost the will to live. Spent an hour answering your questions and lost the post!

    Most answers, i.e. always LOCAL backgrounds but no 'absolute' one, are clear, consistent and in my prev essays from 2011 and/or archived here;, plus see also This 100 sec video glimpse inc all non-integer spins from 3 axis rotations.

    Then come back with probably a better ideal greatly reduced list.

    Just checked and I have yours down for a top score, not yet applied, so will do now. Hope you wish to do similar.

    Very best


    Hello again Peter,

    Thanks for your generous ranking.

    In tune with the comments above by Peter Cameron, the last day for the acceptance of Posts is full of mischief; a bit of a 'downer' you might say.

    Perhaps after all, relatively speaking, 'reductionism' is the name of the end game!

    I presume that this is not a rude awakening for the FQXi sponsors and that Peter C's 'guess' is correct. I am taking this to be so and rewarding him with my top ranking, not that he didn't earn it in his own 'write' anyway.

    You carry my best wishes, Peter. Just remember that it is the process rather than the goal that 'counts'. I still expect to see your name on the final list.



    Dear Peter,

    Thanks a lot for assessing my Essay The Mysterious "Fundamental" I feel honoured. I have gone through your essay twice and given it the best rating. I am amazed by the in-depth knowledge contained in it. However, I found it quite concentrated- this may have something to do with my academic background and the word limit. I have flagged it and would read it once again at leisure after making use of references.

    Best wishes for outstanding performance in this contest.

      Hi Peter...

      If the essay, as a finalist, would come across Gregory Chaitin's view, it might provide momentum for qualified reductionism.

      Gregory Chaitin was one of the other 4 panelist of the World Science Festival "Limits of Understanding", and if I read his body language correctly, he was dismayed at Mario Livio's pronouncement that "... we can not know what is fundamental.".

      In any case, may this contest clearly differentiate qualified reductionism from Don Palmer's, and others' expressed view of "pure reductionism".



      Sorry, but I only gave you a 9. It was a couple of days ago and I'd just scored Ed a 10, since he really is focusing on the issue of time, which has been my pet peeve. Space might be foundational, but that's like a flatline is more fundamental than a heart rhythm. If you want to know who I'm riffing off, give Tom Ray a good score. He deserves it. I really only entered to join the discussion and I think the most interesting one I had was with Christinel Stoica, where he was willing to present a fairly establishment position and still listen to my point of view. As it went on for 22 posts, it did get into detail. If you want to read it, it's on his thread, starting Feb 19.

      Good luck and good to see the outsiders doing so well.




        Rating your now. Certainly the star of the show fir fundamental advancement of understanding and I'm surprised how a number of the Academics have reacted (or not reactred!) Dogma rules it seems, here as much as anywhere. Also interesting how few seem to really understand QM. Shocking really.

        Very well done. I'll keep an eye on Classic QM.


          Dear Peter,

          Thank you for the interesting comments you gave my essay some time ago and I hope the comments I gave you will help. I would like to remind you that you said "I have yours down for a high score". I was 1-bombed kind of seriously in the last 24 hours by some people who didn't trust their arguments enough to present them, and this happened to others too. I think that to make the impact of the 1-bombs for those who want to climb in the last minute irrelevant, it is important to read as many essays as possible, and not forget to rate according to the fairest evaluation we can offer.

          Best regards,


          Dear Peter

          Thank you for your asking about CMB.... My Paper on CMB is available at

          CMB is nothing BUT star light, Galaxy-light and Light from Other inter stellar & Inter Galaxieal Objects in the Microwave region. CMB anisotropies and variations were were calculated and and discussed in the in the above paper given by the above link

          I request you please have a look at this paper and calculations..........

          Best Regards



            Shame you seemed to drop away at the end. Answers to your questions on my post.

            1. "How does your understanding of relative motion relate to the concept of background independence?" Not needed, always a LOCAL background, one of an infinite heirerchy. The LT is at Maxwells 'REAL' near far field 2 fluid plasma TZ, subject to J D Jackson/ Ewald-Oseen extinction distances.

            2. "'Of What' - relative motion of what?" Vortices all the way down (as up!)

            3. "Most Profound" SR. & has to properly account for.. nonlocality..." SR itself isn't profound, it's unifying it with QM with CSL that is. Seems you missed that non-locality has gone! Think harder; Alice & Bob can each get reverse results by rotating their dial!

