Besides our essay, you are another who happens to believe that there is consciousness level at the level of the cosmos.nature itself. When our thought processes have a gap, it is part of time open to cosmic consciousness to interact withindividual consciousness. Einstein attributed his unique ideas to come to him from outside his thinking processes. He was disciplined enough mind wise to note such ideas for implementation using the tools available to him, otherwise such ideas could disappear soon there after! Kindly visit our essay and comment most critically on our presentation there! Thanks
Mind & Consciousness Created by the Electromagnetic Forces by Dr.Narayan Kumar Bhadra
Dear Dr. Narayan
If you are looking for another essay to read and rate in the final days of the contest, will you consider mine please?
A couple of days in and semblance of my essay taking form, however the house bound inactivity was wearing me. I had just the remedy, so took off for a solo sail across the bay. In the lea of cove, I had underestimated the open water wind strengths. My sail area overpowered. Ordinarily I would have reduced sail, but this day I felt differently. My contemplations were on the forces of nature, and I was ventured seaward increasingly amongst them. As the wind and the waves rose, my boat came under strain, but I was exhilarated. All the while I considered, how might I communicate the role of natural forces in understanding of the world around us. For they are surely it's central theme.
Beyond my essay's introduction, I place a microscope on the subjects of universal complexity and natural forces. I do so within context that clock operation is driven by Quantum Mechanical forces (atomic and photonic), while clocks also serve measure of General Relativity's effects (spacetime, time dilation). In this respect clocks can be said to possess a split personality, giving them the distinction that they are simultaneously a study in QM, while GR is a study of clocks. The situation stands whereby we have two fundamental theories of the world, but just one world. And we have a singular device which serves study of both those fundamental theories. Two fundamental theories, but one device? Please join me in questioning this circumstance?
My essay goes on to identify natural forces in their universal roles, how they motivate the building of and maintaining complex universal structures and processes. When we look at how star fusion processes sit within a "narrow range of sensitivity" that stars are neither led to explode nor collapse under gravity. We think how lucky we are that the universe is just so. We can also count our lucky stars that the fusion process that marks the birth of a star, also leads to an eruption of photons from its surface. for if they didn't then nebula gas accumulation wouldn't be halted and the star would again be led to collapse.
Could a natural organisation principle have been responsible for fine tuning universal systems? Faced with how lucky we appear to have been, shouldn't we consider this possibility?
For our luck surely didnt run out there, for these photons stream down on earth, liquifying oceans which drive geochemical processes that we "life" are reliant upon. The Earth is made up of elements that possess the chemical potentials that life is entirely dependent upon. Those chemical potentials are not expressed in the absence of water solvency. So again, how amazingly fortunate we are that these chemical potentials exist in the first instance, and additionally within an environment of abundant water solvency such as Earth, able to express these potentials.
My essay is an attempt at something audacious. It questions the fundamental nature of the interaction between space and matter Guv = Tuv, and hypothesizes the equality between space curvature and atomic forces is due to common process. Space gives up an energy potential in exchange for atomic forces in a conversion process, which drives atomic activity. And furthermore, that Baryons only exist because this energy potential of space exists, and is available for exploitation. Baryon characteristics and behaviours, complexity of structure and process might then be explained in terms of being evolved and optimised for this purpose and existence. Removing need for so many layers of extraordinary luck to eventuate our own existence. It attempts an interpretation of the above mentioned stellar processes within these terms, but also extends much further. It shines a light on molecular structure that binds matter together, as potentially being an evolved agency that enhances rigidity and therefor persistence of universal system. We then turn a questioning mind towards Earths unlikely geochemical processes, (for which we living things owe so much) and look at its central theme and propensity for molecular rock forming processes. The existence of chemical potentials and their diverse range of molecular bond forming activities? The abundance of water solvent on Earth, for which many geochemical rock forming processes could not be expressed without? The question of a watery Earth? is then implicated as being part of an evolved system that arose for purpose and reason, alongside the same reason and purpose that molecular bonds and chemical process arose.
By identifying process whereby atomic forces draw a potential from space, we have identified means for their perpetual action, and their ability to deliver perpetual work. Forces drive clocks and clock activity is shown by GR to dilate. My essay details the principle of force dilation and applies it to a universal mystery. My essay raises the possibility, that nature in possession of a natural energy potential, will spontaneously generate a circumstance of Darwinian emergence. It did so on Earth, and perhaps it did so within a wider scope. We learnt how biology generates intricate structure and complexity, and now we learn how it might apply for intricate structure and complexity within universal physical systems.
