
Keep up the good work. I almost understood that comment! If redshift is simply explainable by the increasing orbital paths on the Shrodinger spherical (causal) wavefront) at the DFM would imply, then that element will be constant (if subject to refractive perturbations in between). Of course there would still be both red and blue shifts from recession and approach, as we find locally.

I'm pretty sure I gave you links to my paper & video deriving the related cyclic cosmology (a scaled up quasar jet distribution) and helical path expansion, but if not, here they are;

VIDEO Time Dependent Redshift

very best


Peter Jackson

My opinion is that Poitier (and others) made a terrible mistake 1880. I am sorry that you do not have a clear opinion on this point.

Best regards from ________________ John-Erik Persson


You may be right, but I said all I could on the blog. Sorry couldn't find anything to support 'infalling ether', only 'dragged frames'.

I found Lodges 'glass disc' path error rather more serious as it led to Lorentz dismissing Stokes model, bringing confusion and the need for SR. Had Lodge used the correct observer frame he'd have found the true (Poynting) vector and scientific advance wouldn't have 'parked up' for 100 years!

Ce'st la vie



Peter Jackson

Of course you could not find anything. Potier made an error 136 years ago, and it was not discovered that he made an error and it was instead Michelson that was right.

Regards _______________ John-Erik Persson

7 months later

Hi Peter Jackson.

You remember you talked about collaboration.... Did you think any further about it???


9 days later

Hi snp

I haven't as I'm buried under work and blogging. The DFM is very successful, but as always ANY departure from doctrine is near impossible to disseminate!

How good is your mathematics, i.e. finding Lagrangians etc.? I'm told a more mathematical approach might penetrate. Do yu recall my 'Law of the reducing middle' and extension of the rules of brackets? (All in the essays).


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