            4. Motion - the notion that a particle requires 'spin' to exist is new to me. I should hope so! No such real thing as a 'function' just use a vector algorithm. spherical rotations on x,y,z, can produce any and ALL 'spins' inc non-integers. See the video and my recent post on Bolliger.

            5. OAM. Yes, Background independence not needed as c is localised by constant requantization. Forget all but AE (later) & Minkowski's 'spaces in motion within spaces'.

            6. Transition Zone. Great. Solves all the above and far more.

            7. QM. Simple; Use Earth; At any point on the surface there's 0-1 LINEAR rotational 'speed' but ALSO 1-0 ROTATIONAL rate (+1 -1 at poles). They change inversely by Cos Latitude (& 'through coloured', so at all radii). All interactions are at some Tan point, which dictates momentum exchange. See my last yrs essay figs.

            Helicity, Go back a few essays to; It from Bit; 'The Intelligent Bit'. Notional 'charges' on spinning sphere describe a helix when also translating, which will have some degree of helicity, which gives 2 inverse axis values when 'measured' by orthogonal polarizer channels. Occams razor rules! just needs familiarity.

            Give it a try; About 2/3rd-3/5ths of present theoretical assumptions are shown to include nonsense and just about all paradoxes and anomalies resolve. It's far to much for me to handle alone so pick any bit you like to collaborate on. As soon as we've had enough funerals we may even get advancement started again!

            Very Best



            Thanks. Yes, a little TO 'concentrated' for most it seems. I always tend to push the 10^22/cm^-3 max plasma (optical breakdown) density where communication breaks down (i.e. on shuttle re-entry).

            I've found we really do NEED better in depth knowledge than most have to unravel natures mysteries. Unfortunately most of Academia is still belief led so few see the need.

            My past work & essays will help, and do ask questions. Some videos here too;


            VIDEO Time Dependent Redshift etc.

            Video Classic QM Full;

            100 se glimpse.

            Very best



            Thanks anyway. Of course that's not actually a scoring criteria, but it seems few adhere to those anyway. Yes, I read & gave Toms a good score this year though it seems few others were impressed.

            And Christi gave me some good advice on dealing with the system to. Nothing really new, but it's always nice to have methodology focused when it's a 5 mile uphill battle! (that gets us to the bow shock, which resolves everything).

            Very best


            PS How do we explain Coulomb, Casimir, Dark energy, Impedence, Permittivity, pair production etc if the flat 'line' remains flat down at below observable scales!? You do know there's no such think as a 'line' or 'plane' with zero thickness don't you! I don't subscribe to the belief that if WE can't see something it means there's absolutely nothing there!


            Thanks for your support. Actually I wasn't to surprised at the unwillingness of most Academics to look, and inability of most to comprehend or fear of responding. As Classic QM really IS revolutionary few will easily overcome normal cognative dissonance and warm to it. It's the human condition.

            It's really up to me and collaborators to simplify it's explanation to allow it to be grasped more easily. Quite tricky when it's a long mechanism with a few unfamilar aspects. Not speculative, just unfamiliar or forgotten is enough.

            I saw the comment from Sabina that "advancement is unlikely to come from the academic community". Of course she's right at present but they're entirely at liberty to allow themselves to escape current dogma. One day perhaps.

            What worries me is our long reliance on calculators and symbol manipulations, dulling our ability for rational thought. I know you agree theoretical physics has been the only science not to advance since Feynman said 'it's to complicated' to understand..' All then seemed to give up! I hope we don't loose that ability.

            Really glad to see you and enough others to get my essay into the top 10 DID understand it. Thank you for that. Maybe there's hope yet!

            Very Best



            If the reference was to my debate over dimensionlessness, that was more logic, than physics, as in whether describing something as dimensionless is a useful abstraction, but overlooks the aspect of eliminating spatial dimensionality, then insisting space arises from the resulting geometry. Is geometry a mapping of space, or the platonic foundation of it? The old map versus territory debate.

            As for Dark Energy, I do go into that in my own essay. Since BBT uses spacetime to explain why space itself is expanding, yet overlooks that this means the speed of light is no longer Constant to the ruler of the cosmic frame, then possibly an optical explanation for redshift might be considered, given we are at the center of our point of view. Then if this effect was compounding on itself, that would explain the parabolic increase in the rate of redshift, out from our point of view, rather than the assumed sudden drop off and leveling out, from the edge of the universe position, that requires Dark Energy for explanation.