To steal a phrase from my essay "A world product of evolved optimization".
Best of luck for the conclusion of the contest
Kind regards
Steven Andresen
Darwinian Universal Fundamental Origin
Dear Dr. Narayan
I have read your article that is very interesting for me.
The consensus arises from the fact that humans do not fully understand or agree upon the nature of knowledge or ontology.
I think that consensus might arise from some strange space that people may never understand. It means that matter including elementary particles was created by consensus or under control as well as governing all things in the Universe. Roughly speaking, consensus might be a fundamental reality as well as even atoms and molecules have their consensus through which interacting all things in the Universe without dependence on a distance. This idea would lead us to think very general extraordinary interaction and space, which people heard to understand.
Dear Dr. Narayan,
Having read your research article, I will tell you that I am taking time to reflect on what I have just read.
I am blown away by the idea that atoms make choices. As a astrophysicist, I noticed that behaviour in a couple of papers (earlier 2014) in the called "cosmic-string", a filamentary structure have been invoked in scenarios for galaxy form.
Galaxy filaments really exits, see the video from European Southern Observatory:
The part of you article Comparison between Robot Brain and Human Brain is really outstanding.
Your experiments incite debate and stimulate though. You present data from an unconventional perspective.
I am looking forward to reading your next article.
Consciousness is considered as a fundamental property of the universe in quantum theories of consciousness. We consider our physical universe as appeared by the phase-like transition of the energy waves, unfolded from 10 dimensions. The human brain and its mental aspects are associated with classical brain physiology and are also part of a quantum physical universe. We consider the whole universe being multi-dimensional, of (4 + D)-dimensional Friedmann-Robertson-Walker-type (FRW), with complex scale factor "R + i RI", where "R" is the scale factor corresponding to the usual 4-dimensional universe, and "i RI" is that of D-dimensional space-time. It is found that for D = 6 (i.e. in 10 dimensions), the Wheeler-DeWitt equation is symmetric under the exchange RI 竊" R. Mathematically, when D = 6, it is RI = R and the physical universe starts. The universe starts with the symmetry breaking of group SU(11). We assume that the extra-dimensions "D" are associated with a mental-consciousness or that of the individual mind-consciousness is (partly) an expression of a universal mind-consciousness through holonomic communication with quantum fields. "Consciousness" is created by the electromagnetic force in the framework of SU(6) 雞エU(1), whereas "mind" is created by the framework of SU(2) 雞エ U(1). The human brain is conceived as an interfacing organ that not only produces mind and consciousness, but also receives information. The brain or parts of it are conceived as an "interference hologram" of incoming data and already existing ones (a "personal universe"), equivalent to the subject's memory. If properly analyzed, information about the outer world can be distilled, with the analyzer being cerebral electrophysiology.
Key Words: Mind, Consciuosness, Electromagnetic Force, Universe, Group Theory, Extra Dimensions & Mathematical Modelling.
Quantum physics indicates that consciousness is related to the awareness that an electron appears to show in the wave/particle duality; but the electron behaves differently when being observed by a human. This may indicate that the electron will change its behaviour/reality depending on whether or not is observed, as if it would aware that is being observed. This awareness is very similar (if not the same) as human awareness and may be related to the same consciousness. Thus consciousness seems to work silently for the formation of our universe and then behaves like entanglement.
Consciousness may be, therefore, a non-material entity capable of independent, eternal existence, and not a property, but in some sense may be used as property. It can remain localized in the human brain and interact with it, and thereby, control the activities of the human body.
Whenever the electron's wave function collapses, experiences as the OBE (Out of Body Experience) (Figure 4) and NDE (Near Death Experience) end, the person returns to their physical body and her/his perception of reality is similar to the collapsing of the wave function in the double slit experiment in quantum physics [21-23]. During OBE and NDE, consciousness can leave the brain and go into an independent floating existence outside the human body where it can travel independent of space-time, similar to the entangled electron.
How does the "I" or "self" or the perceived wholeness of one's world emerge from a system consisting of so many parts, billions of neurons? What creates the "oneness" of thought processes? What creates the individuality and "self"? What creates feelings, free will, and creativity?
A possible solution is by considering a complete total body as an entity with the combination of two different characters of electromagnetic wave functions produced in two different phases by the symmetry breaking of SU(11) and SU(5).
We study with a new conception beyond the standard model physics and about the formation of biological molecules/atoms. Our physical universe appeared by a continuous symmetry breaking of the new energy sources from 'Big Rip' Singularity[i.e. when space-time(here we consider the square of the Einstein's real space & time of the physical unfolded universe i.e., -R2)is infinity in another phase] to the "Super Unified Gaussian Energy Group SU(11)"(that means considering the Revised Standard Model of Physics) then GUT the "Unified Gaussian Energy Group SU(5)"[i.e., the present Standard Model of Physics], i.e. in a "Particular Physical Universe" (called a narrower universe) [there may be created several type of particular " Physical Universe" in the ocean(filled with new energy sources explained details in my previous articles) of the wider universe which infinitely largest].These class of symmetry group starting from Big-Rip singularity where energy pressure and density exists[it was shown in my article "The Complex Quantum and Classical Pseudo-Tachyonic Universe", IOSR Journal of Mathematics (IOSR-JM) e-ISSN: 2278-5728,p-ISSN: 2319-765X, Volume 8, Issue 3 (Sep. - Oct. 2013), PP 15-32] and can be expressed mathematically(by using lie-algebra) as SU(5) пѓ‰ SU (3) п‚ґ SU( 2) п‚ґ U(1); SU(11) пѓ‰ SU (5) п‚ґ SU( 6) п‚ґ U(1); SU (23) пѓ‰ SU (12) п‚ґ SU (11) п‚ґU (1); SU (47) пѓ‰ SU(24) п‚ґ SU (23) п‚ґ U (1); on.
Thus we assumed that our physical universe appeared by the continuous phase-like transition creating several new energies(compared as like Gas-Vapor-Liquid states) and actually unfolded with the symmetry breaking of the Super Unified Gaussian Energy Group SU(11) [пѓ‰ SU (6) п‚ґ SU( 5) п‚ґ U(1)]leaving with new energy sources SU(6), called latent energy groups as explained details in my previous articles, and SU(5) [пѓ‰ SU (3) п‚ґ SU( 2) п‚ґ U(1)], the Gaussian Unified Energy group (GUT) and the electrodynamics U(1), which are inevitable arises particles that have the characteristics of a magnetic monopole. Monopoles are highly stable particles and once created they are not destructible. And so they would survive as relics to the present epoch.
Again our all experiments and measurements or truths/believes are mainly on the basis of "Standard Model of Physics" or "General Relativity Theory" that means any calculation or experiments made on the basis of matter universe(i.e., 4-dimensional universe where so called space-time-matter exists, although it is called real that means only for a particular purpose that counting for a complete matter body like physical universes, cluster, galaxies, stars, humans, lives, trees,...etc.) formed by the Unified Gaussian Energy Group SU(5), we called it's a narrower universe i.e., a particular physical universe where expansion and contraction both may be occurred simultaneously within the speed of light for a particular observer and hence Lorentz transformation, Time dilation,.....etc. Violations may be occurred when we go beyond the "Standard Model of Physics" of SU(5) to the "Revised Standard Model of Physics" i.e., SU(11), thus outside the physical universe, in the case of the "Wider Universe" where the energy particles were found in another phase. We illustrate the scenario with an example that when water decomposed into Hydrogen and Oxygen, the character of water are far different from the characters of hydrogen and oxygen.
Again, it was considered that the human brain and its mental aspects are associated with classical brain physiology and are also part of a quantum physical universe. The human brain conceived as an interfacing organ that not only produces mind and consciousness but also receives information. The brain or its parts of the brain are conceived as an interference hologram of incoming data and already existing data which equivalent to the subject's memory.
Thus our consciousness or intelligence is a part of the universal consciousness or intelligence.