            My instinct suggests there is a cosmic convection cycle, with one side being expanding radiation and the other being coalescing wave lengths, aka gravity and mass as part of that spectrum. So Dark matter is more a function of mass being part of the gravitational spectrum, than gravity being a property of mass.

            Think that Einstein originally proposed the Cosmological Constant as a way to balance gravity collapsing space to a point. What if what Hubble found, with redshift, was actually evidence of that original CC?

            Consider it in terms of the rubber sheet and ball analogy for gravity. Logically, from Einstein's point of view, there would be no flat sheet, where there is no ball, as that would be assuming the absolute space he dismissed. So put the sheet over water, so that when the ball is placed on it, the sheet rises in the unweighted areas, equal to what it sinks in the weighted areas. That rise would be the analogy for the CC. Now consider that we measure this effect by light crossing it and redshifting, because the light is constantly expanding and we are only sampling the front of this expanding wave, not a particular photon traveling billions of years.

            Which does to the two papers I linked, Rieter's entry on the loading theory of light and Christov's paper on the redshifting of multi spectrum "packets," due to distance alone.

            So what you have, is an overall balance between light out and gravity in.

            Then compare this possibility to current theory, where every gap between theoretical prediction and measured evidence gets filled with some enormous new force of nature and no one mentions Popper, that possibly this should be considered a falsification of the theory, not evidence of invisible forces.

            It will be interesting to see how the judging goes, as assigning credence to entries like yours, or Edwin's, would raise foundational questions and I'm a bit too cynical to see that happening anytime soon. String theory and multiverses are much safer topics for the tribe.




            "..that was more logic, than physics," I think logic loosing out to calculators is what has stopped theoretical & comprehensional advancement! Feynman only said "shut up and..'use them'." when he said QM etc was "too complicated" to understand. So a provisional measure. I've now show it CAN be understood! A fundamental change! - but perhaps I'm to late and the skills have been lost.

            On cosmic redshift; Same skill shortage; I showed an 'absolutely simple' geometrical cause years ago; VIDEO Time Dependent Redshift

            Is man really to dumb to understand or 'believe' it? You tell me. The 'rubber sheet' analogy works fine as simply the dark energy density distribution around the condensed 'nodules' of (spin) energy we call 'matter'. However - that IS 'space' and it IS then anisotropic in energy density, just as a gas may be until the particles evaporate again. How is that at all crazy?

            I agree doctrine is largely nonsense, but as most other ideas are groping in the dark people are bound to cling onto something. With just a little light I've found a it all clicks into place very simply. No-ones found flaws, and my papers cite pages of consistent 'anomalies' resolved etc. But it's just too unexpected and unfamiliar for most to make the leap of faith.

            That's the human condition.(or please do tell me if it's ME going mad! lol)

            Very best



            Given the extent to which humanity seems to be spiraling into a vortex, objectivity seems a lost dream, but then vortices are physical processes and they have a reputation for tearing apart finely constructed structures. So it seems to be a case of sitting back and at least enjoying the ride.

            Underneath it all, my sense of spirituality is that there is only that one elemental being, so its fracturing itself into innumerable reflections, all bouncing against each other, creating company and entertainment. The price we pay to feel in the first place, is a lot of it is pain.




            That was an impressive paper, good work and I agree most of it. However it didn't contain the derivation of the underlying large scale CMB anisotropic patterns I referred to. Those are the background 'Helicity' in the 'whole sky' distribution, the 'dark' holes, and the overall 'linear' anisotropy; ie. analogously we seem to be towards one side of a 'river' of energy, so each side of us is different.

            These are important indicators of the inadequacy of our cosmological models (as well as all the smaller ones!) so must be fully explained in any proposed replacement model.or it'll just be ignored & dismissed.

            I have to say I also suggest no theory is complete without some indication of pre- 'BBT' conditions. (Not that I subscribe to a BB OR static universe).

            The anisotropies are complex and have confounded most all. There is only one model I know of which derives them, which I was involved with in 2012-13. It may be worth collaborating on an update. It starts with a method familiar at multiple smaller scales from nuclear tokamaks up, at stellar and most familiar at galactic scales. Please do study it carefully and revert if you see a flaw;

            Jackson, P.A. Minkowski, J.S. A Cyclic Model.. HJ/VOL36/HJ-36-6.pdf

            Very Best