The animate and inanimate bodies are developed or expanded in the similar manner. The physical universe expanded from so called Big-Bang singularity scheduled by the conscious energy groups SU(12), SU(6),.....etc. but the situations created slowly after the symmetry breaking of SU(23), then SU(11)........etc. then by rapidly unfolded matter energies by the symmetry breaking of the Unified Gaussian Group SU(5) by exchanging the bosons of the latent energy group of SU(6) into the bosons of SU(5) in the theory of the Super Unified Gaussian Group SU(11) and then Jk-bosons of conscious energies SU(6) are therefore tightly binding the quark-likes particles and then gradually formed protons-likes, neutron-likes,....etc. quasi-particles having masses may have been five times that of the usual protons, neutrons,....etc or having much more new unknown particles (which are very much medical relevance for better and critical treatments) created other than Hadrons, Hyperons, Nucleons,...etc. of SU(5) and after then those unknown particles may gradually
increasing their strengths like as increasing the atomic numbers of usual matter atoms and hence we may found heavy bio-molecular living matter atoms etc. and then created multiple bio-molecular cells combining with nonliving matter atoms. Thus living matters always created by the energies of the group of SU(6) together with all other atoms/elements/compound elements/mainly covalence-compounds....etc. which was formed only after the symmetry breaking of the nonliving matter energy groups of SU(5) as, encountered in condensed matter physics, e.g., in the description of the conduction electron sea, excitons, magnons, polarons, polaritons, etc. (Ashcroft & Mermin, 1976). This is very important in view of the potential importance of quantum effects in biology and in consciousness where not only are systems of many particles considered, but they function at high temperatures compared to those typically encountered in quantum physics then so called various kind of complex living cell bodies.
It should right that the actual real time measurement or calculation counting from the symmetry breaking of the Super Unified Energy Group SU(11) instead of the symmetry breaking of the Unified Energy Group (GUT) of SU(5). For lives, the real time was measured in two halves first from the fertilization by their parents(actual counting of time started) and second from the birth till to the death, although for our age(time) calculations, we ignore the first half similarly for the real time calculations of our physical universe we ignore the first half that means from the symmetry breaking of SU(11)up to the next symmetry breaking of SU(5)[although material substances created by the Unified Gaussian Group SU(5) by the directions of SU(6) with a suitable situations when it is possible to create bio-molecules that means all then chemical elements created from hydrogen, nitrogen, carbon,...etc. and with heavier elements or compound elements created by the quarks were tightly binding with gluons etc. of SU(5), and thus inanimate particles are then ready for the creation of the animates particles that means the situation when we consider to produce biological molecules or other units like single live cell then gradually multiple cells with DNA/RNA pairs, chromosome pairs,....etc. where most of the organic compounds in which are mainly constructed by the co-valence compounds or compositions or constituted like polymers which are also tightly binding by theJk-bosons(latently)[details ofJk-bosons explained in my previous articles] of SU(6) and creating strong electromagnetic forces[in theory of SU(11) where the latent energy group of SU(6) are created so strong forces relatively the weak forces of SU(5)] (that means in comparison to the chemical elements or compounds elements of atoms/molecules etc. which are constructed by the quarks binding with gluons ....etc. are weaker than some of the unknown new particles formed by the quarks-likes binding withJk-bosons) or creating a strong current SU(6) in the frame-work of SU(6) п‚ґ U(1) like the weak force SU(2) created a weak current in the frame-work of SU(2) п‚ґ U(1) are ready to dynamical situations within the living matters or cells or lives. Our physical universe expanded up to Big-Break singularity like by the directional commands with the energy group SU(6)[by exchanging 30-number of bosons of SU(6) into the 30-number of bosons of SU(5) or vice-versa by exchanging the J-bosons of SU(11)] created like so called consciousness together with all other leaving new energy sources SU(12), SU(24),.....etc. Thus we may be assumed that consciousness is not only in animates but also for inanimate (where quarks are tightly binding by the gluons forming protons, neutrons, electrons,.... etc. for nonliving matters) for which unfolded in a suitable situations like earth(where quark-like particles are tightly binding by theJk-bosons of SU(6) for living matters) and the created residue unknown new particles other than usual particles (that means as like protons, neutrons, electrons,.....etc. which are formed by quarks with gluons) are always remained within the living and nonliving elements or compound elements or covalence compounds or polymers.....etc. as quantum gravity and everywhere which are called as vacant spaces within our universe. The above mentioned processes are always occurred continuously in the wider universe which is infinitely larges with other new energy sources. Hence in quantum theories of consciousness, it is suggested that consciousness is a fundamental property of the universe.
Energies of SU(6) created quantum gravity as well as gravitational forces which are required for the formation of a complete body with definite shape for living and nonliving matter bodies, like stars with its planets,.... etc. and living bodies with its parts,.... etc. and then so called vacant spaces are properly filled with the strong new forces of SU(6) around us and also formed like living cells with organic and inorganic elements or compounds.... etc. mainly constructed by the chemical co-valence compounds (carbon based like in earth, another planet may be silicon based etc., because carbon and silicon belongs to the same group in our periodic table) that means which are more flexible for creating several angled atomic bonds other than rigid crystal-likes and then it is bindings with cells may operated more easily than other rigid or crystal solid bodies of elements/compound elements and hence formed as biological cells by creating with polymerizations etc. and hence then cell-divisions etc. Within the biological cells SU(6) combining with all other
several elements or compound elements with different ions which are created more different waves but coherently emerging as a single wave or wave functions. Thus in the bio-molecules/atoms etc. where all material parts created by the elements/atoms of the Unified Gaussian Energy Group (GUT) of SU(5) delivering behaviors like intelligence, consciousness, mind, emotions,.... etc. with the combinations of the new energy sources of SU(6),....etc. and also created an electromagnetic force or current within the brain cells i.e., microtubules by the latent energy group SU(6) creating an electromagnetic strong force in the framework of SU(6) п‚ґ U(1) with producing new unknown particles in the living mode or nonliving mode.Thus for living bodies through ion channel constituted a flow of current throughout the body carrying with charges of free electron-likes etc. and also may be similar for the case in the universe where stars atmosphere like as brain cell......etc.(taking as centre point) always controlled the whole system for example our solar system etc. The created amount of material substances by SU(5)changing by the bosons of SU(6) are always fixed for a particular nonliving/living developing bodies and hence for expansive universe or for its parts of the system till for the compilation or stable shaped. Similarly, after a certain or fixed time (age) our living bodies started like contraction. Thus, always maintaining a common system like for universe /cluster/galaxy/star/planet/animal/.....etc. those are all controlled mainly by the same energy sources of SU(6), then by others like SU(12),SU(24),.....etc. with the combination of the strong force SU(3), weak force SU(2), & electrodynamics U(1) of SU(5).
According to the laws of thermodynamic, matter energy of our physical universe i.e Einstein's Space-Time & Matter obviously created from something instead of nothing, i.e obviously it will maintain the conservation law of energy without of the Einstein's constant.
According to the Einstein's GRT, real time can't defined outside the gravitating sphere.
I therefore considered, that our wider universe having two divisions locally & nonlocally. For mathematical solutions considering a Complex Space-Time i.e having two parts like real part & imaginary Space-Time(imaginary means universe belonged then other phase), then applying tensor calculus, solving found three type of energy tensors instead of two type tensors of GRT or Friedmann equations where we considering two are usually as before as of negative pressure & matter energy density but I considered the third tensor representing the latent energy density. The present dissertation of fifth force which now confirmed by Fermi-Lab and others experimental laboratories. An interesting result found after solving my new considering energy tensor equation that our physical matter universe actually unfolded with 10-dimensional Space-Time instead of 4-dimensions where (10-7)-dimensional flat Space-Time, which is similar to String-Theory or Super Symmetry Theory. Another way,
I then considered an extension laws of Standard Model of Physics by using of Lie Algebra i.e. introduced a new GUT theory called SUT (Super Unified Theory) of Gaussian Unified theory SU(11) instead of GUT of SU(5), the symmetry breaking of SU(11) found a new energy source of SU(6), other is GUT of SU(5) & U(1) where the new energy group SU(6) playing an important role for everything.
After considering the material or so called physical universe as real and it appears by a system of phase-like transition similar as state appears through Gas-Vapour-Liquid stages, we found an stage of dark matter appeared after symmetry breaking of SUT of SU(11) where the energy force created by SU(6) changes the exotic matter fluids into ordinary matter otherwise SU(6) are responsible for another symmetry breaking of GUT of SU(5), responsible for Quantum Entanglement, this energy force are Quark-Type but Lepton-Like are tightly binding formed lumps of matter or softmatter for the creation of Bio-Elements etc. i.e this force are responsible for the creation of animate & inanimate. SU(6) creates a new kind of electromagnetic force in the framework of SU(6) × U(1) with Quantum Gravity, it carries Quantum Information thus creates Local Consciousness as well as we introduced a series of new energy sources by using mathematical laws of Lie Algebra as SU(12), SU(24),......., all are in the type of weak force SU(2) of SM but carries nonlocal information and created nonlocal Consciousness. SU(6) principally like weak force but its strength gradually increases as we go from local to nonlocal or towards matter state to nonmatter.